28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 651 through 700 (of 2,266 total)

  • Day 6, Maine,USA FD

    Good morning all! Survived Super Bowl Sunday – most incredible game ever!! – at neighbors. Instead of my “usual” cocktail of vodka, seltzer, splash of cranberry, I wouldn’t let anyone else make my drink & I skipped the vodka – no one suspected & I loved feeling in control! I did have a taste of everything – including the most delicious chocolate cream pie – but, we left just before the half & I haven’t eaten since.

    I wasn’t planning on telling many ppl about my new 5/2 plan – didn’t want the rolling of eyes “her she goes again.” But, our neighbors are fabulous cooks & feel they need to feed my husband. He does house repairs for them & won’t take $$. They wanted to give us all the leftovers, per usual. I said “no thanks”. They were insistent & finally I told them what we’re doing – monday fast day, refrigerator already stuffed w/ healthy food & their food wouldn’t get eaten. They’re leaving town for a couple of nights, so we’re very unhappy. But, I don’t care – actually feel empowered!

    Came home & read all your posts…like the Rocky song….”feeling stronger!” Thanks all – make it a great day!

    Make it a great day everybody – ar

    Hi UK day 6 FD

    @Ciren – Oh I really, really do feel for you but it is all in the words you use. Why oh why are you letting your mind get one over on you? You need to believe you deserve this. Why would you not deserve us – you deserve it because you contribute so much and you got to goal, you deserve it because everyone deserves it. So you are finding maintenance hard, no-one said it was easy and we can all learn from your experience. Take the week off and relax, re focus and when you are ready to start – start small @lou Belles gave some really good advice on this. Don’t jump in trying to do b2b or liquid only fasts. Build your confidence up again by planning and having a 500 cal meal, do that for a while and when that has been a success have a 1/4 TDEE meal, and keep going for as long as it takes. Hugs x

    Day 6, Canada, FD

    @loubelles, thanks for that great post!

    @jojo58 really admire your determination and your example of 23/1 gave me the push to try it out too. For me it is pretty easy on a work day.

    Now if I can only sort out my overeating on the weekends . . .

    Day 6 – Canada – FD

    February 1 144.0 lb. / 65.45 kg
    February 6 142.5 lb. / 64.77 kg

    I have just finished reading all the post from yesterday. This is almost becoming a full-time job – but one I get a lot of enjoyment from not to mention the encouragement.
    @orpheusx. Chocolate cake – Yum Yum Yum!
    @ Fuvvie I love reading your posts. They never fail to put a smile on my face and your words of encouragement to one and all are always very heart warming. You are such a busy lady. Your getaway with your friends sounded quite splendid and I’m sure it was good for both body and soul.
    @ciren2. I hope you can take in all the love and great advice that is going out to you. We all understand the struggle you are enduring right now. I hold out my hand to you and hope you will grab on.
    @at. Swan Lake – my favourite too. I’m sure it was nothing less than brilliant.
    @quebecoise. Happy birthday to you. Hope it was fun.
    @elektron. I love curry too. Last week I made a curry recipe from the Fast Cookbook.
    It was the red lentil take a masala and had 218 cal per serving. It was delicious and very satisfying. I am going to check out Palak Paneer. I haven’t tried that before.

    Must get on with my day. Hope you all have a successful week.

    @electron. Oops. Auto correct took over. Should have read. Red lentil Tikka Masala

    Day 6 – Upstate NY – FD

    Last night was a lot of fun! I had a great day with my friends playing games and watching the super bowl. I was not in control, but I had planned for that. It’s good for me to go to bed uncomfortably full every so often to remember how yucky it feels. I did avoid alcohol and drank my own lightly sweetened tea instead. I gave myself permission to have a soda and didn’t even drink it! We ordered chinese food and I mostly ate tofu with some chicken fried rice. I did have 4 chicken wings, though.

    Today will feel so good after this weekend. Nothing but tea until dinner, then I’ll eat a balanced dinner with lots of veggies and homemade blueberry cake for dessert. It’s nice to know that hunger is not a bad feeling. I actually feel very mellow today.

    Good luck to all – thank you for all of the inspiration and for the motivation to keep up with this WOL.

    Day 6 USA (Illinois). – NFD

    Pretty good control yesterday. On the week, I am down about 2# so right at 161 this morning. The local Choral Society that I direct begins our new season tonight, so no FD until tomorrow. I can’t go into a 2 hour rehearsal without energy in my bones!

    @ciren2 — I feel for you so much. We both were going into the holidays on maintenance, and it sure was hard, wasn’t it? Hate to admit it, but maintenance is just as much work as losing, maybe more. There are more NFD’s for me that I really have had to make CD’s. I might just go back to 5:2 with you!

    Hugs to all who are struggling. Onward and downward!

    Day 6|FD|Toronto
    Weekend away with the guys and Super Bowl “grazing” behind me now;I exercised restraint ,but everything is relative, so I will avoid the scale until later in the week!
    Best wishes to all

    Day 5 Canada NFD
    Day 6 Canada FD

    Day 6 FD Kent UK
    If only every day was as easy as a fast day, I would be at my goal weight in no time. I had a really good week last week, 2 fasts, under tdee on the other days and some good brisk walking most days. I weighed this morning and was 2lbs up from the week before. Keep on keeping on I suppose.

    Day 6 – SW WA USA – FD 1st of B2B

    Mimigogirl – JoJo spoke to the milk being okay in your FD, you just want to include it in your total calorie count for the day. And 16/8 just refers to an 8 hour eating window within your TDEE. You can do 2 or 3 meals; depending on your preference.

    I’ve got the pocketeers:


    Keep strong whether a FD or NFD.

    Day 6 — FD, USA

    Had a successful weekend with 2 NFDs AND my football team won the superbowl in an epic 31 point comeback. My dh actually reached for the Ben&Jerry’s when they were losing; I sipped my seltzer. Had my coffee this morning and am ready to fast until my 500 meal at 5pm. I feel something clicked inside of me- you know that feeling. Again, I think why this works is deprivation is not in the picture — I actually had some chocolate yesterday, which is probably forbidden on “diets,” and didn’t want too eat the whole thing.
    LynzM: (I think it was you) great comment on not feeling that rewards are food. That makes food the focus, which is what we don’t want to do; there are plenty of great rewards out there. Mine will be a facial once I crack the first 6 pounds….
    I think it’s so neat that are so many of us from all over the world sharing the same insecurities and triumphs.

    Day 6, UK

    Just reading the thead. There are some amazing efforts being put in from all over the globe! It’d be interesting to add all our progress weight loss together at the end and see if we can quantify how much it’d be in terms of a Blue Whale, London Buses, etc.

    Well done to US friends who appear to have come out of Super Bowl Sunday relatively unscathed. It’s on too late here to catch it and work the following day, but I might try and see if there are some highlights to view somewhere.

    Omelette for me tonight. Around 450 kcal.

    I’m trying to do 5 back to back FDs, like last week. Anything to make the scales shift down in Feb. Is this wise or unwise? I’m taking multivits as a supplement to try and compensate a bit for not eating other stuff.

    Day 6 again
    I’ve been really busy making curtains today, but despite being so busy, the hunger/greedy monster has been sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear ALL day. I had 100 cal soup at lunch time, but that didn’t help. So I opened my iPad and caught up with the posts, so thank you laddie10 and AnnMarilyn, your timely reminder of all the support out there has caused me to gird my loins, sew up my lips and pour a mug of green tea. This sugar monster is hard to beat. Its proving as hard as giving up smoking which I did over 30 years ago. I still remember the struggle!
    Thank you picketers. We WILL do this.

    Day 6 – Montreal – NFD

    I’m nearly a week in, with two fast days behind me, and have been restrained on my NFD’ s. The scale is not moving yet which is a bit discouraging, but I’m committed to finishing the month.

    Hello All,

    Hope everyone is doing well. I started last week 1st FD really great. I had no trouble and it went fairly easy. but then all went down hill from there and I am trying to figure out what happened…. well, I think I know what happened and feeling so disappointed and confused with myself. I am still trying to recover from Day 2,3, 4,5,6. I want to do 23/1 on my NFD but the I found myself over eating the day after my FD and it keep getting worse from then on. I am so tired of having to start over each time.

    I find myself having a hard time when I have to cook and be around food when I have my kids (I am divorced and I have them every other day). It is difficult to turn down food when my daughter asked “are you eating ?”
    To be honest, I have gotten resentful at times when I have to cook for them or just be around food. I know it is not their fault but I find myself thinking “how easy it would be if I didn’t have to worry about food….” I mean feeding someone else, being around temptation in the office, having social interaction be around food. Why does everything have to be about food!!!

    I am so angry that I have put myself in this situation. I am just pissed off at myself for not being able to stick to things, I want to cry because I am tired and why is it so hard???

    I want to scream at the top of my lungs because I can’t seem to get this thing right. It shouldn’t be this hard. Why is that????

    I think 2 FD and 23/1 is a bit too much for me. What I think I will do is 1 FD and rest 23/1.

    I will try again tomorrow.

    Day 5 NFD, Day 6 FD, Oceanside CA USA

    Fun Super Bowl grazing party including some delicuous drinks. Was only one in our group rooting for the impossible. Never count any body out! and that includes us too.

    Today is morning after and FD to reset for the week. Protein breakfast and salad dinner. Lots of fiber to keep us full. Onward to another good healthy week with walking every day.

    Hi @johnnyr

    5 FDs back to back sounds more like a VLCD with all of the problems of under-eating that that entails. From what I remember, the science behind not fasting on consecutive days is that your body assumes you’re starving, and starts to destroy muscle to access energy rather than just fat. There’s more information on that in the Fast Diet book. Is 5:2 not giving you the results you want?

    Hi from Nebraska U.S. wasn’t going to do February, thinking I could do it on my own. HA! Feb. 6 and I realize I need you all. Weight has not moved since ending January, good I am not gaining but have a long way to go to get to goal weight.
    Monday Feb. 6 FD

    @adf12kgless hang in there. I only cook for myself usually and have thought how hard it would be if I had others around to cook for. When I am cooking for grandkids I tell myself that their bodies can still handle eating differently then me and that helps me stay focused on what I need to eat. As for feelings of resentment, which I have sometimes, I try to think of who exactly am I hurting thinking that way. Praying for your strength and commitment to stay focused on what is best for you. You can do it!

    Hi Lynz M

    Please is it too late for me to join your February challenge?

    I like to log in on FDs as it helps get me through my ‘hungry time’which is 1600 – 1900…

    I have an event on Feb 25th and I’d love that extra push of being part of your Feb challenge to lose 5lbs by then…
    (I don’t know if this puts me into a pocket group?)

    Thanks v much :0)


    Try not to be hard on yourself. Pick yourself up and start again tomorrow. We all slip. I know I do.

    When I’m cooking for people, or making kids sandwiches, or clearing plates with half eaten food on it I can really struggle to say no to my inner beast! I have tried to make a point with others that I’m dieting which makes it easier to sit and drink tea or coffee whilst they eat. And my kids now even keep me in check on FDs!

    Be strong. It works.

    OH Gosh Believeit

    Thank you so much for that kind message. I came back on line to post that I have gotten the “screaming” well, I am not really screaming but I felt better just being about express myself but feel so bad about it afterwards.

    I know what happened, I did really well even after my 1st FD, it ended up being about 48 hours of fasting ( I started Tuesdays around 3:00 pm. I was doing 23/1 everyday up to that point) I ate Thursday earlier than what I planned 11:00pm but I didn’t over eat or binge or gorge. I ate normal and stopped after I felt full but it was well under my TDEE. So I ate that evening with my kiddos. anyways, I think I was eating way under my TDEE and had coffee and that messed with my sleep. Once I don’t get enough rest, my appetite goes into over drive and I start becoming the junkie food junkie. So the over eating and eating out of my eating window kept slipping with each day until it hit a crescendo Fri/Sat and Sunday. Although, I actually didn’t over eat on Sunday but I ate all day and didn’t stick to my schedule.

    things to be vigilant about constantly:

    1. Getting enough sleep
    2. Sticking to a realistic and doable Fasting Schedule.
    3. Read posts from here to remind myself that I am not unique in my struggles and many people are finding ways to overcome said struggles
    4. Not give up and dust off the past and start from this moment
    5. Keep to my schedule no matter what until it becomes a habit ingrained in my daily living, like breathing
    6. There is a choice in every situation.

    Tomorrow I will start 23/1 and Wednesday will be my FD

    Day 7, NFD Sydney
    Had a great fast day yesterday – so glad they get easier with time. Didn’t end up eating at all til about 10pm but wasn’t quite comfortable with going to bed hungry.
    I used to be scared of feeling hunger at all, but not any more. Next stop will be continuing the fast overnight!

    Weigh in this morning: 79.2.

    I’m a little late to party…but I’m in. NFD today, FD tomorrow. Elle from WY

    2nd post

    whooppee! a succesful fast day, the first for over 3 weeks. Knowing fellow pockets are with me is such a help!!
    I’ve gone back to basics so am having 500cals, I’ll plan to do this until I feel confident enough to go down to a quarter of my tdee.

    Ciren2 I do so feel for you I’ve been battling with my head for the past month. Ive found mindful meditations on utube a great help, also sleep meditations as I wasn’t sleeping. I’ve found the advice you’ve been given from so many a great help!

    I’ve been hovering at around 145lbs for ages now, gaining a few lbs then back again! So very frustrating!

    I do feel more positive and with fellow pocketfasters together we can do this

    Onwards and down!

    @coda, thanks for replying – I will follow your advice xx

    Day 6 :Cheshire, UK : NFD

    Has anyone noticed that I have been doing NFD and not CD (controlled days), thats because I am out of control since my birthday when I started eating carbs. I need to rein it in and learn how to eat carbs without indulging the binge beast within! πŸ˜€.

    Reading all the advice and experiences is helping as always so I need to do my first fast day for February soon.

    Love to everyone.

    Day 7 NFD NZ
    Successful 1100kj FD yesterday. It’s 9am now and I plan to hit the gym for a weight session before I break the fast. It will make the FD about 40hours as I started late the night previous.
    I fell off the wagon with inputting my cals to MFP on Sunday and I think I went over a little but I’m not concerned as I have committed to 4:3 all this month and I would need to consume an extra 22500kj approx across my four my NFDs to negate the 3 FDs. I know for certain I didn’t come close to that and I’ll be logging all intake this week to keep me in touch with reality.
    One of my strategies for every FD is to plan it in MFP the night before, it takes all the thought out of the FD and I can relax knowing I have an evening meal that meets my FD requirements, if I eat less or total fluid fast instead that’s fine, but I have a fall back position that lets me fast with confidence and it hasn’t ever failed me yet.
    So, knowing I’ve struggled hugely with NFDs in the past I’ve gone back to doing something similar for my NFDs this week. I have each NFD dinner planned in my diary for the week, and I input my food idea BEFORE I commit to eating it. This way, despite the irritation of so much focus on blimmin food, I know I’m staying within TDEE and I feel in control and relaxed about what I do choose to eat. I’ve also been careful to put some treat type foods into the day because my worst enemy in this wol is feeling restricted. The minute I cut out all enjoyment from eating I fail, so small treats manage the mental game well for me and don’t blow my TDEE allowance.
    I know the reward when I stand on the scale far outweighs the hassle of counting and monitoring so closely. I also know I don’t have to do it forever just taking it one month at a time for now and hoping my increased vigilance pays divides with another loss this week.

    Day 7 FD Melb Aus
    Last day of first week of rebooting 5:2. Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. Loving this thread for all the advice, support and humour @fuvvie and for keeping me accountable. My grandchildren have left and I’m looking forward to spending time pottering around my garden. I love that I can burn calories doing something that brings so much joy.
    @happymargo I also Konmaried my house and kilograms. Can’t thank Dr Moseley and Marie Kondo enough for the improvements to my health and “head space.” Organising my environment played a huge roll in my health/weight loss journey. It was great not being overwhelmed by my surroundings.
    @adf12kgless I do feel for you. We all take different routes on this journey. Perhaps the approach you are taking could be tweaked to take some of the pressure off. Try thinking of the five NFDs as healthy eating days for you and your family. Focus on the health benefits of fasting. Weight loss is the bonus. This approach worked for me after years of constant dieting. I wish I could help further.

    Day 6/ U.K./ NFD again!
    Ciren – I think I am in sync with you. Whenever I read your posts, they resonate with me. Except I am a long way from maintenance. However, we must keep trying because we don’t want the alternative. That motivation is coming back anytime now, just hold on. Some great advice here. I like the idea of a time line to work through the day with.
    We are soooo lucky to have found this forum. Some wonderful people in this cyber cafe and thanks Coda once again for starting it way back when. X

    Hi all quick update

    Welcome to all newcomers, please log in each day (if you can) with the Day of the month we are on, where you are and if you are on a FD or NFD.

    EXAMPLE : Day7 U.K. FD

    This helps me check people in, as we are a global group sometimes the days overlap so when Australia is on Day7, some people in the U.K. are still on Day 6.

    You can also give me your start weight and goals(do not have to be weight goals and I will note them for you.

    To all – we are currently on 124 members, saying that some have joined but not checked in, if after a week I haven’t heard from them I will delete from my spreadsheet. No problem to anyone as if they do start checking in I can add them again.

    Also please check your replies, if you have any missing FD/NFDs dates you want me to add in let me know.

    @FiveTwoFans5252 good little chant in the name there, the pocket groups are little groups that will spring up throughout the month with separate little challenges, you can join a list and then write all the names down of the group and keep them in your pocket for inspiration when it gets tough. ATM we have a back to back fast group (B2B)Fasting Monday and Tuesday for this week. There will be more groups springing up throughout the month. There is no set pattern to this, some decides to challenge themselves and offer others to join.

    Hopefully my spreadsheet will be ready to share soon. Nearly done our first full week!!!YAY

    DAY 6 – NFD – Cardiff, UK
    Totally blown my calories today but tomorrow is a new day and I’m looking forward to a Fast Day tomorrow Day 5 was a NFD too.

    Day 7, Tokyo Japan, FD 81 kg — goal get under 80kg and stay there.

    Back from my trip to the states. I didn’t do any full fast days on the trip but I did skip lunch 2 times and supper once. So I actually missed 3 fast days but I’m going to make up one today. It is nice though that I really didn’t pack on the weight although I am starting to feel a little puffy. 10 days isn’t really long enough to put on much body fat.

    I think I made the right choice though by not doing full day fasts because the trip was stressful. I’m sure that several days I way over ate. I also indulged a couple of times. However I’m now back and time to get things back on track.

    Day 6 – FD – Germany
    Just finished my first ever fast at 462 πŸ˜€ yogurt for breakfast at 7am, dinner at 8pm, and although I was hungry between times, it wasn’t as awful as I was expecting

    Still day 6

    Congratulations Muquba on completing your 1st fast ever!

    Pocketeers – glad we’re in this together. I’m rooting for you: Debster, LynzM, Rocy65, Laddie10 & Mamacat.

    Day 7 NFD (UK) NZ Holiday

    So the scales say lb up (again) yet ‘Yesterday’ was a successful FD. Am I despondent? NO. I know that my body has decided to hang on to the weight, re-group and prepare for settling at new weight, may just be ‘food in transit or water retention’ it may go today or tomorrow, or even the next day, but it will go. Like a blood test sometimes you need to wait for the results. No point being anxious, it won’t change the outcome. It would have been great to lose 5 lb week one but it didn’t happen. So summary Week 1 – 3 lbs down( whilst on holiday) very pleased with that. Heading into Week 2 with 2 NFD’s and feeling good.

    I have two meals in two days planned but I have no worries about that either because doing 23/1 everyday allows you to enjoy a meal out without concern. You still need to choose carefully e.g. Fish for me and plan to limit wine to one glass. Pudding if not a healthy option is probably best avoided. But a soup or healthy starter is not off the cards.

    Advice for the person who was feeling ill after chocolate and cheese( high fat foods). Did it cause nausea, burping and high ribcage pain? Probably wise to get your gall bladder checked. This happened to me last year, totally out of the blue, it had to be removed. Quick recovery and feel great now.

    In my own experience ‘zero cal’ fasting(albeit 1 day or 5) and ‘ADF’ are short term fixes and the weight lost is not sustained. I have lost 8 lbs in one week doing a five day fast but it was regained within 3 weeks even though doing 5:2. So basically unless you are doing a ‘sugar detox’ it’s a waste of effort, don’t shoot the messenger, it’s just my opinion. It does however teach you that ‘you can’ control your food intake. It gives you confidence to be master of your own body so might be worth a ‘one off’ try if you are feeling despondent.

    The most successful fasters I have met over the last three years, now maintainers, did 5:2 basic without doing much exercise, maybe walking only. They all now continue to fast to maintain their goal weights. All float up and down a couple of lbs or kilos no matter how closely they watch the scales. None can stop fasting totally without gaining weight even though they have dramatically improved their healthy eating lifestyles. All of these winners have cut sugar dramatically and carbs are a treat not a daily event. THIS IS OUR FUTURE so we may as well start now making changes. Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY. Why! To wear size 12, to look good, to feel good, to walk or climb stairs without puffing, to look in a mirror and smile rather than frown. To never think ‘Does my bum look big in this?’ To enjoy exercise because it is less stressful on our joints and lungs.

    What is the Pocket Group?

    Well done for creating this ‘challenge group’ lovely bunch of people, and maintaining it must be very time consuming. Even I am finding it difficult reading so many posts although on holiday with no TV station worth watching(advert hell). I think when I return home I will need to limit reading just to the ‘current page’ displayed. So apologies in advance if I don’t answer any direct questions to me, nothing personal, just a time management issue. At home I am ‘out’ most of the time as I have a very busy sporting schedule and full social life. Don’t you just love retirement? Sorry to the workers, you time will come!

    My challenge in Week 2 will be 30 hour journey home to U.K. not enough exercise, adapting to my old time zone again, going from Summer to Winter. But I will get to see my dogs after one month away. One has been poorly so I can’t wait to give him a special cuddle. May even let him on the sofa! Getting soft in my old age.

    Day 5 NFD & day 6 should have been a FD but turned into NFD

    Over ate on Saturday and Sunday. Lots of carbohydrates.
    Note to self – it made no sense and made me feel unwell eating all that stuff. My stomach felt sore and heavy. So don’t do it again! Why undo all the good that was done?

    I was hoping to do a FD today and managed quite well until dinner time. But over ate again and then tasted some cake scraps/salted caramel flavored butter icing/ salted caramel from a beautiful birthday cake my DD was making for her friend. I had to make sure all the different elements tasted good…lol. It was yummy but didn’t help me get back on track!

    I will attempt FD tomorrow and Wednesday b2b. Anybody else doing these 2 days?

    Well said @jojo58. Couldn’t agree more. Having reached goal and maintained with the occasional blip following the basic 5:2 WOE for over 2 years, I know it works as long as you continue fasting. I’d encourage all newbies to start with the basic eating plan suggested by Dr Moseley, and tweak it to suit as you have done. We’re really in it for the long term and it must be sustainable.

    Day 6 | FD | Bucks UK

    Day 6 / Sweden / FD

    Fast going well today. Felt I needed some salt by the end of the day so I had a few pretzels.
    Welcome back @dykask. I’m happy to read that a week of travelling in the US did not add too many kg.

    Take care everyone out there! Cheerio!

    Day 7 Sunshine Coast Qld Australia NFD 105.6 kgs.

    @onahealthyhigh: Thank you for your posts. I went back and had a look at your posts and from there looked at thepaddingtonfoodie and there are some really delicious looking recipes there. I’ve posted some of them to Facebook. I really must introduce more variety into my diet. I never would have thought of using asparagus as pseudo rice, but have used cauliflower. So will try the Shakshuka and the meal with asparagus rice and on NFD would like to do the family a deep pan pizza. It all looked absolutely delicious.

    Woke up feeling hungry but a coffee with cream took care of that. Now to return the boys’ overdue library books and go for a walk. Will break my fast at lunch time.

    I hear you @jojo. I did AFDs and 4:3 when I lost the first 20 kgs and then put back on 3 kgs. Now I am trying just to do the basics as I do run out of steam and start self sabotaging. My goal is to lose the next 20 kgs over the next 12 months. It’s going to be a tough haul if the past 5 months of yo-yoing is anything to go by. I do believe it is possible though.

    @rocy65, which mindfulness YouTube vids have you used? I would like to tap into that.

    @reid, thank you for your comments. It’s all very sustaining.

    @bert, hang in there. You’ve thrown out many a lifeline to me and hauled me onto the wagon. We are linked and the wagon is moving forward πŸ’ƒπŸŒ·πŸŽΆπŸ‘

    Have a top day or sleep well everyone.

    Day 6……Florida….. FD

    Left work early because my head was killing me and my belly not playing nice either. I’m thinking the belly part is just a matter of it being a FD, and it’s being loud and obnoxious. I think my head is bothering me for the simple fact, I’m not sleeping well. OH, thinks, I’m my body is stressing about something and my brain won’t agree. So thus the headache.
    Who the heck knows, I’m just over it….. Ugg!
    I’m hoping it’s better tomorrow and I’m not secretly getting the sickness that’s been going around work. I felt so bad leaving the bosses with the new girl, especially since she really got my goat today and .i was a bit snippy with her. My fault totally and I know I should have done it but she has this habit of Saying I can’t find it. So, I stop what I’m doing, walk to where it always is and Ta Da it magically appears. I must have magical powers! Anywho, as always she follows me and says there it is, I must not have seen it. In a normal day, I would have said okay fine and went back to what I was doing…. oh but not today…… I couldn’t just leave well enough alone…. I said in I’m sure was not a very nice tone….. Where your eyes open, when you were looking for it?
    Oh, cap, crap, crap. I can’t believe I just said that crap, crap, crap!
    Did I apologize to her…. well, of course not……. I walked right into the bosses office and had a seat. I’m sure, she was headed that way as soon as I left today anyways….. to tell on me cuz I hurt her feelings….. so, I told on myself, all big and lady like…… they laughed and I bowed out for the day.

    My day in a nutshell….. egg on toast for dinner then I’m going to bed!


    Day 6, Toronto, FD

    Not a bad fast day! As I’ve started exercising more frequently I recalculated my TDEE and 25% of that works out to 550 a day. Ate 569 today – a little over – but so far the few calories over hasn’t seemed to impede my weight loss (although I recognize I may be losing at a faster pace if I was more strict with my adherence). But I think, with all things, if this is going to be a WOL it has to be realistic to me.

    Well done to everyone who resisted self-sabotage at their superbowl parties – I don’t know if I would have had your will power as those foods are a few of my favourite things (nachos, chicken wings, etc.) and major calorie bombs!

    Day 7 NZ NFD
    I’m so pleased I have this group to come back to each day. It’s comforting to know that I am not alone. Last two days I haven’t been eating too well. Some weeks are great others ughh! Working tomorrow so will have a fastday. Very hot and humid here which makes me crabby. Thankyou for listening.

    Oh no, 😱 my FD became a NFD! in spite of my strong resolve earlier this morning.
    Nothing I can do about it now except start over again tomorrow.

    Second post – made it through the day without eating – from 7 pm last night until 7 pm tonight. Drank LOTS of water (flavored a half gallon with one of the Crystal Light pink lemonade straws – tasted like infused water, not too strong but a change from regular water. Ten calories total, I drank it all ! Along with one cup of coffee this morning and some hot lemon ginger tea.

    Ate a sandwich, some chips and a small avocado for dinner as the hubby just wanted soup and some peanut butter on crackers for his dinner as he was feeling a bit under the weather. Nothing serious, he just didn’t feel like a big meal.

    Won’t eat again until tomorrow night – already got in my exercise so all I have to do is watch a bit of tv then take my new library book into my hot bubble bath, turn on talk radio and relax.

    Day 7 – Perth AUS – NFD

    Woke up this morning with absolutely no inclination to eat and it felt great. BUT THEN… Got to work and am on morning tea duty, so bought food, and of course bought crap food for myself too. A hot chocolate, Jester’s pie and some hommus/flat bread to dip… all consumed already *OOPS* and it’s not even morning tea time – and I got a lemon torta with cream for morning tea! I don’t think there’s any point me adding up the calories πŸ˜› I reckon I’m way over TDEE already just with that pie and hot choc LOL

    I was SO GOOD yesterday, then today self control just went out the window. That said, I _can_ control what I eat the rest of the day. A few of you have mentioned that mind-set already, so yep, I just gorged, but that doesn’t mean I can’t rein in the rest of the day and behave myself. Give myself a small piece of cake and ENJOY it, not woof it down, then have a small dinner, I might be over TDEE, but hey, at least I can get a bit closer to it instead of a massive blow out! And I have a trial exercise class tonight so that’ll use up some of the calories I’ve consumed. This little piggie will behave for the rest of the day!

    Day 5 Quebec. NFD

    Day 6. Quebec. CD
    I unfortunately went over my 500 calories budget today because of couscous cereal. Never tought that in contained that much calories !

    Thank you all who mentioned my birthday. Yes it was fun and I ate a lot and I enjoyed it ! Back to regular life and diet today.

    Bye bye x

    Day 6 USA Hawaii NFD

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