28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 451 through 500 (of 2,266 total)

  • Day 4 Tas Australia NFD 65.8kgs

    Goal is to drink more water today, I have been very slack with that lately.

    @elektron my husband has had trouble for years with restless legs and had tried all sorts of things, magnesium powder and pills but what has worked best for him is magnesium oil, rubbed straight onto his legs 20 minutes before he goes to bed. Good luck, that’s a real pain.

    @blueninjamum you might not have lost any weight because of your hard workout, muscles retaining water as they recover and all that type of thing. I have been a very slow loser I’m sure partially because of my challenging workouts. In saying that is fantastic though to be working hard and building muscle, just doesn’t always show on the scales.

    @bert1802 congrats on fitting into your old jeans! Yay! What a fantastic feeling!

    @fuvvie I hope you have a wonderful time on your boat trip with the hip hop lessons for the other ladies, sounds like so much fun! 💃

    Day 3. NFD. Washington USA
    Stayed below my TDEE today, haven’t noticed any noticeable differences yet except that possibly my tummy is a little flatter. I’m going to stay off the scale for awhile, probably weigh once next week to see how my week went but other than that I’m going by how my clothes feel.
    Thank you everyone for all the motivation and encouraging quotes and suggestions, hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

    second post.
    Supposed to be cleaning out my kitchen after it was renovated and the builders just left everything when they had finished so dust, dirt and sawdust everywhere!!
    As it’s a FD I am reading here instead of opening the fridge door.
    @coda. Like Elektron I don’t usually watch rugby, though my DH and sons love it. However I DO remember watching that particular moment in sporting history and remember it well – as do a lot of other Aussies.
    Although it rather spoilt the result for us it WAS a remarkable kick.👏👏

    Day 4 – Melbourne – NFD
    @songbirdme you and your brother are in my prayers. Lost my mum to emphysema 3 years ago and it was hard to watch her go downhill.
    @coda, thanks for the strong reminders about visualisation and thinking/talking using positive language. I fully believe in the power of it, but need a reminder from time to time. Yes, TTFN is ta ta for now – it used to be fairly common in NZ …way back in the day.
    @fuvvie, love your humour and your fun times!

    Had takeaway for dinner last night and I chose Bing Boy (a Veg-ing) about 450 cals, lots of veg, and a fairly good choice as far as fast food goes. And soooooo yummy!

    Day 4 NFD Oman
    Doing 16:8 today. Working up to doing 16:8 every NFD.

    I find it very motivating reading all your posts. My thoughts are with anyone (or anyone with family members) going thru health issues.

    Day 4 NSW Australia NFD

    Good day. Plenty of exercise. Must drink more water.

    Day 4, NZ, NFD

    Day 4 NFD UK(NZ Hol)

    Broke all my own rules today, started with scrambled egg with salmon, chicken wrap for lunch then soup followed by Halloumi Salad for dinner. Also drank a latte and 2 G& T’s. So not so disciplined after all.

    Compensating factor walked over 10,000 steps, improved my tan and had a brilliant day.

    Another NFD tomorrow with my other half’s special 60 th birthday treat on the agenda for the afternoon. Sadly ‘High Tea’ in a posh cafe. Not sure how that will work out but definitely back on 23/1 for me.

    Well Done losers! Keep focussed!

    Day 4 – Switzerland – FD

    Moved yesterday’s FD to today to accommodate a birthday lunch, so trying a weekend FD today.

    My determination abandoned me when I got back from choir (yes, me too!) late on Thursday evening, and spent 45 minutes eating everything I could find (even plain yoghurt with jam in it, not great). Felt very bloated and rather self-defeated when I went to bed – before that point I was pleased at having stuck to my TDEE and logging everything on MFP. And it was only Day 2…

    Anyway, yesterday’s NFD was better, but still not logged. FDs are great, but at the moment are just serving to rid me of the excess calories taken on during NFDs. Either I learn to eat within my TDEE on NFDs or I will forever hover around 90 kgs, carrying 20kgs of extra weight around that I don’t need and don’t want and would be healthier and happier without.

    Good luck everyone!

    day 4 – nsw Aust- nfd
    I actually feel better on fast days and now that I eat very little bread (my favorite carb) the days a may have a little I don’t feel well. Did well today had fish, chick peas and tomato from the garden for lunch. It’s a hot day so not very hungry but had plenty fluid in take.
    Good luck to everyone today 🙂

    Day 4 – Staffordshire UK-nfd

    Well yesterday didn’t go to plan and ended up being a NFD. So might try and do a 4:3 next week to make up. Winter blues makes it harder.

    Day 4 Cornwall U.K. NFD

    Since my weighin on Wed for the end of Jan challenge and my starter for Feb, I have really lost it. Made very poor food choices my head just isn’t in a good place!

    I’ve had breakfast this morning and we have friends for dinner, I’m hoping to resist foods between now and then.

    I will weigh tomorrow morning I know it wont be a happy one but I must do that, see the damage and get back on 5.2 track!

    Started reading the posts but there are just too many to keep up with!

    Well done to those who are doing so well, some amazing loses for Jan!

    For those who are struggling lets hold hands and help each other!
    Preperation to get back on the horse on Monday for a fast.Onwards my friends!

    Day 4/ U.K. / NFD
    12.13 or 181lbs.
    Enjoying the posts.
    Fuvvie, you made me laugh out loud.

    Day 4 Portugal NFD
    62.9kg yay just broke the 63 barrier!
    Great FD yesterday – not feeling particularly hungry this morning. To finish off my FD yesterday I had my first taste of chocolate in almost 4 weeks (just 2 little squares) and it tasted soooo good.

    Day 4 UK FD

    HI everyone, reading through posts and realised some of you have made some lovely steps in the right direction on the scales this week, so made me look at why I haven’t. I.e. Stayed the same. My NFDs are slipping into treat days, and not drinking hardly enough water. So this week I am gonna plan meals and exercise, and importantly stick to plan.

    When I get a great result it spurs me on so why do I self sabotage?

    Motivational quote of the day “River cuts through rocks not by power but by persistence”

    @fuvvie – love the 1-11 point post made me laugh, especially I completed my 14 day diet in 3.5 hours.

    @coda – love the Johnny Wilkinson visualisation story.

    114 in the group now! Cheerio.

    Day 4 NFD Kent coast UK
    Yesterday was a NFD, stayed well under tdee and had a lovely long walk along the seafront at Hythe. The sun was shining, the sea was sparkling, it was a perfect day for a brisk walk. But on the scales this morning I’d put on weight. Oh sweet mystery of life. But I shall try again today, although my walk will be under grey, leaden sky’s today!
    @jojo58 well done on your 4lb weight loss, but you work so hard for it don’t you? Enjoy your high tea today! I shall try to remember to weigh daily and see if I can figure out what my body likes so much that it wants to keep it and what it’s not so keen out on and lets go!

    Day 4 Belfast NFD
    Weekly weigh in 157.5. I’ve just checked my progress on the fracker and while the scales have said this number before, it was never on my official weigh in day, So I have officially posted my lowest number since March last year. Yay! But like someone posts, my progress looks a bit like the Southern Alps!
    Thanks for all the chuckles
    Well done to all the losers and Internet hugs to all those struggling.
    Have a good day
    TTFN (wasn’t that said by Jimmy Young all those years ago?) and toodle pip

    Day 4– Colorado USA– NFD

    DH is still sound asleep, I’m up early as usual, sipping plain black coffee. Enjoying a brief vacation in sunny, warm Florida!

    After arriving yesterday, we picked up some cheap pool floaties & spent a couple hours bobbing along the Lazy River in the sunshine. Fun to have oodles of free time to chat about silly stuff together. Then we had dinner out at DH’s favorite Japanese Hibachi steakhouse. Yum!!

    Thanks to 5:2, I had no problem grabbing a small breakfast in the airport at 4:45 AM. Then nothing to eat all day till 6:30 PM dinner 14 hours later. Prior to 5:2 I would’ve sworn I was “starving to death!” And would’ve insisted on stopping for snacks. 😀

    Also, I’m pleased that my shorts & bikini fit (after dropping 16 pounds!) Still need to stick with weight lifting & cardio to add muscle, but it’s the most confident I’ve felt at a pool in years! 🏖 👙☀️

    Day 4– Colorado USA– NFD

    In it to thin it– I have a black Lab- border collie mix & she hops on the treadmill with me!
    She used to watch me from the sidelines, then one day we found her standing on it, wondering why it wasn’t moving. So I turned it on very slowly till she got the hang of it. Now we can walk & jog together indoors (but only if the weather is terrible. We both prefer outside!)

    Songbird & Coda– thinking of you & your family members facing health issues. Hugs & strength to you all in tough times.

    Coda– thanks for post on visualization. Excellent reminder to keep our attention tuned into the positive!

    PamelaV– thank you for sharing your story re: WW. My gosh I’ve been there! It’s funny how many of us want change without making any effort to do the changes necessary! Lots of hard-won wisdom & good tips in your post.

    For myself, I will continue practicing my new questioning mantra prior to each decision about what food or drink goes in my mouth, “WILL THIS GET ME CLOSER TO MY GOALS?”

    Day 4: Brittany, France – NFD. After yesterday’s FD this morning’s weight is 68.4 kg – the same as on Day 1. Aiming to lose 2 kg this month, so it’s a bit of a discouraging start.

    Day 4…… Florida…… NFD

    Well, I finally get to write something good in my fast tracker. it’s been a long couple weeks. Jan 14 th was the last time, I showed a loss on the scale at least, but today Feb. 4th, I can say I’m down again to 149.4.

    I am in the 140’s……. jeepers creepers, I never thought, I see those numbers again!

    Just a thought for newbies and reminder for us who have been doing this for a while. There are times in this WOL, that it may not seem worth it because the scales are not giving you the results you seek. For weeks even months you can stand on the scale day after day, week after week and see no weight loss. It happens to everyone, regardless of what diet or food regime you are on. We have are good days and the bad ones; however, it what you do after stepping off the scale that determines how successful you and your diet or food regime are together. You must continue to fight.

    I have tried every diet that has ever been created, no matter how crazy they may have been, but 5:2 is the only one where I still see amazing results even if the scale stays the same. Sometimes, well most of the time, we have to rely on those successes as proof we are moving in the right direction.

    It’s been 2 weeks since Mr. Scale was nice to me. He never gave me an ounce. That’s because it was my closets turn to be the hero for the week. Jan. 27th, I slipped on a pair of jeans, that still had tags on them because I jumped up in weight the week I bought them, so they were oh so tight! I wore them gain on Feb. 2nd and they are very lose especially around my thighs. Then yesterday, I slipped on a pair I haven’t worn in 2 years! No weight loss but clothes getting looser! Seems odd right! But in actuality it’s not! It’s just showing, your body working the program…. you are having success, even if the numbers are not showing it!

    Keep working the program, look for other successes if the scales are being mean. As AT would say Together we can do this!

    Today is a NFD for me….. I’m going to try very hard to control my intake of food.

    LouBelles….. Thank you….. how have you been!

    Lilymartin…….. a damn microfiber cloth works fantastic at getting up construction dust. I use them at work all the time.

    And….exhale…… Come on grab my hand….. NFD are hard for me too! Together, we’ll control them!

    Okay, well off for another cup of coffee and to clean my house. Well at least it keeps me away from the fridge for a couple hours! Lol


    Day 3: NFD AZ USA
    Day 4: NFD AZ USA

    Had a feast day yesterday and I splurged at breakfast and dinner and didn’t gain a pound. I was so happy. My lesson was, even when I don’t want to or when I don’t really have the time, squeeze a work out in. I downloaded an E-book for my workouts and it’s been great because I do all my workouts at home 🙂 soooo I woke up at 4am to get a workout in before work. I have a lot of catching up to do on here!! Adios!

    DAY 4 – Cardiff UK – FD

    Starting weight : 173.3lb

    Today’s weight : 171.9lb (1.4lb)

    Still managed to steer clear of the sugar yesterday and even managed a 0.4lb loss on a NFD. I thought it was going to be tougher than it was a OH had a hospital appointment which meant a lot of waiting around for transport, for only a 10 minute consultation. It was so much easier when I could take him in my car as it’s only a 15 minute journey to the hospital.

    I’m still struggling with drinking water. My family think I’m strange but I just don’t like the taste. I’m determined today though to get through 2 litres even if I have to hold my nose to get it down,

    Hope everyone has a great day and good luck to everyone else on a FD today.

    Day 4 Ottawa CANADA
    More chicken bone broth simmering in the crock pot for the next 48 hours. I love that stuff and will sip on it if I feel “low” on prolonged fasts (more than 36 hours).

    I don’t count calories but I keep an eagle eye on my carbs. I’ve adopted a ketogenic lifestyle and it suits me so perfectly!! And I only eat when I’m truly in need for food and these days I haven’t been needing much. Loving it.

    Well done everyone! Decide. Commit. Succeed.

    Fuvvie, too funny!

    Day 4 USA FD

    This is my 2nd day of a B2B Fast as yesterday went well. Had two eggs with mushrooms and onions for dinner and that was enough to hold me over until the late night hunger went away which usually eases up by 10 p.m. I was very busy with work yesterday but unfortunately really did not drink enough of water or really anything else but coffee in the morning so today I am really going to increase the fluids.

    I am going to go out for a hike today which I promised myself at the start of the month. Looking forward to some fresh (chilly!!) air this morning.

    Hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend!

    Hi, is it too late to join now? I just signed up to the website today, and plan to read a lot this weekend and do my first fast day on Monday. I’d love to be posting in a group where there is regular feedback, but if I needed to start with you on the 1st then that’s OK too… For what it’s worth, I’ve been doing the Harcombe diet for nearly 3 years, and maintained within +/- 2kg of 70 kg for most of that time, but today I’m back over 74 kg which was my starting weight three years ago. I plan to continue my normal eating of the last few years (no alcohol, avoiding sugar) on the five days, and I’ll admit I’m scared of the 2 days fasting, but I’ve finally reached the point of “can’t expect anything to change if I don’t change something myself”.

    @muquba, never too late to start, check in each day with the day of the month, i.e. The 4th is Day 4′ where u are, and if it’s a NFD or FD

    Look back at first post for guidance or ask a question if you get stuck, there’s always someone on here to reply.

    @pashaw I too find it hard to drink water and have to make a conscious effort, however I started drinking warm water and lemon, I try to sip this throughout the day, of find a bottle water you will drink, I personally like Evian. Some people say they all taste the same but I disagree. I’m more likely to drink it if I like it so worth the cost.
    But it’s funny this is a daily struggle but a really important one for doing the 5/2 as most hunger is thirst. If we can nail this there are lots of body benefits! Good luck.

    @lynzm Thanks for the welcome!

    Day 4 -NFD – Canada
    @loubelles you were right – water retention post Thurs exercise kept scales up Fri morning, today I have broken through the 143s altogether and was 142.0 🙂 Am so pleased.
    Today is exactly a month since I began 5:2 on Jan 4th and that’s 8 lbs for me! It’s felt like much of that was stuck in a plateau at 144/143 but when I stand back and look at the Southern Alps (@Debster251) on my tracker I see it is a good distance to have travelled!
    @happymargo – love your confidence in the pool!
    @bert1802 – great reminders re:clothes and congrats on scale shifting!
    @lynzm – self sabotage is a biggie. I am going to try to get just 2 meals today, my NFD. But they will be good ones!!
    Enjoy the weekend everyone!

    Day 4 – London – NFD

    Just had my first chance to read through everyone’s wonderful posts while my other half looks after the kids. So much support, advice and positive thinking, what a lovely place!

    Feb going well so far, went for a run this morning which I love doing, exercise is such a great way to get your head in the right space and think of all the positive ways this way of life has on your body. I’m being a bridesmaid in the summer and tried on my dress again today, it’s too big! Apart from the fact the bride is going to kill me (!) it’s made me feel so great and keen to keep going. Just shows the changes you can make in a short time as it was bought at the beginning of Jan.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekends whether they are fasting or not. About to go and make brownies with my daughter…. luckily she will want to lick the spoon and bowl so it avoids to temptation!

    Ohio, USA. I am in but I am totally new to this diet and this program. it is Feb. 4 here in the US. My weight is 222.2.

    I am in a non-fast day.

    Day 4: Gloucestershire, UK. Another healthy non-fast day.
    One day closer to my first fast day of the month!

    Hello everyone,
    Day 4, NFD, Rocky Mountains
    FD went quite well yesterday. Only 48 cal over the allowed 500 cal.
    Will continue 18:6 on NFD. I also did not take on any social committments for February, it is solely dedicated for 4:3.
    Only my OH knows (and my puppy, hihi) about this new WOL. I experienced that friends like to sabotage by saying things like ‘oh why, you look great, you don’t need any weight loss’ or ‘one bite does not hurt, one sip of beer won’t undo anything’. Well, it is not true and one bite or sip never stays just one.
    All the best to all of you!

    Oops, NFD yesterday and went 700 calories over my TDEE celebrating a birthday. Consoling myself with completing 2 consecutive FD’s successfully the days before.

    Was thinking of doing a third FD tomorrow but it’s my first week and I don’t know if that will confuse my body or hopefully level yesterday’s gluttony. I’m wondering if I take the calories from today’s TDEE but don’t know if I’ll start confusing my brain then. Happy Saturday all.

    Day 4 UK NFD

    Day 4: NFD: USA
    Good Morning to you all. Since it’s the day after a FD, got on the scale and down 2 pounds, so that’s promising; I had the go-to-omelette & mushrooms for dinner last night, which seems to be a popular FD meal. It did fill me up and I didn’t wake up wanting to eat the door off of the refrigerator or craving anything. Made a big bowl of oatmeal with a dollop of almond butter because that’s what I wanted and and it’s filling. I’ve found an increase in thirst, which is a good thing. See the difference, I couldn’t have my almond butter on Atkins, so that tablespoon on my oatmeal made me very happy.
    PashaW: My girls don’t love drinking water, either, so I add some slices of orange, cucumbers and a little bit of mint to the water jug and they look forward to it. It’s surprisingly good and pretty — we call it spa water. I’m sure others have mentioned that, but a good way to keep the fluids up in a tasty, healthy way.
    No fast days this weekend, so good goal to stay on track/stay away from sugar and pigging out. A day at a time… slow and steady.

    @lynzm thanks for the suggestion regarding water. I usually go for very cold, so perhaps warm may be better. I’ll get some lemons and see if that disguises the taste.

    My children both love water and will choose it over any other drink, which used to confuse our relatives when visiting them as they would offer a variety of drinks only to have them refuse them all. They clearly don’t follow me!

    Hello UK day 4 nfd (cd) 11.8, 162lbs

    Got everything for today logged into mfp so hope I stick to it. Yesterday’s fd went well – had my chicken salad (all measured and added up) when I came home after 9pm and was at my 1/4 tdee but ‘then I went and spoilt it all by doing something stupid like’ (sorry Nancy) I ate a mini chocolate egg my OH produced. I was not hungry and thought what harm would one mini egg do but as we all know I didn’t stop at one but 12! But I logged them in and my day came in at 600. Not too bad but could have done better by just doing the simplest of exercises. Move your chin towards your right shoulder then to your left shoulder repeat and do it quickly lol

    Day 4 – Canada – NFD

    Yesterday I had a lovely carry lunch and visit with a friend that I see just once a month. I’m afraid I completed my 14 day diet in a matter of four hours. I’ll keep an eye on my TT EE today however we are going to have dinner with friends this evening. I will fast tomorrow.

    @songbirdme. Spending this time together with your brother is so important for both of you. I hope he is resting comfortably.

    @redrockgirl302. I’m with you at keeping your WOL to yourself. I know my friends would say the same to me if they knew I was fasting. I arrange my FDs on days when I don’t have social events that involve eating. This WOL is so accommodating that way. We have to do what works for us.

    @pashaw. I like to measure out 2 or 3 L of water every morning and I keep it in a big jug on the counter. I prefer my water at room temperature rather than really cold. I will often add sliced cucumber and mint, or sliced strawberries, or sometimes sliced lemons but I don’t mind drinking the water just plain. I often will set a timer to ping every two hours to remind me to go and drink a large glass of water.

    Well I must get on with the day. Have a good weekend everyone and if you are a football fan, enjoy the Super Bowl tomorrow.

    Count me in.

    Day 4 Maine, USA, NFD

    Good morning all – as I typed “NFD” – thought perhaps it should be FD, but since New on this decided to keep to my mon, thurs routine for a bit. Yesterday was a NFD – did ok – in control, but 2 glasses of wine – until hubby brought out “healthy” cookies from Trader Joe’s. Same old, same old…1 little cookie led to 12 as we sat in front of the tv. Then a couple of handful of chips just before heading to bed. Grrrr….so angry w/myself as I tried to get to sleep. However, I did not weigh – only will do that after FD – & after spending a hour reading everyone’s post, feel renewed! I will walk today, drink my water, have tea instead of wine & keep an attitude of gratitude. Grateful I found this support & not costing me a dime! Makes me crazy when I think of all the money I’ve spent trying to control my eating!! Probably thousands! So, thank you all!

    Thank you Granny2ten for def of “squash”.

    Thank you AT for def of “timtam” – don’t they sound divine??

    Love the positivity, Coda.

    And the WW discussion, Pamela V.

    Happymargo – way to go &

    Bert1802 – thanks for the reminder that it’s the journey that counts, not the numbers on the scale.

    Very cold here today & windy, but going to drink some water, bundle up & walk! Thanks again…going to make it a great day!

    Day 4 Canada NFD

    Georgia/USA/Day4/NFD: Feeling a bit under the weather. Got in some cardio anyway though. Not much of an appetite,but I did manage a bit of breakfast. Currently on hot tea and coffee as I don’t really like taking medication. I hope to feel better by tomorrow’s game. Enjoy the day everyone!

    Just read an article on science/weight loss – recommended mantra for motivation: “I can do better”! I usually repeat “move more, eat less”. But, think I’ll switch it up.

    Day 4 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    Not had time to catch up on posts. Will tomorrow and will update too.

    Day 4 / NFD New York State, USA

    Weighed today … 157!

    Day 4 – Cardiff, UK – NFD

    Day 5 NFD UK(NZ Hol)

    As expected bounced up a pound after eating three meals yesterday instead of one but not despondent as I am still 3 lb down this week. Only one meal today plus I am planning a good walk this morning 15,000 steps minimum. I was going to rest today as so far this trip has been pretty full on but I have woken up raring to go. Listening to my body not my lazy brain.

    I prefer sparkling water or hot water steeped in slice of lemon, really dislike clorinated tap water.
    I agree that clothes can fit better even when scales don’t move. Bless those elves that let out seams overnight. I suspect the real cause is food ‘still’ in transit or water retention. I am fairly certain I have both of these this morning so getting moving.

    Have a good day everyone,

    Don’t accept it, do something about it! Make a pledge to change one thing today. Mine is no alcohol today and no deviation from 23/1.

    Day 4 UK FD

    Going well so far. It was actually a relief not to need to eat today as it meant I could get stuck in to the huge amount of work I had set myself without a delay. And without that horrible feeling I get when I try to work while digesting food. I think much of my feeling bad over the years has been about the fact that food doesn’t actually agree with me. For the past three months I have found my work so much easier to do because I wasn’t expecting my body to do two things at once. The only days I found it difficult were the days I ate beforehand or in the middle. Now even on a NFD I make sure to get the hardest work out of the way before I eat. And this extends the fast nicely too, usually at least until noon. If it takes longer from now on I may just have a cup of miso to tide me over until I can take a longer break for digestion purposes. Working for myself helps with this sort of planning:) I would try to just eat once a day on NFDs too but I doubt that I could eat enough calories to maintain my metabolism that way, or get enough nutrients for good health.

    I made the mistake of checking the scales again – I had planned on just Weds mornings, to see the number had gone up by 4lbs:( I thought my start weight was likely to be artificially low after the liquid fast day and that it would bounce up, but that was a big bounce especially as I did nothing wrong. Of course it might just be the wonky floor and unreliable scales. Ho hum. I would write it off as that except my waist measurement increased too:( But I am a bit bloated from my period so that is the most likely culprit. All things considered measuring once a week seems to be the best plan for me going forward if I am not going to get dejected about it.

    Thanks @bert1802 re sleeping. These replies are so helpful as is this entire thread.

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