28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 801 through 850 (of 2,266 total)

  • Day 8 – Switzerland – FD

    Thanks for the info @coda, I will get myself up-to-date (sorry for the duff advice @johnnyr).

    Planning a calm and collected FD after completely blowing it last night. Wish I had more insight into where the “oh, damn it all!” side to my personality comes from, as I only throw caution to the wind when it comes to food. I need to remember that my Mr Hyde moments make Dr Jekyll fat and fed up.

    Second post Day 8 FD NZ
    Just a quick check in to reaffirm the end of my FD.
    I have had 374cals, which is below 1/4TDEE for me but I’ve got a wee peckish monkey sitting on my shoulder saying there’s still spare calories to have and stay under 1/4TDEE.
    The only concern I have about this, is that I feel like it’s not a physical need to eat more, I’m just feeling unsatisfied in some way…who knows what way that really is, but I don’t believe it’s true hunger. After having a very nice vegetable salad with a poached egg on top I should be adequately fed.
    So, long story short, I’m here checking in and stating to myself as much as anyone that my FD eating is finished.
    Thinking now, I wonder if it’s related to the heavy weights session I did this morning, I usually do cardio on FDs but needed to make a change today to fit things in. I’ve talked to others who notice weight training on FDs makes them lightheaded and creates a difficult FD, does anyone have experience with this same thing?
    I’ll break my fast after 12pm tomorrow due to working all morning, should be about 40hours…I’m beginning to suspect it will be a long next 17hours!!!

    Day 8 Tasmania Aus NFD 64.6kgs

    Day 7,Canada,Nfd

    Day 7, Oceanside CA USA, NFD

    The day after a FD I am not usually very hungry. Eat breakfast at 10 or 11 a.m. after my walk, go all afternoon until time to fix supper. Always enjoy a traditional heart healthy dinner of protein (4-5 oz salmon, pork, steak, chicken) with small sweet potato and vegetable. No snacking and bed at reasonable time.

    No weight loss this week, but clothes looser especially in waist. I’m not far from my goal. Have lots of energy to enjoy day and night. It’s not only about weight loss but a healthy WOL.

    Day 7: Pacific NW USA, all NFD’s since last report.

    Hello my IF friends. I’ve had a reoccurrence of problems with vertigo and other symptoms that may have been complicated by the effects of dehydration. To recap, I had a clear liquid only 36 hour fast one week ago on Tuesday, felt fine and ate my first meal on Wednesday at lunch but was so ill Wed night I ended up at the doctors on Thursday. I was dehydrated, dizzy and had such a splitting headache that the doctor gave me an IV in her office. She said I might be fighting a bug in addition but to not try another fast at least until I saw her again today. By her advise today I still need to hydrate and I still have vertigo when I’m walking around the house and change direction too fast. FYI – she has me adding packets of EmergenC to my water because she says the electrolytes help the body absorb rather than just pass the liquid through.

    So just a word of caution, hydrate!

    Lynz, I have every intention of continuing to check-in with your challenge this month, perhaps not daily. I can’t predict when the act of reading on my computer and iPad will not turn my stomach upside down so I may not catch up with everyone’s entries but I will continue to have you all in my thoughts and I hope you do the same for me. I want to wear my “tankini” on vacation the end of this month and I just have a little way to go!

    Day8 U.K. NFD

    “If you want a life of ease, do what you ought not as you please”

    Hi all, 2 successful FDS and scale (2.3lbs down), see if that stays that number on my NFDs. Thanks my little pocket group, kept me going, and increase in water.

    I must admit I do have a bit of wrapped up cake – homemade that I could not resist for a treat later today, It was offered, I twas ok it, but saved it for my NFD, I can have, but not right now, Power to the people. πŸ™‹πŸΌ

    Day 7 NFD Washington USA

    I was a bit hesitant to get on the scale this morning but I was pleasantly surprised to see a little over 5 lb. weight loss for the week! I don’t feel any difference in how my clothes fit but it certainly gives you motivation and a nice pat on the back to see the scales moving.
    Tomorrow will be a FD, I’m beginning to look forward to them.

    @backtothefuture sorry to hear you are so poorly, priority is get better, check in when you can we will all still be here x

    Day 8, UK, FD

    Firstly, I apologise for ranting last night. After a sleep I hit the scales again this morning after reading that this might be a better time to weigh yourself realistically/accurately. Fearing the worst I stepped on, and BINGO! a loss of 0.9kg since yesterday evening. I do tend to drink a lot of fluid on a FD – like I have shares in the Peppermint Tea business. I s’pose it’s the fluid.
    Lesson learnt: that I need to weigh myself in the morning each week.

    So now I’m 85kg, down from 86kg on 31/1. I have other measurements from the scales that I’ll report on as the month progresses, like a visceral fat level of 14 (a level which seems close to a heart attack to me, but I have no idea just how bad it is so I’ll just have to go on living until at least the next measurement.)

    Enough of my weighty troubles.

    @bert1802 Sorry to confuse you. Laughing burns calories. And I’ll come and tile your bathroom floor anytime…
    @dykask You must give us all the recipe for your Bullet-nut Coffee. I’ve never tried flaxseed. If I don’t like it, it seems like it might stick the tiles down to @bert1802 ‘s bathroom floor (just kidding – the recipe would be good, please?)
    @and…exhale Don’t worry. No advice is poor. Your post made me stop and think about things. Feb was a reboot month for me. I’ve been pretty good at 5:2, but not losing as fast as I would like. I’m going to try the 5 day weekday fast again this week, and see what the god of the weighing scales offers me next week πŸ™‚
    @lany36 I think Dr M writes about the pitfalls of exercise in his book when you’re on 5:2. I think the trick might be to drink a bit more to replace fluids quickly. It might be that you’ve used up all the glycogen or ketones in your blood quickly and your body is craving Kcals from anywhere. The trick is probably to try not to overeat unless you really need to.

    Day 8 UK FD

    Been a few days since I checked in, had some surgery a few days ago, nothing big but having a GA always knocks me off kilter for a little bit. Having a FD today and Friday to get back on track then weigh in on Saturday morning.
    I was pleased with exceeding my goal to walk 3 times last week and I really enjoyed being out a bit more. It takes me some courage to do this on my own as I lost an eye recently in an accident and the world looks a bit different at the moment what with depth perception issues etc.
    Got myself a dance DVD to work out at home but I’ve taken note of your cautionary tale @backtothefuture and think I’ll keep it for NFD

    Day 8 Portugal NFD

    I haven’t been successful this week with two attempted FDs. I don’t know what is going on as in January it was a lot easier. I think it is because at weekend I came off the wagon and since then I can’t get back on. I decided to take a break from trying to fast today (I will eat well and within tdee) and then tomorrow and Friday and even into Saturday I will fast. If anyone else is fasting Thursday-Saturday let me know as I could do with some motivation!

    Have a good day.

    Day 8 – Staffordshire UK-nfd

    Just thought I’d share how I fast with kids. I have a daughter & son and didn’t want them thinking I was starving myself. We always try and sit together for meals. So I always have 3 meals a day.

    On a FD I have breakfast of 250cals (my usual porridge) then 125cal soup for lunch and dinner.

    I started 5:2 in November and the kids have got used to sometimes Mom has a “soup day”. It helps that my husband is very supportive. The hardest part is not pinching their leftovers!

    I think as this is a Way Of Life there is no right way to do it, you just have to find what suits your body, your family and your life.

    I am also very grateful for this forum, finding out what works for others and keeping me accountable is such a wonderful tool so thank you all and keep posting. X

    Day 8 – Melbourne – FD
    Very hot and horrible here and will be so for a few days – good for salads!

    Day 7 -London – NFD
    Day 8 – London -NFD

    Completely forgot to post yesterday. Today need to be mindful of what I eat despite it bring a nfd. Have a really social week this week which means I’m going to have to do my second fast day on Friday, not sure how I feel about that, sure all will be fine…

    Day 8, NFD, UK. Weighed in and I was 75kg last Wednesday and am 73kg today. Measurements also show improvements – waist and hips down 3.5cm and thighs also down. This is big surprise for me as Im currently unable to exercise after an op and am usually quite active so I’m stunned I’ve lost cms sat down all day. I’m really happy I’m able to see a difference on the scales and with measurements.

    Planned on today being a FD but being taken out for lunch so will plan to do on Friday instead. Good luck all.

    Day 8 : Cheshire, UK : FD

    I plan to fast today through to Friday. Does anyone wish to join me as a pocket fast? If so, please add your name under mine πŸ˜€


    Day 8 UK FD

    I am feeling much happier this morning as despite my bad experience with the numbers on the scales bouncing around this week the number after a week is down and also a significant one. 220lbs, the magic 100kg. After today I could finally have broken through this first barrier and into territory not seen for over twenty years! But I am going to try not to measure again until next Wednesday to avoid the mental toll last week’s numbers took from me. It took three months to get to this point – I started fasting on Nov 9th. It is going to take a long time, I need to accept that. Last night it was beginning to feel very very daunting and I felt myself wavering. The belief that it is possible is so important. I am very glad to have someone close who has succeeded with it so I can see the results for myself and to have this forum where other people are on the same path.

    Duolingo is a language learning app/website that really works both to help you learn other languages and to distract you from unwanted feelings such as pain or hunger or from thinking negative thoughts. Success is a very powerful mood enhancer. It has been a very positive influence in my life over the past few years.

    Day 8 Uk

    Thankyou pocket fasters LynzM, Debster, Laddie10 and Mamacat we did the b2b! I found it such a help knowing we’re doing this together! Woke this morning and decided to continue fast until my evening meal.

    Too many motivational posts to mention, I’m really struggling to read all the posts. LynzM you’ve really got your work cut out keeping track of us all!

    Weight this morning 143.3lbs yeh!! Bmi 24.5 BF 28.5 all going in the right direction!

    Feeling so much more positive. Good luck to all those fasting today and to those on a NFD consider each mouthful stay in control! Let your mind rule eating not your eating rule your mind.

    Virtual hugs to all, the sun is shinning and I’m meeting good friends for coffee, then a long walk later with my DH.

    Day 8– Colorado, USA — FD

    AAaahh! Back from a lovely little vacation.
    The sunshine on my skin, floating in a Lazy River with DH, good food, cold beers… It was all wonderful, but it does feel nice to be home again. Back to our own bed & have our fur-babies snuggled up on our laps.

    And also, back to my own kitchen!
    Will hit the grocery store once the sun comes up (it’s only 2:10 AM here, I simply don’t seem to sleep much any more.) Planning to make a big batch of bone broth in the Instant Pot, get a few hard-boiled eggs ready and a fresh pot of veggie soup too.

    I feel relaxed & re-energized. Looking forward to this Fast Day!
    Now I’m going back to read & get caught up on the last 4 pages of posts. There’s always something inspiring to be found!

    Day 8, London, UK, FD

    Just checking in, Feeling up for a liquid fast, but have chunky chicken veg soup at the ready, if necessary!!

    Day 8 Belfast NFD
    The scales were kind to me. My goal: to keep that number going to my next weigh in.
    So lots of control today.
    To all of you who are not well or recovering, wishing you a quick return to good health.
    Thanks for the links. A timely reminder for the journey
    Positive Thinking by Gill Hassan has gone into the every growing reading list.
    Have a good day.

    Day 8 (again) – Colorado, USA β€” FD

    Can’t thank enough whomever suggested the Paddington Foodie and Skinnytaste web-sites. Both have fantastic recipe ideas for 5:2, Paleo, Gluten Free and for using my Instant Pot.

    I’m a big fan of using the pressure cooker / slow cooker to have meals ready-to-go after work without a lot of extended fuss. Bonus: the house smells fantastic when you walk in at the end of the work day!

    Day 8 USA NFD

    DAY 7 – Cardiff UK – FD

    Starting weight : 173.3lb

    Today’s weight : 169.5lb (3.8lb)

    Liquid FD for me today, I just really enjoy the freedom of not having to think about food.

    @johnnyr your posts are my one guaranteed laugh of the day.

    It’s great that we are all at different points on this journey and I really enjoy reading everyone’s posts and learning from everyone’s experiences.

    Hi Guys,
    End of two NFD’s but I won’t be finding out what damage has been done with 2 evenings of dinners because my travel scales are packed. Heading home to the UK tomorrow morning. I will be fasting throughout 36 hour, 2 stop, journey then going to bed when I get home. As a vegetarian, non bread eater, sugar restricted, flight food is grim so I won’t bother. I expect I will catch up on films, read and get a little sleep.

    Day 9 and 10 will be therefore be fast days, weigh in Day 11.
    Chuffed with 3 lb loss on week 1, looking for 2 lb on Week 2. Fingers crossed, lips zipped.

    Keep fasting, keep positive, smile- we are watching you succeed.

    Bye for nowπŸ›«πŸ›«πŸ›«πŸ›«πŸ›«πŸ›«πŸ›«πŸ›«πŸŒŽπŸŒ•πŸŒ˜πŸŒ“πŸŒ

    Day 8 USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Did a 100 calorie FD yesterday but am up early here, probably wanting to go eat breakfast. I kept very busy cleaning and working on taxes paperwork. Also got to watch my University of ILLINOIS basketball team on TV with a win. There haven’t been too many this season, so it was nice. Scale has me right back to 160 this morning. YEAH!

    @backtothefuture — I could not agree more about hydrating! So sorry you’re still experiencing vertigo. Last May, I ended up in the Emergency Room the evening of giving blood and not pre-hydrating and some fatty food dinner with a glass of wine. Fainted a couple times and vomited like crazy. They were sure I was having a heart attack, but it was just lack of fluids. The IV bag in your doctors office was exactly what you needed. Hang in there!

    @johnnyr — I nominate you as our much needed class clown. Thanks for the jolly sharing you do!

    Onward and downward!

    Day 8…..Florida…..FD

    Morning all! I actually woke up quite refreshed this morning. Two days in a row, let’s hope the not sleeping thing is behind me. I’m not a very good person when, I don’t get enough sleep!

    Looking forward to my FD today, as I prepare to control my NFD for tomorrow. I just can’t get my head around these days. I’m in serious need of a game plan.

    Also, I have to work Sat., so I’m hoping to throw another FD into the mix for that day as Monday when I normally do it, will be a NFD. My husband and I will be out and about all day. Then I’m meeting with friends for dinner and a 8pm showing of 50 shades!
    Then I am planning a b2b for Tues and Wed., of next week, if anyone would like to join me! FYI, Tues., is Valentine’s Day.

    My game plan for the days are set, now just need to formulate something for the NFD, that will fall in there as well……

    Alrighty, then…. off to the battle fields of life.


    Day 8, Gozo Malta, NFD

    I’m one and a half kilos above target but can’t seem to fast. Happy Wednesday everyone

    Hello UK day 8 NFD (hopefully a controlled one) 11st.6 1/4 or 160.25lbs

    Haven’t ready all the posts on page 17 as yet but will do later.

    @gemfast52 – by posting your are contributing πŸ™‚

    Day 8 – NFD – Canada

    Things are going well for me here. I’m trying to wrap my head around present and future of this WOL and am thankful to @at for the intel that one FD and NFDs of 16:8 are the way of maintenance. I think that is doable. Breakfast isn’t too important to me, either. In fact this whole business of ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ being touted is probably undermining a whole lot of people from the benefits of even an overnight fast…

    @mimigogirl – your Mexican dinner sounded yummy. Mexican, Indian, well really most cuisines are my fave πŸ˜‰

    @ADF12kgLoss – the acronyms had me, too! I kept associating WOL with AWOL which made it all sound a bit mad for the first weeks…

    @bert1802 – you are marvellous! Sort out those headaches… dehydration?

    @Granny2ten- It sounds like you have been through a lot recently. I am thinking about you and hoping that things settle down for your health in February.

    So many ‘downward’ reports posted in the last 24 hrs! Congrats to all!

    So many successes!!!

    Georgia/USA/Day 8/NFD: I haven’t been keeping up with the posts this week. I hope everyone is off to a great start. I will try and catch up this evening. I hit the gym this morning. A Much needed workout. Here’s to working through another week!

    @johnnyr – I initially tried the milled flaxseed because it is supposed to have a light nutty taste and it packs good omega 3 fats as well as fiber. However I found it tasted like sawdust. I like oatmeal but with the flaxseed mixed in it was horrible. Then I tried mixing it in my black coffee and I was surprised that the coffee masked the favor I didn’t like and it also gave the coffee some texture. I drink my coffee with a small straw because I’m trying to prevent teeth stains.

    Anyway I like the way the flaxseed smooth’s out my bowel movements and helps just keep everything moving.

    To make it I just stir a couple teaspoons of it into a cup of black coffee. Typically I only do it once on NFDs because it adds some calories.

    DAY 8, FD, Ottawa CANADA

    Day 8 Sunshine Coast Qld Australia NFD

    Just checking in. Not eating well and tired. Best just go to sleep and write this one off. Not near a set is scales at my daughter’s place, thank heavens.

    Sorry to hear you still have the vertigo,B2tf. Hope you overcome it soon.

    Day 8: FD. Last of my B2b2b Az USA.

    I have to stay strong today as it’s my oneday of the week where all three of my kiddos are in school and I’m home. I need to keep myself busy so I don’t go to the pantry and eat all their goldfish crackers. Looks like a laundry/ spring cleaning kind of day. Yuck! I told my husband yesterday that I should respect laundry more because no matter what, laundry is always there for me.

    Mamacat– having just returned from a little vacation trip to Florida, we’ve dumped out our suitcases & I’m now facing “Mount Washmore” today too.
    Let’s tackle that laundry! (Hoping it’ll keep me out of the pantry!)

    Day 8 – nsw Aust – nfd
    Doing well sleep is an ongoing issue may need to go and see someone about it, getting through the day but mornings are very hard. Also finding it difficult to drink more water… Food not a struggle seems other things are today. Good luck everyone for Day 8.

    Day 8 Maine NFD

    Good morning all! Struggled a little yesterday – NFD & stuck inside w/snowstorm. Only exercise was shoveling – missed my power walk! But, not one morsel passed these lips after 7:00 pm – count that as a victory! Tomorrow supposed to be FD, but another – larger – storm predicted, so already discussed w/hubby to postpone FD ’till Friday when we’re not house bound. Love the flexibility!

    Thanks again everybody – we can do better! Make it a great day on our precious earth!

    Mamacat – love the laundry comment – really made me laugh!

    Haha, laughed at the laundry comment ! It’s always there for me, too.

    Day 8, USA, Missouri Ozarks, F

    Today’s weight is 149 ( down .1 from yesterday, I’ll take it), Starting weight 152, Goal Weight 145.

    I really feel much heavier, probably water retention as I did eat a couple mini tacos/ taquitos and a big salad with a lot of salt last night. I have very low blood pressure so my doctor said to eat as much salt as I can. Which I do. Drank two cups of chicken broth yesterday afternoon and added extra salt and pepper to that. Easily drank a gallon of water/tea.

    Got in a great, very brisk walk yesterday – up and down a lot of big hills – unfortunately the biggest one is the last one coming back to the office. I had to keep saying, You can do it, You can do it, to keep from stopping to rest. Felt great to be out and about, in February, in Missouri !

    Exercised heavily last night as well, I just cannot fathom not wanting to exercise. To me, that is like not wanting to read, or not wanting to take a hot bubble bath. I find all of those activities extremely relaxing. I even played on the swings at the city park yesterday, people who know me probably just said – there’s that crazy old lady again!

    Enjoy your day all, they are passing us by so quickly.

    Day 8 USA NFD

    Day 8, FD, Rocky Mountains, US

    UK Day 8

    FD for me!

    Breakfast – 90 calories
    Lunch – 145 calories
    Dinner – 240 calories

    Hope everyone is having a good day πŸ™‚

    Day 8, NFD, Newcastle, UK (Today was meant to be a FD to make up for missing one on 6/2)

    Completed FD yesterday but after second night of only 3.5 hours sleep, I couldn’t get past lunchtime today without some lunch. However, I’m not going to beat myself up about it. If I sleep well tonight, I shall attempt an FD tomorrow.
    I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I bought a book at Kings Cross yesterday morning – Positive Thinking by Gill Hasson. Well I finished it last night and have discovered why I have an ‘all or nothing’ attitude. Apparently I am an ‘unadaptable perfectionist’ which explains why I have spent all my life feeling hurt and let down by other people. I judge them by my perfectionist standards and when they fall short it bothers me massively. In the same way when I frequently don’t meet my perfectionist standards I punish myself with my ‘all or nothing’ attitude. This finally explains why I can go on a massive food and/or alcohol binge if I fail to stick to my eating plan. No longer will I expect other people to conform to my standards and won’t take their actions so personally. I honestly feel like a different person today and am going to take one day at a time and do the best I can without beating myself up if the day doesn’t quite go to plan. So overnight I have become an ‘adaptable perfectionist’ and feel so much happier and in control. I hope this revelation might help others who feel stuck in the ‘all or nothing’ cycle.

    Day 8: Gloucestershire, UK; FD…yes? FAST-DAY? Can it be possible??

    My last successful fast-day was on 18th January….one of only three that month.
    Difference today?
    Well, I am surmising that I am getting stressed by failure, and stress is my number ONE cause for over-eating. So, last night, before bed, I sat up with my old meditation CD and forced myself to listen to it, it lasts one hour! Just WILLING myself to change my ways!
    I have, at least continued (most days) with my 1-hour brisk walks…weather permitting ha ha!
    There still plenty of the day left as yet…so I’m saying nothing to tempt fate further!

    Day 8 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Made it through b2b with pocketeers, now to enjoy taco lunch with colleagues. Also a potential auditor visit.

    Enjoy your Wednesday!

    Day 8 – Cumbria UK – FD

    @ciren2 – I’m hugging you tight – I’m on a FD too so together we will do this xx

    @lilymartin and @ratatouille – I also share concerns regarding regaining and yo-yoing – I think we must see this as a WOL and not lose focus when we reach target weight – I was very conscious of this when I reached target in early Dec so kept doing my 2 FDs each week (either 400cal or water fast depending on how I feel and if I have overindulged on some NFDs!!)) and as I’m not a breakfast person I do 16:8 NFDs eating 2 meals in my 8 hours (I don’t count calories on my NFDs but try to stay aware of what I’m putting in my mouth!) So far I have remained within 1kg of my target – happily mostly just below!!!!

    @ciren2 and @hannahwatto – the above is what I have found worked for me to keep maintaining if it’s any help to you both…….
    I practice Yoga and Pilates and have found yoga in particular brilliant for my mental well being………

    @blueninjamum – what you said totally resonates with me – if you are doing this for yourself you have more chance of succeeding as you are doing it because you want to and it is for you! BTW I still do 2 x FDS a week as it allows me more freedom on my NFDs where I don’t count calories……

    @back2thefuture – lovely to hear from you again – so sorry to hear that you have been unwell – vertigo is horrible – stay strong and hydrated – join in when you can and let us know how you are doing – HUGS

    @granny2ten – glad to hear that you are recovering well from your surgery – sounds like you have been in the wars recently – hope your problem with depth perception settles down and you can feel safe and enjoy your walks.

    @happymargo – it is always nice to be back home even after a great holiday – a few of us seem to be fasting today so we will get each other over the line – I’m planning on doing 38/40hr fast breaking my fast tomorrow with brunch with the OH…..

    So many great stories on here – sharing is good and not only encourages others but it also encourages us to keep going.

    “Nobody can do it for you – you have to do it for yourself”

    Day 8 NFD Norway
    After three weeks of steady weight-loss, the scales just stopped moving. But thanks to your posts I can handle a plateau and think about the long-term goal and not short-term pleasure, haha. It’s cold today which I forgot to take into account when I cleaned the outside of the kitchen window and got a nice layer of ice on it. I guess my Kiwi brain wasn’t fully engaged for Oslo temps. But I got the mush off eventually and now have a nice clean view of our messy backyard.

    Day 8 – Toronto, Canada – FD

    Just a quick question from a newbie regarding JFitzy’s post above. I noticed that on their FD, they are splitting their calories over breakfast, lunch and dinner. Am I not supposed to be eating in the a.m. and then not again for at least 12 hours in the p.m., for a total of 500 calories? I’m just wondering as I do find the FD’s a little difficult to get through, and if I can have even a small morsel at lunch, that would be so helpful.

    Signed a very hungry Canadian πŸ™

    Day 8 – Toronto, Canada, FD

    I’m sorry everyone, I just read a link which laid it all out:

    β€˜Doing 5:2 correctly’ means going to bed, getting up, eating 500/600 calories while you are awake, going to bed, getting up and eating normally – twice a week. β€˜Normally’ means eating your TDEE or less.

    That explains it.

Viewing 50 posts - 801 through 850 (of 2,266 total)

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