28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 701 through 750 (of 2,266 total)

  • Day 6 US FD
    Another fast day success. Made it through the day with black coffee, water, and an afternoon peppermint tea. I tend to get “hangry” when the kids get home and we’re doing homework and dinner prep. I ate some cashews to get me through without yelling at anyone. It worked! For dinner we ate apple chicken sausages, cauli rice and stir fried veggies. It was delicious and filling. But watching The Bachelor without wine is the worst part of fasting on Mondays 😜 I’m wishing you all well!

    Aussie day 7 FD going well now to visit a birthday girl and not eat cake.

    Day 7 NFD Country West bAustralia.

    Have just spent an hour sitting down catching up on all the posts. Mindful that sitting is the new smoking health wise I will stand up soon.
    As my children say ” denial is not just a river in Egypt” !

    Big breath and …. I am fat because I am greedy. There – I’ve said it.
    I am not as fat as I was and the truck tyre around the middle has shrunk to a motor bike tyre but it IS still there never-the-less and I am still FAT. There is no getting away from the truth sometimes.
    I have often said that I am starving. I recently saw an advert asking for donations for children in a third world country. They really WERE starving . With their swollen bellies, stick like arms and legs and listless eyes, those children were actually starving to death.
    I will try never to say ‘ I am starving again’. I get hungry certainly but are we in the grip of the diabesity epidemic in first world countries because we pander to ourselves too much and simply eat far more than we need to, simply because we can and simply because food is there?
    I went to a community function yesterday and idly took note of what and how people ate.
    Interestingly those who were a healthy weight only ate one or two pieces of food. Had only 1 or 2 drinks and left it at that. People who like me were overweight stayed close to the table, filled their plate with food and went back several times for more – sausage rolls, sandwiches, chicken and salad, sticky chicken wings, quiches, fruit etc.
    I chose to challenge myself and wilfully overate – pastries, several sandwiches, 1 piece of watermelon.
    A few things I noticed – if I wasn’t mindful about what I put on my plate I simply piled food on instead of just taking one or 2 items of food, finishing those and THEN if still hungry, getting more.
    On the plus side I didn’t eat nearly as much as I would have pre-November 2016 . Scary to think I overate yesterday but it was considerably less than I would have eaten 3 months ago.

    I have read some of the posts with a sense of disquiet. I really want this to become a WOL and think I am doing OK BUT
    1. I am a bit concerned to read so many posts where people have lost weight and then put it back on. Does that just make us yoyo dieters ?
    2. By being ‘kind’ to myself ( Christmas time wasn’t the best food wise for me) am I just making excuses to overeat or be a glutton?
    3. I have to be able to cope with being around food and not always eating it otherwise it will not become a sustainable WOL.
    4. Can I get this change of mindset and change of habit to last or will it only last in the short term and will I revert to old habits – a lot of people talk about ‘ wanting to take break ‘ from this lifestyle?
    I read posts every day to keep me on track and accountable. Will I need to keep doing this ad infinitum or will this WOL get to become second nature?
    5. Why do we demonise food and spend so much time thinking about food? Surely we should just prepare it to nourish our bodies and then get on with life. Does a concentrated focus on food lead to some of our problems ?
    Just thinking out loud .


    Yes there is a danger of Yoyo dieting because changes are made on a temporary basis instead of permanent.

    I got through Christmas without gaining because this is my WOL now

    Yes we need to be constantly vigilant around food and refuse unhealthy food

    I don’t think ‘taking a break’ is useful, even when on holiday or after reaching goal.

    Food is not the problem, our ‘desires’ are the problem. If you take food off the agenda for 23 hours per day you will discover it’s quite easy to cope with the one hour you are permitted to eat. Make sure that hour included cooking time too. Just saying!

    Sugar and white carbs are not a realistic or healthy option for us, not now, not ever on a daily basis. A treat should be rare not regular.

    Your only focus should be what you are eating today, will it be good for your body?

    Day 6 U.S.

    Not sure if this is a fast or non fast day, as it is 9pm and I haven’t had much to eat yet, but I will probably eat something.

    Jojo58, thanks for letting me know what you’re doing with the 23:1. It makes sense, although I couldn’t do it on a daily basis because of family meals, lunch at work, etc.

    Those of you who do water fasting, do you find you feel weak? I tend to feel weak by the end of the day, or definitely on the second day, I’d I do two in a row. If I eat just a little I feel better again.

    I did a 5 day fast and didn’t feel weak, possibly hydration or blood pressure?
    Worth getting checked?
    Found sugar withdrawal vile for moods and feeling cold in initial stages

    Day 6 FD Washington USA

    Successful FD today, feeling a little in trepidation on weighing myself tomorrow – I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to scale numbers, I don’t feel any “thinner” (why would I after a week!?!) but I would like to be sure things are going in the right direction. It will all be good, it’s just a number and who knows, it will probably be a good one! It’s a WOL I’m aiming for, not a quick fix, it’s a mind set I need to change.

    Day 7, Dunsborough, Western Australia NFD
    This is my third attempt at posting today. First time I was proof reading my post and accidentally hit a refresh link and lost the lot. Second time I hit Submit only to find I wasn’t connected to the internet!!! Arghhh!!! They were both long posts and I’m fast running out of time and inclination today.

    So… going well overall. Doing 23/1 on my FD is a definite for me. Thanks @jojo58 for your comments, and thanks to @annemarilyn for clarifying 16/8.

    Very briefly I’d like to say

    @scs – don’t worry about offending your neighbours and stick to your guns with your healthy way of eating.

    @august2024 – good on you for exercising restraint. It’s all relative that’s for sure.

    @debster251 – sugar monster… terrible… Have you tried Rice Malt Syrup? I can’t re-write again what I did previously, but look into it. It has a different molecular structure to sucrose and fructose and your body metabolises it differently. Don’t go overboard with it, but it may be a short term solution.

    @adf12kgless – so feel your pain and anguish. Great to see your positive post.

    @erika45 – what a shame to blow FD at dinner time. Instead of saying you are going to ATTEMPT a FD tomorrow, say you will DO a FD tomorrow. Positive self talk makes a big difference.

    @onahealthyhigh – me too… in it for the long haul.

    Happy fasting every one ☝️

    Day 7 US NFD

    173 down 3 pounds for the month. Had 3 FDs (500 cals) in the first week. Ran 21.7 miles. Reading about 5:2 and ADF and watching videos about keto, autophagy and the healing powers of fast diets. My problem is I go home, meditate and fall asleep for a couple hours and then lie down for another 4 hours. Hopefully I can put all this napping behind me in the future. Power to the people!

    day 7 NFD sydney
    still feeling low energy
    maybe because I’ve had a few days of eating rubbish
    have gone over TDEE a bit
    hoping it hasn’t cancelled out my FDs
    so I haven’t weighed myself because I don’t want to know
    hope everyone is going well

    Day 7 – Switzerland – NFD

    Morning all

    Yesterday’s FD was not the easiest as I had a pounding headache all afternoon and evening. Upped my water intake and feel fine today.

    Even better, my fat is starting to feel ‘loose’, like it does when you’re losing, and my weight is 1.5kg lower than this time last week. Okay, so I weighed first thing in the morning, immediately after a FD (!) but I’ve not seen 90kg since November, so can officially declare my Xmas weight-gain gone! Also lost 1.5 cm on my chest and on my waist.

    1 Nov : BMI 29.3 – 91.8kg / 14st 6.6 / 202.4lbs
    7 Nov: BMI 28.8 – 90.3kg / 14st 3.1 / 199.4lbs (under 200lbs at last!)

    Plans to do 16:8 today have already been put off to another NFD as I woke really early and held out until 6.30 for breakfast…

    @jojo58 – thank you for your wise words about not seeing results on the scales and on sticking with this as a way of life.

    @lilymartin – I started 5:2 back in Aug 2015 at 103kgs. It’s not a straight path (tracker shows I was also 90.3 kgs in Oct 2015!) but I know that when I stick to it, I lose weight in a steady and healthy manner – it only gets yoyo-ey when I ‘go it alone’ ie go back to old habits. We all have a complicated relationship to food, which is why we’re here, trying to get control. I have two friends who eat loads and are stick-thin because their bodies metabolise their fuel in a different manner to mine – it’s just genetics. I have some friends who can stop at just one biscuit (!?!) or who ‘don’t like’ fizzy drinks (freaks!) – it’s just that they have different tastes to me. We’re all different, and I’m finding my way to keep myself healthy, not demonising food but trying to embrace who I am and what I enjoy in a healthy manner.

    Along with all you lovely people, which makes it a bit easier, and a lot more fun!

    Day 7 UK FD

    “Whatever the problem is the answer is not in the fridge”.

    So all it’s the end of week one, how did you do?

    If those scales haven’t moved, why not, are you over indulging on NFDs, are your FDs slightly over 500 cals, are you drinking enough water! Do you not eat enough? If you eat too little your body will hang onto calories as it thinks you are starving!
    Can you find time to exercise?

    If there is a reason – find it and change it!

    If there’s not a reason keep going, eventually you will see the results from the effort you put in.

    Read posts, get inspiration and ideas from others that are doing well, read the struggles of others and see if you can help, or relate.

    Have a good day all πŸ‘

    Australia Day 7 NFD still drowning in packing cases! Was so tired last night I even forgot to celebrate Waitangi Day!

    2nd post

    @jojo58 wise words just read your post, like the thought of taking food off the agenda for 23 hours and. It think about it. Gonna try that this week. See how more productive I can be in other areas.

    Day 7 – Staffordshire UK-nfd

    Yesterday’s fast day went well wasn’t that hungry, maybe after 4 months my body is getting used to it. Still feeling really cold on a Fast Day so have to snuggle under a blanket during the evening.

    Day 7 Norway FD 75.0
    Thanks for all your shares; much wisdom there!
    I’ve been feeling hungry last few days and a bit bored with all the food focus.
    Thankfully progress is still downward.
    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 7 UK NFD

    I wish I hadn’t bought the battery for the scales now. I went and weighed myself again last night and while I have regained half the upwards blip of 4lbs (I’m using pounds as I can’t see how to change the ruddy scales to kgs) I am still going to have gained weight this week despite sticking to ADF and not eating either too much or too little on NFDs. My measurements seemed to have gone up or stayed the same too except my neck which finally lost half an inch (inches cos the cm marks are too small to read easily. I think I am going to have to give in and get glasses:()

    I knew it wasn’t going to be easy for me to lose weight as I already ate well and have never drunk any empty calories, but I did better without having the scales taunting me. And my hormones are not helping and I’m not sleeping much, and exercise hurts too much..moan moan moan…

    Still I’m not gaining anymore. It may be that this is the only way for me not to inexorably gain weight until I can’t move at all, and so is worth doing anyway. Maybe I’ll remove the battery again. It is a shame it isn’t the same size as the one in my pedometre that died.

    Lots of work to do today so I won’t eat until it is done so hopefully today will go alright. Must do my duolingo before I start though. Hopefully that will cheer me up. I dreamed partly in Russian last night!

    Day 7 Portugal FD

    I am DOING a FD today (thanks mimigogirl) after failing yesterday, although on a more positive note I reckon yesterday was a good NFD coming in under tdee.

    B2b today and tomorrow. Then see the numbers on the scales on Thursday.
    Have a good day.

    – 2nd post (Random thoughts about eating over TDEE)

    After not doing a 36 hour fast for 10 days, I’m finding this one just a bit harder. I avoid any calories while fasting. I’m wondering if that is why I don’t really have a problem even though I’m often over my TDEE on NFDs. However, it could be my TDEE is higher than the estimate. Typically my eating pattern tends to be:

    1st NFD: ~130% of TDEE (Yes almost 1 extra meal!)
    2nd NFD: close to TDEE
    3rd NFD: a little under TDEE (Typically not that hungry)

    I find that is a natural pattern, it is just what I do if I eat until I’m satisfied.

    I’m about 22 hours into this fast and I just used a ketosis strip for the first time. It looked like ~1.5 mmol/l for ketones. That is very low for someone using a ketogenic diet but it is really high for me. When I just skip breakfast for a physical I don’t have any measurable ketones at my doctor’s office. I’ll have to collect more data as one test isn’t very reliable.

    Still the ketones show there is some fat being consumed and frankly more then I expected. According to some people that practice being in ketosis, even eating a small amount of carbs or sugar can kick them completely out of it. So the eating 1/4 of the TDEE might make it more critical to control how much is eaten on NFDs since ketosis is probably reduced. I have nothing to back that up and I’m not a medical expert, it is just my opinion.

    On the other hand, sticking to no calorie consumption of FDs isn’t the easiest thing to do. I often have periods as long as 30 minutes where I’m not very comfortable. In my case I slowly worked myself up to 36 hour no calorie fasts. There are people that fast much longer than that, but I’ve only gone up to 60 hours twice so far. Those extra 24 hours were tougher for me.

    My guess is the zero calorie fasting burns more fat than exceeding my TDEE creates in the pattern. Another factor might be that I avoid refined sugar which I seem to be oversensitive too. In my case refined sugar seems to over stimulate my fat storage. Maybe I just been lucky.

    Forgot to mention that I’m going out for Mexican tonight and I lurve nachos, so have decided they are on the menu for moi. Is it ok if I decide ahead of time to have nachos rather than caving in after I get there? Probably not.
    I’m going with a couple of gal pals, one of whom has already done 5:2 and is looking amazing, and the other is my 5:2 buddy. Maybe they will shame me into going for the ‘healthy’ option… or I might just hold out. If Mexican is shut before we get there (and it might be given it’s a Tues night and they will close if no patrons) then it’s a pub meal. Not many options in country West Australia.

    Mimigogirl if you are making progress does it matter if you have nachos or not? I would eat a lot more ice cream if I continued making progress while doing it!

    Day 7 UK fast day

    Hope the mon/tues pocket fasters are going strong!
    Weighted this morning down to 144.4 so Im a happy faster! Just off to pilates. Planning to catch up with posts later.
    Stay strong x

    It’s 3:22am here in Texas. I can’t seem to go back to sleep. Tomorrow will be a FD for me. I am looking forward to getting back on track.

    I know some of what I may write will seem like no brainer but I can’t seem to remember these things when I need it the most.

    1. not exercising makes me feel worse. more tires and lethargic
    2. eating past 3:00 pm make me prone to over eating at nights. I can see a pattern where it is hard to stop eating once I start in the evening hours. I need to find other things to focus my attention on
    3. eating loads of refined carbs – breads, crackers (although I have given these up, hooray for small victories… πŸ™‚ ) sugar before beds disturbs my sleep pattern.
    4. I like the feel of my stomach empty
    5. Need to make myself read these posts everyday. It helps a lot. I see a lot of inspiration, I also see that I need to loosen up a bit. what I mean, I put too much pressure on myself and I seem to make it so serious… I’ve got to enjoy the process (easier said than actual practice but I must)

    Agenda for tomorrow. Since I have veered off a bit last week. I will need to ease into my FD – lots of water and tea. Also bone broth.

    I don’t remember who mentioned extended water fast – I have done 10 day water fast 2 times last year. The first time, I rested a lot but also walked everyday 1-2 miles. The 2nd time, I went to work and walked and did moderate exercise the whole time and did not really feel weak. My body adapted. I think the more you do it, the body remembers.

    thanks to everyone for posting.

    Day 7 Surrey UK FD

    Thanks to @jojo58 for the post, resonates with me, and also very reasonable. @lany36,.thank you too for laying out your plan of action and I will take up your good advice….except I might have to make it a week at a time!
    Absolutely beautiful day here in Surrey, I might take the dogs into the woods at Virginia Water for a walk. Have a great day all!

    Day 7 UK, FD

    My weigh-in is due at 13.00. Will post progress later.

    New scales have been purchased as I’ve been going to Boots (pharmacy) to weigh in, and I’m not convinced their scales are as good as I thought. So purchased some jazzy scales that measure all sorts of things like visceral fat, skeletal muscle, fat, weight, BMI. They’ll probably even shout out loud: “how the hell did you ever get that fat – you should be ashamed. I’ve emailed your wife, mother, neighbours and priest to tell them about you…” πŸ™‚

    @wtharvey I think when you diet and run, more sleep is a natural thing to recover from the exercise. Your resing body still burns lots of Kcals repairing muscles, tendons, etc. and building new fibres. Google how much people like Roger Federer sleep – I think it’s about 12 hours per day, or more. Sleep – Tennis – Sleep – Tennis – Sleep. i’m surprised he’s had time to have so many kids, unless he’s not actually sleeping as much as he claims πŸ™‚

    Day 7. Brittany, France. NFD. After yesterday’s fast, this morning I weighed in at 68.2 kg. Pretty stationary since the beginning of the month.

    @lynzm – I don’t snack from the fridge; I don’t eat between meals. Although I don’t do sport as such, I am physically quite active in that I’m up and about a lot and I do 5-minute workouts when I’m waiting for the kettle to boil, for example. I make a point of using the upstairs loo! (I have hated sport – particularly team sports – ever since I was a kid, so it’s just not an option.) I eat my 500 calories on FDs and I don’t over-eat on NFDs.

    So why is it so difficult for me to lose weight?

    I’m starting to wonder whether this difficulty is related to my coeliac disease which must have been untreated for years, so my body wasn’t getting the nutrition it needed. Does your body have a “memory” for these events? I’m wondering if I’m more prone to stocking food than most people, even though the coeliac disease is now under complete control and has been for 15 years. Any doctors / nutritionists out there who can tell me if this theory is right or wrong?

    DAY 7 – Cardiff UK – NFD

    Starting weight : 173.3lb

    Today’s weight : 168.5lb (4.8lb)

    Really good FD yesterday, still no sugar and managed to drink 1.5L of water, not quite my goal but still better than usual.

    I’m really pleased with the loss so far, especially as this bring me to under 30 BMI – 2 stone to get me into healthy range. I do tend to do liquid only fasts as I find it easier having 2 days with no calorie counting or thinking about food. I think avoiding sugar has also really helped, though I wasn’t consciously ever a big sugar eater, I guess it’s all the hidden stuff that does the damage.

    I really enjoy reading everyone’s posts and how they have adapted this WOL to suit their needs. I’ve been thinking of doing the 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet, but having already ditched the sugar, now contemplating just carrying on as I am but maybe eating to a total of 5600cals per week (to match the BSD weekly total)for a few weeks.

    The best think about this WOL is that I now feel in control of food, rather than the other way around. Well on a good day anyway!

    Hope everyone has a great day x

    UK Day 7

    NFD for me today. Plan to have chicken salad for lunch and then maybe soup this evening.

    Day 7 / Sweden / NFD

    First week of February done and no change in weight but I’m taking that as a good sign as we’ve celebrated my wife’s birthday on the weekend and I’ve been stuck in the house with a sick child for a few days. I plan on getting back to regular walks this afternoon and having more controlled days for the next few weeks. We’re having another dinner party the weekend after next so my aim is to stay within my TDEE every NFD.


    Day 7 – Melbourne – NFD

    Did you know you have 5 mins after you press the SUBMIT button, to go back and edit what you have just posted – I use it often! (usually because I think faster than I type, and I miss words out completely πŸ™‚ )

    I so identify with much of your disquiet, esp “Can I get this change of mindset and change of habit to last or will it only last in the short term and will I revert to old habits” I love reading the posts from people who have been doing this WOL for 2 years or more, even if they have had a hard patch or 2, as I find it does lead me to believe that the mindset can become permanent, even if not fully ‘easy’. I do worry a little (I know, I know…1 day at a time…) about how ‘maintenance’ will be and I think about/plan it, from time to time. I’m certain that one day per week fasting is a lifetime minimum and I think it is doable, but how to handle the other 6 days so that it is sustainable, is the issue.

    I have taken on board the ‘steady as she goes’ mindset recommended by a couple of people here – meaning not to go too overboard with b2b and fasts of several days, etc. Just stick to the basics of 5:2, as it is sustainable. I think the little extra spurts are probably good for a mind-booster eg ‘I really Can do it’ or to give a spurt if on a plateau, but I can see that for me, I could start to get a bit miserable if I tried them too often. Tweaking to suit yourself is good though, eg 16:8 suits me most days so I’m happy to run with it as it’s not much of an effort.

    I am aiming for an unaccountably large birthday in March, in which dear OH is determined to have a real party (and invite a few people who I haven’t seen since I was markedly thinner). That is giving me some extra determination atm – bit like a bride for her wedding…ah yes, I am vain although I seldom admit it. Can’t bear the thought that they will say to each other “she’s stacked on a bit of weight, hasn’t she?”. But I am actually more intellectually interested to see how I will go afterwards, which I think will be when maintenance will start. This forum is also good for keeping one’s own longterm record (I would never write all this and keep on writing most days if it was just a log for me) and so I am keen to keep on a thread so that in 12 months time I can go back and see what/how I was doing and how I have (hopefully) set some things in concrete.

    I sincerely thank – Hugely – those people who have been brave and kind enough to stay on the thread through bad times and share their downs with us. It would be so easy to just fade out, but their generosity of spirit amazes me. Just knowing that it’s ok to have a temporary blip and then hop back on when ready, is heartening in itself. Most of the down-times reported, I have noticed, have not resulted in All the departed kg being found again. So at least if a reversal is encountered, we can console ourselves with starting again from a lower place than when we first decided to follow IF. And we certainly know where to find excellent support!

    TTFN and Hang in There!

    I have been in your shoes and feel your frustration.

    Are you sure your TDEE is correct? Should you be having 500 calls on fast days or less. If you are not very active it may be less.

    Do you eat sugar? Insulin spikes makes you store fat.
    Do you eat processed carbs daily-hidden sugars.
    Have you tried non competitive sports like swimming, skipping, swinging kettlebells, jumping on a trampet, dance workout, rowing machine or walking group, cycling, bowling, even darts or yoga.

    There are changes that may help.

    Switch to easily digested food, soup, fish, veg or food combine. You may want to look up ‘food combining’, basically you can eat meat/fish with veg but not with carbs like potato or bread. Carb meal like pasta cannot include meat/fish.
    You can start taking a daily probiotic, home brewed versions are recommended to help improve gut flora. See Michael M recent programme on use of Kefir. I have just ordered grains to produce my own at home. Good gut bacteria process food more efficiently.
    Add more water to your daily quota to improve your digestive tract. Do not exceed maximum of one glass per hour for 8 hours.
    Try reducing your window of eating to 6 hours only each day and fast the rest.

    Hope one of these ideas helps

    DAY 7 Ottawa CANADA
    aiming for a 42 hour fast which began at 6:45pm yesterday.

    Well done you, great loss in one week.

    I tried the blood sugar diet but the list of ingredients was huge and the cooking time far too great for me. I also got a stomach upset from the change of diet. Two ‘foodie’ friends who love to cook thought it was great.

    Day 7/ U.K./ FD!
    I am posting this in the morning to try and help me fulfil my aim for today. 500cals.
    Breakfast – omelette with 25grams feta cheese.
    Lunch – cauliflower and celeriac soup (ready made at 79 calories).
    Supper – soup as above.
    Coffee mid morning and lots of lemon and ginger hot water.
    Good luck everyone.

    Day 7 : Cheshire, UK: NFD

    Preparing my mind for getting back on that wagon!

    Day 7……Florida…… NFD

    Woke up this morning, not sure if my headache is actually gone or it just a dull ache, I’ve now become accustomed too. I’m hoping it is gone, because my behavior was unacceptable yesterday.
    I finished yesterday’s fast right around 400 calories and that 4lb gain is now down to only a 1lb gain. I sure do feel better about that. Although today is a NFD, I’m going to try and have it be more of a controlled day. In hopes of trying to figure out, how in heck to control my weekends.

    Lilymartin…….. a while back, I read a article on the difference between the eating styles of people who carried extra weight versus those who didn’t. Overweight people tend to have normal portions while eating their 3 square meals but underestimated the amount of food they eat grazing, especially when food I out in a Buffett style. Overweight people tend to be pickers, so to speak a bite here, a nibble there. Thin people for a lack of better words, tend to be quite the opposite, they tend to eat only 3/4 a normal meal, meaning the leave uneaten food on their plates as well as if they do graze, they tend to limit it to one particular food then stop after only a few bites. These types of people tend also to not be chefs or bakers but opt for non creative jobs such as secretaries, paralegals and such. Then the article went into types of foods the different types ate but I won’t get into that.
    So, your observation at the party based on the article was spot on.

    There are so many others, I need to respond too but my time is running short today.
    A 124 people is a lot to get through in one morning, however, you all are in my thoughts today and I wish you all well on your adventures today!


    @ciren2 I am sorry yo are going through such a hard time with the self doubt but you will succeed because you do have the strength even if you are wobbling a bit at the moment. If eating small amounts of healthy food to stay at a goal weight was easy none of us would be on this forum! We are with you xxx

    Day 7 Belfast FD
    I have just spent an hour reading posts and writing my reply which has disappeared into the ether! How annoying!
    Had a reasonably good FD yesterday – just over the 500 – thank you pocketeers for keeping me on the straight and narrow.
    I haven’t time to re-write all my personal replies, but I’m with you all.
    Just a quick personal statement. I started this diet in March 15 and took 3 months out for travelling and Christmas. I have lost a total of 18 pounds – just under 3 lbs for the 6.5 months I’ve been actively doing the 5:2. We’re in it for the long haul, not the quick fix. It’s easy to get despondent, but never lose sight of the end goal.
    Go pocketeers! I’m on just liquids until 6pm tonight, which will make a total of 45 hours with just 570 cals past my lips. Onward and downward!

    Day 7 Tasmania Aus NFD 64.5kgs

    Finally feeling really good after my couple of fd’s, really has reset my hunger. Glad to have a drop in weight too after last week when my weigh in after my second fast was higher than my first! Ha it certainly is a funny journey. Hoping to be mindful in my eating again tomorrow too.

    @bert1802 so glad your gain has greatly diminished. πŸ˜‰ That’s great news.

    @biddiev – a special birthday is just the incentive to stick at this. I read your post about being vain and wondering whether people will comment on your weight etc. I have done this for years and now I just say to myself yes, they may notice like I would notice too but I wouldn’t ever comment to someone else and would hope others wouldn’t. We are not defined by hour weight, we are so much more than that so I hope you are kind to yourself and that you have success with this and enjoy your birthday celebrations with confidence xx

    Day 7 : Toronto, Canada: FD

    Ok….I messed up on my way home yesterday. Thinking about Valentine’s Day and stopped by a Lindt chocolate shop to pick up some of those delicious Lindt truffles for my OH. Well, as you can all imagine, my stomach got the better of me as I had little to eat throughout the day. One truffle led into two truffles which led into 5!!! I felt horrible afterward, mainly mentally. Why do I do this to myself??? One of these days I will learn to tame my sugar demons (I hope).

    Today is a FD and I am going to stick to it, no matter how much sugar crosses my path today. Thank you all for your uplifting and encouraging posts…..we all need to read them to carry us through.

    Auf Wiedersehen everyone….have a great day!

    Day 7 – London, UK, NFD

    Good FD yesterday, just water and bone broth, broke my fast at 11:30 this am, so a 40hr liquid fast. This seems the easiest for me, but I prefer to only do 1/wk otherwise I might wake myself up by gnawing on my forearm!!!
    Some dirty evil swine has left a Mr. K Manor house cake in our office kitchen with a helpful note saying ‘Please help yourself’……..I actually had to draw a skull & crossbones on the note to prevent myself from caving BIG TIME!!! At nearly 300cals per 1/6th (we all know it really only serves 2, or 3 at a push!!) I really hope the young(er) office staff who probably don’t own bathroom scales, let alone know how much they weigh to the nearest gram, will hoover it up before I lob it out of the window!!!

    Good luck & Keep the faith all F-ers or NF-ers.

    Just re-read my post………Ha-ha………Perhaps I should have said Good luck & keep the faith all ‘Fasters’ & N-Fasters!!!!

    Day 7 – Montreal – FD

    I just weighed myself and have seen the first loss since I started a week ago -1.1 kilo! I’ve just had breakfast and now plan to fast till 3pm tomorrow. I’m about to prepare my fast meals for the week , Thai coconut shrimp curry with cilantro lime cauliflower rice from Gina Homolka (Skinnytaste). Thank you to the person who mentioned the Paddington Foodie website (@fuvvie ?), there are lots of good recipe ideas there.

    Onwards and downwards!

    Day 7: FD, 2nd day of B2b2b, AZ USA – back down to 147 lbs after an epic face stuffing weekend.

    @flourbaby depending on how hangry you are, you can address everyone as f-ers and nf-ers!! Haha!!

    How are the pocketeers going?? I had a great day yesterday and learned that if I have a cup of fruity tea right before bed, it absolutely helps with the late night hunger. Didn’t wake up hungry today but as my son is sitting here next to me crunching his cereal away, I’m tempted to send him in another room to eat. πŸ˜›

    @bert- I’m soooooo great at shoving my foot in my mouth on a daily basis. I speak way before I think. At least you owned it!!

    Day 7, NFD, UK.
    Tomorrow is when I started 5:2, so will weigh then and do measurements.

    Day 7 – nsw Aust- nfd
    Weighed myself this morning down only 100grams from last week. Aiming for 1760 calories on nfd don’t go over this too often but this was a long journey in adding on the kilos – since childhood- it will take time to get rid of it. I wish it was more but remain content as it was still less than last week. Good night all.

    Day 7 uk

    Fast still on track, just had a miso soup, going for sparlking mineral water soon! Feels so good to be back in control!!

    Fuvvie I put mindful meditations/ thinkthin meditaion /sleep meditaon into utube search thn have tried several. I di like Jason as his voice is calming!

    Great advice in the posts for staying on track! I am really going to careful on control days and plan to do mainly 16/8 when I can!

    I’ll have prawn/ smoked salmon salad tonight, 400 cals left.

    Hope all Mon/Tues pocketeers are hanging on in there, we can do this!!x

    Day 7|CD|Toronto

    Day 7, Gozo Malta, NFD

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