AT: I’m holding on to you…let’s succeed together today xx
This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by TripleT 8 years ago.
Day 8 – Montreal – NFD
Yesterday (FD) went well, the shrimp curry I made with the cauliflower rice -200 cal/ portion (skinnytaste)was so delicious I’m really looking forward to my next FD!
My uniform at work was less ‘snug’ and my energy levels were normal. I ate a rice cake at 3am (I work nights) as I had a slight headache and it went away.
I jumped on the scales this morning feeling confident only to see a higher number than two days ago 🤔, moved them to a different part of the bathroom and got 84.1 which I was happier with, but am going to have to investigate!
0ff to the dentist for a crown then will celebrate with a late breakfast.
Day 7 – NFD – Toronto
Day 8 (today) – FD – Toronto
So after my last post on Day 6 (FD) where I said I was happy with FD, my darling hubby grilled some delicious italian sausage and ohh the divine smell of grilled meat made me eat half a sausage before my self-control kicked in. Alas, I ended that FD at about 680 calories which I know is way above 500 cal but instead of sabotaging it all I decided to just push forwards – upwards and onwards!
However, as someone else mentioned, I notice that my first FD of the week brings me back (a reset) to my weight at the end of the second FD of the prior week and then I lose further weight after the second FD of the week (today). I weighed myself after my failed FD and was happy to see I had reset as usual. The test will be to see if I lose weight when I weigh in after my FD today. Fingers crossed!
I know perfection is ideal for weightloss but since I want this to a WOL I am not going to berate myself about a slip up this week. Furthermore, I think some kindness towards oneself always goes far. Finally, I did give husband an earful about the cruelty of grilling meat when he knows his wife has finished the last bit of her 500 cals for the day :p
Meals today (half consumed as I write) – green tea, shrimp, asparagus, small cup of coffee with a splash of cream, half an orange and pan fried salmon with a teeny bit of rice for dinner (total 507 calories)
@lindamaria hello to a fellow Torontonian! You got it right about the way the fast works – thank goodness that half of it is done in our sleep so it really does just feel like a fast during your awake hours which for most of us is likely 16-ish hours. I am with you on needing a bite at lunch. I usually have a green tea for breakfast which has 0 cals but gives me the boost I need and try to stave off lunch as long as possible (but it’s usually consumed between 11:30 and 1). I find having a light lunch (a soup or just seafood and green veggies) is best as it doesn’t lull me to sleep like a denser small meal hitting my empty stomach mid-day. Some people do fast for the entire 36 period but I am not able to do that. I find more joy in dinner, especially during the cold winter months, so try to save more of my 500 calories for the evening meal. The key though is to do what works for you and like I said before, I find it makes all the difference to plan what you’re eating in advance so you’re not stuck in a situation of enjoying a meal and then realizing it sabotaged your fast day. Also, avoid partners grilling delicious meats 😉
I’d love to hear from people who exercise on their fast days. I run once a week (short run, don’t have a runner’s tall/lean build) and weight train 3 times a week (my fave!). I find after weight training that I want to eat all-of-the-things, true story I once ate 7 grilled chicken drumsticks after a sweat-sesh and wondered who ate them all!! (me!) After running I’m usually not hungry and actually find that any hunger I felt pre-running has disappeared! So I’m curious to try a HIIT session on a treadmill and would love to hear from someone who is currently doing one about how they structure it.
Peace and love x
Strawberries and cream,
This book which has enlightened you sounds excellent. I am also a ‘all or nothing person’ but I have high tolerance levels of others(well to be honest, not always my hubby)My daughter sounds just like you and I can tell you that it not only makes her miserable but everyone in the family and her work miserable. I have tried discussing this with her but she shuts me down. As far as she is concerned it’s everyone else’s problem if they are not super efficient 100% of the time. I think I will order her that book. Everyone will benefit if she finally accepts that her problems should not become ours. She does at least do Yoga and lots of gym work to deal with anxiety and burn off some frustration. If she didn’t do this I think she would have a nervous’s also very damaging to her personal friendships, if friends let her down repeatedly she cuts them off for good, so sad.
Day 8 | FD | Bucks UK
@lilymartin thanks, my friends and I have talked about meeting every week and power walk weather permitting. However I know that it will end in a chat-fest.
Today is my second FD of the week, it’s a little strained from lack of sleep this week (like many others in the group) and I’ve got home from work and have a headache.
Hi All,
Sitting here bored, killing time before a flight.
You can do HIIT with any workout even walking. I do 3 minutes fast walk then 6 minutes normal( no slow though). You can do it on flights of stairs, run up and down 3 times then walk up and down 6 times, but use the rail for safety. I have even used a trampet and skipping rope, skipping very challenging, be warned! Today I will do some walking around the airport. Have fun!
In fact I am setting a challenge
Where is the most unusual place you have done HIIT or What is the most unusual type of HIIT you have done(Keep it clean Guys)
P.S. Talking or eating fast does not count, if it did I win Ha Ha
Hi @jojo58 – we do HIIT as part of our AquaGym class. It gets a bit splashy!
Day 9 NZ FD
Much cooler here today. I am going to have a successful FD. This is my mantra for today.Shortly I am going to make some Allotment Soup a recipe from the Fastdiet Recipe Book. One way to get all of the veges and nutrients into my body. (should also help aleviate constipation! Good fasting everyone.
I had it in my mind to do a complete water fast today but it was difficult with all the binging on carbs I did last week and Monday. BUT!!! I am going to highlight the good I did. I ate a normal portion of
1. salad (celery, parsley, green onion and cucumber). I added some
2. nutritional yeast (good source of natural B vitamins or so I have read)
3. 3 tablespoon psyllium husk (for good bowel movement 🙂 )
4. 2 hardboiled eggs
5. 1 whole avocado (for good fat)
6. 1/4 cup lemon juice
7. 3 tablespoons of Braggs Vinaigrette dressing.
and that will do me for today. I just watched youtube video and it cited that our ancestors ate up to 100grams of fiber!!!
I think I am going to have to do the 23/1 one meal a day for a week until I get back on track and then try to incorporate a complete water fast day one day of the week.
Also – I know this is so elementary and something that I knew as a whisper but something I feel like I need to write it down and say outloud.
Eating carbs – breads, pasta, cookies, crackers and processed foods make me feel so bad. After I eat that stuff, I feel tired and have no energy to do anything but want to eat more. It’s going to be tough to break this habit as it is such an ingrained habit and desire for me. But I have tools and knowledge I am gaining that will help me and I will be able change my taste preference
I loved the quote someone put on here, I can’t remember word for word
but the idea of saying no to yourself can be kind. It reminded of me of how I need to say no to my kids at times because indulging them is not a service to them. I know this and I am making the connection to myself. I need to parent myself and say no and know that it is coming from a place of love rather than punishment. That denying myself of treats/processed foods comes from the love of myself to be more healthy, to give myself practice of controlling my impulses, to love myself enough to delay and work for gratifications.
I hope all of you are doing well wherever you are and however this finds you.
Day 8 – Canada – NFD
Today and yesterday were diabolical disasters for me. Both days didn’t fit in with my WOL in any way, shape or form. I don’t know how or why it happened but once I stepped onto the slippery slope I couldn’t stop myself. I was out of town for awhile today and in spite of having a very 5:2 conscious breakfast, I then had a muffin, (which I never eat), some chocolate, lots of cookies, a banana, cheese and crackers…… oh dear. I heard this saying once – “if you fail to plan, then plan to fail”. How true.
I’m not giving up though and tomorrow will be a FD. I have bone broth in the fridge, lots of salad fixings, tea and tap water. No excuse. I will stop myself from stepping on the scale’s tomorrow and even perhaps the following day.
Day 8 – NFD – Sydney
Day 9 – FD
I’ve been feeling pretty gross all week – too hot, not enough sleep, and who knows what else.
But today I’m feeling much better about life in general now that the weather has gone down to more comfortable temperatures and I’ve been sleeping better.
I’m exited for my second fast day this week. Going to stick with it, even though I’m meeting up with two friends for various things today – will stick to tea and coffee, methinks.
Day 8/ U.K./ NFD
Was ok yesterday until late evening. Should have just gone to bed, but the siren call came and that was it. Banana, oatcakes and cheese. Not up to tdee but not 500 calories.
Don’t know if I will get another chance this week. Maybe Friday. This cold weather just makes me want carbs. Grrrrr.
Day 9, Dunsborough, Western Australia, FD
For those using MFP to track calories and want to turn off the exercise calories that are added to the daily calorie counter, go to
ooo More. at the bottom right hand corner
Steps >
Don’t track steps
Presto! It’s pretty obvious now that I’ve found it!
I’m on 464 calories for my FDs now with BMI of 25.6. That BMI takes forever to shift. My initial goal is to get to a straight 25, then ultimately 22 which is at the lower end of the BMI scale without being OTT skinny.
Thanks so much for the recent posts (sorry, I didn’t make a note of who wrote) about maintenance being much the same as the basic 5:2 but a bit more relaxed. I definitely don’t want maintenance to be a constant struggle, and think this is doable long term, or at least until I get my portion sizes under control.
My version of a treat these days is a bowl of full fat Greek yoghurt with blueberries and crushed almonds. How times have changed.
Happy fasting you amazing people.
@adf12kgless if there’s one thing I have definitely learned by this (besides the fact that I’m more addicted to salt than sugar) is how often I was “treating” my kids with food. The “who wants a cup of ice cream because you are all your dinner” or the “if you’re good at the grocery store I’ll let you live and you can choose some cookies”. I think this is how I was brought up though, you do something well, here’s a treat. I need better incentives like, you can sleep in the house tonight, or I won’t make you clean the cat box. Hehe. I’ve also started to incorporate my kids in Dinner time help again. On a given night, 14yr old will Watch the items on the stove, while my 10 year old sets the table and gets drinks, and my three year old has become quite the asparagus end snapper-offer. Sometimes I am so tempted to create YouTube videos on how to incorporate kids into dinner time since my children are such a wide age apart. I think the only thing that holds me back is the fact that my kitchen is very blah. Haha!!
By the way, my husband sent me a picture today that said “don’t worry laundry no one’s doing me either ” I got quite the chuckle from that after my laundry never lets me down statement 🙂
@onahealthyhigh – I totally agree that carbs are not the enemy and there are healthy carbs. but for some reason, I can always over eat and go on binders with carbs. Never with anything else. For me, it is more the refined carbs, breads, pasta, cookies, crackers…etc. I don’t want to demonize sweets and bread – I just am noticing as I get older, my tolerance for those get lower and lower and I do get “carb hangovers”.
@mamacat – Absolutely! I love the idea of coming up with better incentives. I have been doing more cooking together with my girls. It is difficult during the week but on occasion, they pick out recipes out of a whole vegetarian meal book and we have cooked together. That was a lot of fun.
It is evening time here and I am done eating for today. It was not bad at all. and I am going to give myself a treat and take a bath and relax. that would be a great gift to myself.
Sharing my NFD salmon supper recipe — very low carb, for those who might be looking for a different salmon recipe. I found this when on the South Beach Diet. I add fresh mushroom slices and grated Parmesan cheese to the spinach mixture. So I probably add 30-50 more calories than what it says for this (332.8). I also bake it longer, more like 20-30 minutes.
Day 9 possible FD country West Australia
Yesterday’s FD went well. Usually does when I’m at work as I rarely get a lunch break and morning and afternoon tea don’t bother me. I usually just have a hot drink or 3. Asian salad for dinner under 300 calories so happy with that.
Am on to black tea atm. We ran out of milk and I didn’t have time to shop before 6.00 pm so no milk until someone goes into town. The joys of rural living …
I don’t cut out any food group. I eat carbs, bit of sugar in cake or the odd biscuit and definitely chocolate. I am just VERY careful with the amount of that stuff I eat.
I was brought up to ‘ breakfast like a king, lunch like a lord, dine like a pauper’. That’s the way I still prefer to eat.
It isn’t usually a problem to skip breakfast on FDs except for my compulsory fresh orange (which I start the day with).
I spoke with a colleague yesterday about 5:2 as she commented on my weight loss.
She started doing 5:2 about 3 years ago and lost weight but has put all the weight plus some more back on. When she asked how I was managing it I said my willpower muscle is getting a real workout and it really is a mindset and change of thinking.
My colleague then said she wasn’t keen on the FDs and they were too difficult to keep up. I usually ( but not always!!) don’t mind the FDs because if I don’t eat then my insulin levels are not ramped up and I don’t feel hungry .
As 5:2 as a WOL I am looking forward to seeing how I am and where we all are as a group end of December 2017.
@granny2ten hope you recover soon. The loss of an eye sounds drastic.
Day 9 – Tokyo Japan – NFD
Didn’t weigh myself yet today. Even though this is my second NFD I still have some ketones, ~1.25 mmol/l in urine. Clearly the idea that ketosis is stopped quickly isn’t really true. It seems to slowly ramp up and ramp down. I’m much less inclined now to believe that eating some on FD has a large impact. While it probably does slow things down a bit, it probably isn’t that much worse than overeating on the first NFD which is what I tend to do.
Now I do avoid sugar and push fiber a bit but I don’t really avoid carbs. I don’t care for breads much but I do eat rice and noodles. My diet might be slightly ketogenic but not enough to maintain ketosis. It is clear that the fasting greatly amplifies lipolysis causing the production of ketones.
Anyway, I plan on doing a better job of recording what is going on next week. I also have a blood glucose meter now, I just have to work up the courage to start pricking my fingers.
Day 9 – Perth AUS – FD
2nd fast day. Didn’t wake up hungry, so I’m with you @goldensun! Find it better to sip fluids (tea, bonox and water) during the day and just eat one meal – dinner. When I eat during the day, no matter how small a morsel, it seems to awaken the stomach grumbles 🙂 A bit embarrassing in the middle of a meeting!
Hope I get this right!
Pocket fasters (Wed to Fri)
Second post –
Hello all. Had a simply great fasting day. My fourth in a row (eating one low cal meal at 7 or so each night and nothing else until 7 the next night). I feel great, made a HUGE salad with lots of yummy veggies, topped with red wine pomegranate vinegar (I never ruin a good salad with a bad dressing). Couldn’t eat it all, feel stuffed. Crazy, huh? Already got in my exercise, do it right after I come home from work and change into comfy clothes.
Ready for the hot bubble bath and a couple chapters of a good book. Used to have a glass of wine each night but don’t seem to want that anymore. I do eat a lot of red grapes to get the benefit, however.
Wishing all a healthy day or night, depending on your locale.
I wrote down a lot of terms today to look up and see what they mean – I love the international flavor of this board. Good for the body and the brain.
Day 8. U.S.
F.D, although not planned that way. I forgot my lunch at home and didn’t get home until late.
It feels so good not to be stuffed into my clothes. They aren’t falling off, but they’re comfortable. In a few more weeks I will probably have the courage to weight myself. I guess I’m burying y head in the sand. I just didn’t want to know how high my weight went, because I’m quite sure it went higher than ever before due to a year of stress eating.
Day 8, Oceanside CA USA, NFD
My NFD’s are controlled. More than 600 calories but well within TDEE. Eating less feels so good. Reward in calm demeanor, energy and maybe a pound a week.
Don’t get caught up with the scale, counting calories or feeling hungry. Look at the big picture. Day by day we are improving our health with the Fast 5:2.
second post
just listened to a professor of dietetics ( she is a dietician) speaking about big weight loss. She was saying that one has to be careful of increased uric acid levels if one loses a lot of weight and/or loses weight quickly.
Very bad for gout sufferers
Unfortunately I didn’t get the rest of the talk as I was treating a client.
Day 9 NFD NZ
Allsmiles – I normally do HIIT on my FDs (currently 3 per week) and the other three days I exercise (1 rest day/week) I either do a distance run or weight train.
My treadmill HIIT session is 5mins warm jog (super important to warm up really well for HIIT sprints or risk injury)
Then I alternate 40seconds of full out sprinting as fast as I can go without being thrown off the back!
Followed with 2 minutes jogging
And repeat 6 times
The first couple of sprints it feels like the 2 minute jog is too long, I’m recovered and ready to go again but by the 4th sprint I need all of the 2 mins to be ready.
Cool down for 2mins to finish which means finish on a 2min jog period and then slow the jog down over another 2 mins to recover.
When I first started I did 30sec sprints but found I needed another 10 eventually to really get the gut busting absolute limit required for real HIIT.
It should be maximal exertion sustained at least 20seconds followed by a period of sufficient recovery to let you do it again.
It’s all about short sharp full intensity anaerobic activity, fantastic for minimal time input, and you will quickly notice your longer aerobic run sessions become easier too.
I’ve never struggled to recover from HIIT on a FD, but I have had issues with weights on a FD.
I added on a degree in Exercise Science a few years ago to complement my real career, so if you want more info about the energy systems and why HIIT works so well just let me know.
Day 9 NFD Sydney Thursday 9 Feb 2017
balanced healthy food day – swim was nice.
will weigh myself tomorrow – been hiding from the scales all week after the mini-binge.
added up my excess and am probably 400 cals over my TDEE.
might do another FD to counter it, but last week that made me very tired.
still going anyway.
reading Fast Exercise by Michael Mosley – going to add that in to the mix.
next 3 days in Sydney are primed to be the hottest in history (45C in the west) so that is always very tiring. drink lots of water all you NSW peeps!
Day 9 – Switzerland – NFD
Could do with a bit of that antipodean heat here today @monkeydo – it’s 3.5C and very grey. Good luck to everyone fasting today!
Day 9, FD, Newcastle, UK
Feeling very pleased with myself after completing a good NFD yesterday where I stuck easily to my BMR calories. Slept well last night so today will be the FD to make up for missing one on Monday. I shall weigh tomorrow morning and hopefully I will be back at my starting weight after falling off the wagon so badly during our London trip. Then onwards and upwards for the remainder of our February challenge.
Hi jojo58 – I’m pleased to hear that the book may help your daughter. And thanks for posting your HIIT walking tip.
Day 9 : Cheshire, UK : FD (B2B)
@elektron – thank you for joining me in a pocket fast. It really does help. We can rest on each other today and tomorrow.
I’m undoing the affects of the carb fest over 5 days and hoping to get back to focusing on my goal for this month.
Cheerio for now!
Pocket Fasters (Wed-Fri) are:
Day 9 UK NFD/ Controlled day!
I wont weigh now until next week so really have crack these nf days, keep myself undercontrol! So my days plan, morning grapefruit, cuppa soup lunch and curry with cauli rice this evening.
Yesterday had a lovely long coastal walk with DH. The sun was shining and the sky blue, good to be alive! It was a practice ready for tomorrow when I’m leading a group of elderly ladies, many in mid 70’s and I don’t want any accidents! I’ve found a good route and we end up at Geevor Mine where we’ll have lunch!
Very best wishes to pocket fasters today! Nd to those on a control day be mindful! Stay strong everyone!
Day 9 UK NFD
I might have gone a bit over yesterday as I ended up grazing out of the dinner I cooked for my Mum and sister. Lovely new potatoes wıth greens and stir fried broccoli with green beans and ginger. yum!. that would have been alright but then I got a craving for the spicy beetroot that I bought because it was on offer and gave ın because ıt ıs only a vegetable after all …. I should not have stuck my hand in the pot ın the fırst place, but waıted untıl I had tıme to sıt down to eat properly, which is more satisfyıng. Hopefully lesson learned.
Today looks lıke beıng really cold and I have lots of work outside. But that ıs good for weıghtloss ısn’t ıt? I won’t eat untıl the heavıest work ıs done agaın.
I slept longer and earlıer havıng only had two cups of coffee, so must stıck to tea and marmıte agaın today. Now, out to face the cold…
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6:19 pm
8 Feb 17