28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

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  • Day 6 – Perth AUS – FD (Curry day!)

    Decided to make it another fast day as right before I went to bed, I ate 4 squares of peppermint chocolate “just coz”. Not punishing myself, but trying to practice the willpower side of things, as it’s obviously still a work in progress πŸ˜‰ The big plus is it means it’s curry day! Liquids all day and curry for dinner – feels like a cheat meal!

    Hi Fuvvie,
    Yes I do 23/1 everyday, no zero cal fasts( been there, done that, T shirt still too bloody tight), actually I have tried every combination over the past three years. Been doing 23/1 since last Autumn very successfully. I have one course dinner on fast days and two courses on non fast days(usually home made soup followed by fish/veg)

    I drink tea, green tea and lots of water at other times. I never exceed 500 calls on fast days, sometimes less, eat until full not until the plate is empty(that lesson was tough, took me 2.6 years to address) having smaller portions has only come recently and I put it down to my current plan.

    My stomach is finally beginning to shrink( Hooray) on non fast days I don’t count calories anymore but I do eat healthily and mindfully.
    I have given up sugar (90% of the time)and processed carbs( bread/pasta and rice)but I do allow myself potato and zero noodles are great in a stir fry. Not a big fan of chips but I love roast spuds and mash once per week. I mostly eat fish, eggs or halloumi as a protein.
    I like a salty snack so I have an egg cup full of nuts of salted roast chick peas (quite dry but sort of nutty) when I fancy them, but only maximum twice per day.
    I average 1 lb per week but it has been going well this week- 4 lb down which was my February goal.

    I have changed things in my life, a little at a time over the last three years some with resistance, some easily(no alcohol usually- no problem), I like sparkling water, especially with lemon and ice)

    When I look back I realise I was ‘change adverse’ I just hated unsettling myself. Now I love challenging myself to do and try changing everything about my life. Finally I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but I am focussed on just today.

    Good Luck Everyone

    Signing in lots today to keep reminding myself where I’m going.

    @lou Belles, what a lovely post. So much inspiration.

    @phwree: your meditation practice is wonderful. So positive and getting that realisation is great. I’m not much chop at meditation. I’ve got a real monkey mind. But you make me want to give it another go.

    Thanks Jojo. We must have been composing at the same time πŸ€—πŸ˜‰πŸŒ·

    Day five – Canada – NFD

    Aww thanks @fuvvie 🌹

    My pleasure. I just want everyone to find the path that works for them, preferably quicker than me.

    Good Luck, keep fasting, keep eating healthily

    Day 5 NFD US
    Loving reading all of the support and thoughtful advice for @ciren2. I second/third/fourth all of it and really encourage making the goal as small as possible. I love 5:2 because of its simplicity and I think it can made way more complicated than it needs to be. Just fast. Focus on getting through tomorrow with 500 calories. That’s it. Then don’t think about it again til Thursday and do it again. You’ve done it before. You’ve got this. πŸ‘Š
    @phwree I love headspace and your application of it into fasting. I have noticed I’ve become a much more mindful eater since beginning a daily meditation practice.
    I’m wishing you all well.

    Please add my name to the list.

    @at…hope you enjoyed “Swan Lake!” I think it’s my favorite Tchaikovsky music and the ballet divine. We saw Baryshnikov in it about 1980.

    Day 5 U.S. This is my second consecutive fast day. Sometimes I find it easier to fast all weekend than during the week.

    Jojo, I haven’t heard of 23:1. What time of day do you eat? On non fast days, how many calories do you eat during that 1 hr?

    It’s no different to 5:2 in terms of calories, it’s just a restriction of eating time. I find I can switch off from the whole worry about what I will eat for each meal. I don’t count calories on non fast days but I would guess it is under 1600 most days as I eat grilled fish or seafood, eggs, prawns, halloumi etc( vegetarian/ pescatarian). I eat a lot of veg either in a salad or hot. Basically it’s a healthy Mediterranean Diet without red meat. I used to record everything so I am quite good at knowing calorific values.

    My success is not only due to 23/1 which is a lifestyle choice which suits me but I severely restrict sugar, carbs and I don’t eat much fat. I do cook in butter though, love it. These things I have learned to live without over the last three years. I was finding weightloss a problem even with 5:2 so I changed it up frequently. I happy happy with my current plan for now but if it ceases to work for me I will be checking out the latest Scientific Research. I am particularly impressed by Jason Fung, his lectures on insulin and fasting are revolutionary, available on utube. Basically he says raised insulin levels cause you to store food as fat instead of using the food for energy. Sugar raises these levels. Fasting daily really helps my body function more efficiently.

    Hope this helps

    15,000 steps done today which doesn’t hurt weight loss either.

    Day6 UK FD

    Do not reward yourself with food, you are not a pet!

    Joining the pocket fasters of the M and T back to back.


    A little pocket but we can do it!

    @blueninjamum thanks for the link.


    Day 4 NFD Washington USA

    Didn’t do so well eating today, Super Bowl party food, a little whiskey, definitely not something I would do every weekend but I enjoyed what I had. Tomorrow will be a FD.

    Day 6 NFD Sydney 6pm

    Goal weight: 70-75kg

    February challenge
    Day 1: 86.7
    Day 4: 85
    Depressed. Mini-binge.

    Day 6 – Staffordshire UK-fd

    Had a lovely weekend, but not good in terms of food & wine consumption. Back on the path today.

    Day 6 UK FD

    Weighed this morning and down 1lb from.yesterday an encouraging start for my fast day!

    Feeling more positive today, yesterday the sun was shining so I got out for 2 long walks, feeling the suns warmth really lifted my spirits!

    Can I join the M / T pocket fasters

    A busy day today so will be able to stay on track!

    Onwards and Down!!

    Day 6 UK

    FD for me today. Fish pie tonight 482 calories. Water and black coffee today 😊

    Day 6 – Melbourne – FD
    Hard’ish morning, but a little easier as the day wore on.

    Day 6 UK FD

    @fuvvie the 100kg mark does seem difficult to break through doesn’t it:( we seem to be at the same point and trying many of the same things cutting out sugar etc so I particularly enjoy reading your posts. there are so many it is hard to remember who said what by the time I come to post myself, but it is so helpful to see so many people on the same journey.

    Day 6 Belfast FD
    Day 7 FD
    My goodness @lynzm your on the ball! I think I mentioned about 3 pages ago that I would do a b2b and there it is, even before I’ve posted. What a great job you’re doing!
    @lilymartin, what is it about boys and fridges? My boys do this every time they come in the house, even though they’re both 28 and 30 and even after 18 months in Canada (after the mummy hugs of course)
    @coda it’s hard to wave your children off across the world. Thank goodness for Skype and FaceTime!
    Quebecoise Bonne anniversaire. Je pense que je suis un peu en retard, mais le sentiment est la mΓͺme. My schoolgirl French and auto correct made that challenging!
    AT I would love to see that. The first every ballet I saw was Swan Lake. My mum took me up to London for my 10th birthday, a memory I’ll always treasure! I did ballet up until in was about 14 or 15 and of course dreamed of being a ballerina. There is an awful video somewhere of me in my tutu dancing the dying swan! Margot Fonteyn was my absolute heroine.
    Jarbia, Madeira is on my bucket list. Safe and happy travels!
    Have a good day everyone and stay strong fellow fasters.

    Day 6 – London – FD
    Really looking forward to fasting today, rather over indulged on Saturday night and then it slightly rolled on into Sunday’s eating so looking forward to giving my body a break! Today is a new day…..
    Have a wonderful day everyone.

    DAY 6 – Cardiff UK – FD

    Starting weight : 173.3lb

    Today’s weight : 170.2lb (3.1lb)

    Still sugar free for me, despite a stressful day yesterday when I got a puncture driving home after taking my daughter back to uni. No handbag, no money, no bank cards. Managed to get hold of my brother so all sorted, but a treat was the first thing I thought of when I got home. I managed to stay strong though and just had a coffee to warm me up.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Day 6, Dunsborough, Western Australia FD
    Down 600g (1.3 lb) since my last weigh 6 days ago. Gotta be happy with that. This means I’ve ditched 3.3kg (just over 7 lb) since starting 5:2 3 weeks ago! Wow, I’ve only just done the maths on that and I’m excited!! Probably a lot of that is fluid but I don’t care… it’s going down and that’s what I’m excited about. For years it’s been creeping up bit by bit so it’s great to have been able to stop the rot.
    Having a FD today and I’ve found 23/1 to be the way to go. I’ve had a couple of cups of tea – with skim milk – throughout the day, and just plain old water. Does having the tea with milk negate the 23/1? It’s only 5 calories each. These are my treats πŸ˜‹
    On my NFDs I’ve been going 16/8 (is that 2 meals a day?) Still trying to get my head around the terminology.
    It just means that I’m a bit peckish most of the time, which is sitting pretty well at the moment.
    I haven’t started keeping track of calories for NFDs but am pretty confident I’m within my TDEE range. If and when weight loss slows or stops, then I’ll address the TDEE situation, but I’m just getting confidence with the FDs before going to the next level. One thing (change) at a time. If I take on too much I’ll bomb out and I’m happy with concentrating on just 1 new habit.
    So far I’ve pretty much ditched starchy carbs and gluten, plus the sugar dragon is under control. But even though I’ve made those changes the weight hasn’t shifted. I know I have a 90% healthy diet, I just eat too much, and too much of a good thing is still too much! I’ve read all the additional benefits of this WOL and they are impressive and I really think this is THE ONE for me. Happy days πŸ˜ƒ

    Hi Fatrabbit, I’ve been so close to 100 kgs so often. Want to crack it by 28th March but that may not be realistic. Definitely by 26th April, my 12 month anniversary of starting 5:2. We will get there.

    I planted the tree. Yay πŸŽ‰πŸŽΆπŸ˜‰ It was so hot and I perspired freely TMI πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜… It must have done me a lot of good on my fast day. I think I forgot to post FD. Sorry LynzM.

    I was tempted to grab a handful of nuts after pork chop and salad for dinner. Raced off to the bathroom and cleaned my teeth. Much better option. Stuck to 1/4 TDEE. Now getting stuck into my jigsaw puzzle. It is 10 past 8 pm.

    Day 6 / Oman / NFD

    Day 6 – NFD. Brisbane Australia

    I forgot to post the last two days, whoops! Fasted yesterday and was happy with my efforts, kept to 500 cals. The scales have gone down 0.5kg in the last week which is nice to see.

    So hot here today, I had a nice cold chicken salad for dinner, was delicious! I never used to get how a salad was considered a real meal, but when adding extra things like beans and nuts you can actually get full. How things are changing, lol

    Day 6– Colorado USA– NFD

    My goodness I love this forum! You all are so full of great ideas!

    I feel Ciren2’s pain, for sure. I started in May with Coda’s first call to action & have read along as we’ve made tremendous progress. I’m now just 5-7 pounds away from my goal weight, but I’m having some of the same struggles as Ciren2: cannot complete a full, strict FD since early January. I keep starting them, but end at 900 or so calories. Not a Fast, but also not TDEE. It’s Dr. Fung’s non-man’s land of “chronic calorie restriction”…. so I read your advice to Ciren very closely!!

    Thank you to LynzM, and exhale, Bert, Jojo, Coda & many many others!! Excellent thoughts on moving forward successfully!

    I will brush that little devil off my shoulder, whispering in my ear to “have just one drink/one bite, it won’t hurt.” But it can hurt, because caving in makes me feel dejected & disappointed in myself. It’s a spiral in the wrong direction. I will fight that riptide of emotion that wants to wash me out to sea. Food never fixed any of my problems! Action & activity & a solid plan has always helped more.

    Luckily, my Medical Leave is up when I return home from vacation. Returning to work will help give my days & week structure. Keeping busy always improved my FDs.
    I’ll also try implementing your ideas of: visualization, mindful meditation (start as easy as just 3 minutes morning + evening), mapping out a detailed schedule of my day to keep busy, KonMari a different area of my house each FD (pantry, foyer closet, craft room), and walking goal of 30+ mins each day.

    Again, thank you all for bolstering my resolve. This group is such a life-line!

    It’s the way to go for sure 23/1, it just works.
    If you do it everyday the routine get easier
    Just drink every hour, splash of milk doesn’t need to be a problem. My first cup of tea each day has milk but otherwise I have water or green/ fruit tea. But just do what’s doable.

    Day 6 – London, UK, FD

    Aiming for a liquid FD, I’ve 2 portions of bone broth and limitless water and peppermint tea at the ready. I prefer to fast at work (Mon-Thurs) but after a busy eating w/end I NEED to fast………. I never thought I’d say that, enjoying the tummy rumbles!!

    Good luck all, keep the faith.

    Day 6…..Florida….. FD

    So, the weekend I’d over and the first day of my 6 day stretch at work. I could kick my self, as again, the scales say I over did it. I really have to get my head wrapped around my weekends.

    I’m FD today, so hopefully, today will undo, My stupidness and get my numbers going down again. In 5 weeks, I’m going home for a visit and would really like to be down to around 140lbs.

    I could just kick myself…… So, I’ve got 6 days to figure out how to handle my next two days off!

    Quick question…… As I try to sit and figure out my downfalls. I realize. Sat night I didn’t start my fast until 11 pm and broke it about noon on Sunday, which means I only had a 13 hour break between meals when normally, I do anywhere from 16 to 20 hours. Could this be the reason for a 4 lb gain in two days?
    It just seems funny to me that, I can fight for weeks to lose just 2lbs but blink and 4 lbs, is back. Thinking about it now, to show a loss for the week, I have to lose 6 lbs in 5 days…… 😲

    Not a good start to every long week!


    AT & Fuvvie & Onahealthyhigh — thank you for sharing your personal journeys. So much to learn from your experiences! Lots of wisdom from life lessons. I’ve re-read them several times now. Giving me such a boost going forward!!

    Day 6 Hampshire, FD

    Thought I’d jump in! Horrendous eating weekend so getting back on it with hopefully a 4:3 week. Not going to weigh in till Friday AM (post 3 fasts and a B2B). Struggling already, very cold and considering chewing my own arm off.

    Day 6 Surrey, UK FD

    Days 4&5 were NFD. I did pretty well with them considering it was the weekend. BUT scales are staying stubbornly at the same place. I think I need to up the exercise again. I aim to go swimming twice this week. Its not easy when its so chilly but I just have to force myself.

    @pashaw – can I just say I REALLY admire your resolve. Your journey sounds like hell to me and I definitely would have succumbed to the temptation of comforting chocolate/cake etc when I finally got home. So, well done you.

    Day 6, USA, Missouri Ozarks – F

    Weight 151.2 ( – .8 )

    Did great yesterday, got in LOTS of water and unsweetened tea. Plenty of exercise, plenty of motivation from reading this thread (and others) on this great board. I was certainly hungry when I ate my one meal at 7, but stayed the course.

    Thanks for the welcome back. Also, let me send my very best wishes to you SongBirdMe – prayers for your brother and all who love him. Happy to read that you had a great birthday Quebecoise.

    I learned a lot from reading all the posts, what a fun, caring, intelligent, thoughtful group !

    Off to get ready for work, enjoy your day all !

    Day 6 Surrey UK NFD Checking in

    Day 6 — Colorado USA– NFD

    Coda– you’re right! Stop stressing! I’m on holiday for just 5 days, relax & enjoy, for Pete’s sake!
    I never, ever buy ice cream at home. For the past 3 years, I’ve only allowed ice cream while away on vacation. 🍦 Tonight’s our last night, so I’m giving myself a treat of ice cream to look forward to tonight. And I won’t feel an ounce of worry about it! πŸ˜€

    Then, as soon as I return home, I will do a cleansing “re-set day” ala blueninjamum!

    LouBelles– fantastic post, re-reading to absorb it all. Will use your idea of baby stepping my way back into WOL when I return home. I’ll come up with my mini-goals on flight home. Then I’ll be ready for my “re-set” and attainable goals. Thanks!

    Day 6 – FD – Canada
    Starting my day with posts, visualization of day/week ahead and then some breathing meditation (I need to focus on breath to keep my mind from wandering) @phwree
    @pashaw – what an experience! How resilient you are!
    Hang in there @bert1802 – sounds like a scale blip to me.. wait a day or two and it may sort itself out.
    @mimigogirl – sounds like you’ve got this sorted!
    @fuvvie – it’s so cold here, I am dreaming of gardening!

    Day 6 – Switzerland – FD

    Hi everyone, it’s been really great to catch up with all the news on this thread. Rain held off for long enough to do a couple of laps around our local lake, so feeling quite healthy, if somewhat hungry…

    @at, thanks for your suggestion that I try 16:8 to help master my NFDs. I will give it a go tomorrow – main reason I haven’t tried it before is that I tend to wake up from FDs feeling really very hungry (and grumpy!). I’ll try to hold breakfast off until an 11am ‘brunch’ then have dinner at 6pm…

    @chubbypenguin Don’t chew your arm off, think of the calories!! Maybe just chew off a bit?? I get really chilly on FDs too – have just put on an extra fleece and have a hot air blower under my desk (!). On the positive side, I heard that feeling cold during fasting happens when the body has to change gear and access energy from fat rather than from food. Less blood to the extremities, so you feel more chilly… So when I feel cold, I take it as a sign that fasting is working!

    Day 2 – Toronto, Canada – NFD

    Sorry everyone, but I’ve been out of the loop as we spend our weekends up north at the cottage….no internet. πŸ™ Anyway, back on track and online today, wishing everyone a healthy week!

    Georgia/USA/Day 6/FD: Still fighting this cold. I think I’ve gotten over the hump with it now. Gonna load up on coffee and tea today.

    Day 6: Gloucestershire, UK: Non-fast day.

    Firstly THANK YOU to ALL of you who have responded to my cry for help…you are all such wonderful people, I truly don’t deserve you.
    I know my current problem with fast days is all to do with my mind. I know I’ve done it before, so it’s not that I think it’s impossible.
    It’s founded on the highly depressing thoughts that crowd in on me when I know the scales are rising, and for some reason I am sabotaging my plans…self hate? Maybe…do I deserve this? Of course not, but..it’s become a vicious circle; failed fast, self-hate, sabotage, failed fast etc, etc..
    Anyway, I will try to relieve the pressure by not planning another fast until NEXT MONDAY when I’m back at work after my current week off. If it’s ok I will continue to log in each day as NFD until such time as I succeed.
    Again…thank you ALL xx

    Day 6 – nsw Aust- fd
    Went well today however haven’t been feeling well. Had a bit of cheese and chocolate yesterday and made me feel awful so a few more things to stay away from. Weigh in day tomorrow but don’t think that things on the scale will move much. Staying positive. Sleep is still hard, falling asleep in particular. Good luck everyone.

    Day 6 USA FD

    Day 6 Australia NFD

    Days 4 & 5, UK

    The weekend was my time off the Fasting. Probably too many cals and carbs, but nothing horridly excessive. I’d fasted all five previous weekdays and cranked up the exercise. Exercise dropped off over the weekend due to visitors staying with us.

    FD today (Day 6). Will try and exercise tonight

    2nd Weigh-in and progress report tomorrow.

    Pocketfasters – I’m with you!


    Did I miss anyone?

    Let’s do this!

    Hey pocketeers– add me in please!


    Day 5, FD AZ USA

    Day 6 Ottawa CANADA

    Day 6, FD, Rocky Mountains, US

    Hi everyone,

    Yesterday was a NDF. I was worried about the lunch invitation, which was actually brunch, with our friends. I could not resist a small cinnamon roll. Otherwise I ate healthy, had a Gulf shrimp salad with asparagus, romaine lettuce, avocado and 8 huge Gulf shrimp with red wine vinaigrette. One of my friends kept saying, ‘just a salad, why?’ Oh my, it was really a big salad. Drink: 2 huge iced teas. The other friend brought for each couple a ziploc bag full of candy for watching Super Bowl later. Oh boy, the sour patch kids disappeared in no time. But even with this I stayed within my TDEE.

    All the best to everyone. I definitely love the posts and they help me very much to stay on the path of this new WOL. Thank you all!


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