2 weeks in and happy.

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  • I started two weeks ago on the fast diet. I needed to because I am trying to come back from an ankle injury and my weight was and still is a contributing factor to why it is not healing. So I started at 97 kilos and I am currently at 93 kilos. I have lost 10cm off my waist, 7cm off my hips and 5 around my bust. My health is improving. I have better sleep patterns, the heavy bloated feeling is gone and my ankle is feeling really good. I know it’s early days but I just had to share these results. I have found the fast days hard but not horrible and with results like these I am glad I do them.

    Hi ShariB01, thanks for sharing your story, I have just completed my first week of fasting and I don’t know what my measurements or weight change is yet as I don’t have scales and kept forgetting to measure myself!

    what I do know is that for the first time in my life I don’t feel bloated and I can actually tell when I’m hungry or not. Its been a real eye opener, even in the first week!

    Good luck with the rest of your journey and i’ll share how i’m getting on too 🙂

    Hi ShariB01. Congrats on results. I started 5:2 this week. Monday and Thursday I was fasting. Don’t see any results yet. Will check it next after next week. I was at GP On Monday and my weight was 103. So let’s see how everything goes.

    Can you tell me what you eat during fasting ?

    Have a great evening


    Well my eating patterns have varied over the weeks some what. I call it having variety. But I will have what I normally have before I started the diet. Generally I would eat late in the morning, have breakfast, eggs on toast, porridge, cereal. At lunch I may eat healthy meals, high in protein salads, sandwiches, fruit. But sometimes I would eat out, burgers, sushi, donburi and such. Same with dinner, wholesome home cooked meals full of veges and lean proteins and then I might go out. If I feel that I have over eatin one day, I may spend the next day planning high nutrient snacks and meals to compensate. Fast days, tea, coffee and one 500 calorie meal. The only thing that has changed for me is having two fast days a week.

    My fast day meals consist of vegetables and protein. Baked vegetables with chicken, salads (which I like anyway), Stir fries, grill parcels of fish with herbs and lemons, but anything quick that contains only vegetable and lean meat really. Today Chicken Caeser salad with chicken, bacon, lettuce, eggs, cheese which was about 350 cal and a chicken soup worth 140 cal. I have to eat this today at lunch time because I work after 2pm today and I will need the food to get me through this afternoon. Tea (Herbal teas mainly) and black coffee for the rest of the day. I save the coffee for when I start to feel hungry, so I will probably drink it around 4pm today to get me through the day but I will tired enough to get to sleep later. I find it works well to suppress my hunger.

    Over the two week period, my cravings, if I choose to indulge them, don’t seem as satisfying which is sad (because I miss the satisfaction) but good (because I don’t feel like eating everything). I think my attitude towards certain foods have changed. I prefer my herbal teas and water to fizzy drinks. I may order a combo and not drink the drinks and wait til I can have my tea.

    I don’t break one fast day early (impromptu lunch date with partner which hardly ever happens) but then I just fasted the following day.

    Hi ShariB01

    Thank you so much for your message.

    I had some ups and downs with eating this weekend. Was craving for sweets and feeling guilty as I was sugar free for 6 weeks. Not sure if this is because of the fasting days or my coming period.

    Someone told me that on 5:2 they lost appetite for certain foods on fasting days. For now i feel like i have been eating and wanting more food 🙁

    Tomorrow is another fasting day.
    I am glad that I am doing with my BF and we supporting each other.

    I took some measurements today and will compare them after 1st month on 5:2. Envy you for your 3kg down and 10cm in measurements, well done to you.

    Have a great evening


    Hi Myfatmeania,

    My friend had a real issue with sweeties and her period. I always knew she was on it because of what she ate. I get that it is hard but I feel that because my mind isn’t on weight loss, I may have the added advantage of not feeling guilty if I have slip ups. I just refocus and start again.

    I view my fast day as a fix my body day. I view my fast as the doctor that is going to fix it. It can be uncomfortable and hard and times but I always refocus back to the idea that I am fixing my body today.

    The constant drinking really helps me to cement this idea. My tea is like medicine, the more I drink the better my body will feel.

    I’m curious to know, I much do you drink on fast days? I drink between 3 to 6 litres. I drink more if I feel hungry.

    On feast days I do the same thing. When I feel really hungry I will drink tea first to see if it settles down the ravenous feelings I get. I find that after that, I don’t need to eat as much as I thought and the thing I was craving, I didn’t want at all.

    Today, I am on fast day and have a day off university so I made a mood board. I have my goals for the next 12 weeks on it and some boards where I can write quotes about Health, Motivation, Weight loss and Success. I also have a photo of my son on it to help remember why I am doing this, I need to be healthy for me so I can be healthy for him. This board helps me refocus. I am going to keep it on my bedroom door so I see it every morning when I wake up and when I go to sleep.

    I hope this helps.

    Keep it up! You are doing great!

    You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. – Zig Zagler.

    Hi ShariB01,

    I can really relate to you viewing your fast day as a ‘body fix day’. I’m having a fast day today and finding it quite hard. I know I’m mostly ‘head hungry’ today rather than stomach hungry today if you catch my drift but its not helped by the fact someone has bought in to work a massive box of biscuits, they’re glaring at me!

    What’s getting me through- like you, are hot drinks (they seem to curb the hunger pangs)and knowing that it’s only for today. I am sticking to one meal a day so I know I’ve only got to get through till this evening.

    Mood boards also sounds like a great idea. Maybe I’ll do one this eve!

    How are you finding your non-fast days? Has anything changed for you? 🙂

    Hi ShariB01

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    So, in July i did 30 day clean eating challenge and have to say that it helped me to stop cravings and having mood swings. I lost 4cm in my wais and 2cm in my breast.

    After the challenge was finished I only had sweets 2 times. And I want more now !!! Maybe it is because my period is due but last month I did so well without even thinking of having something sweet.

    5:2 is an great idea of eating and I am sure I will continue for long time, but the fact that you ”can eat what you want” after fasting day might not be for me. I have to find solution how to stop feeling like I need sugar !!!!

    This is my second week of 5:2 and my body is still adjusting to the change but if i continue craving and wanting things so bad, I will never lose any weight.

    My portions are quite small as on my 30days challenge my stomach shrank but I don’t want my ”crazy cravings” to take over and ruined everything I achieve so far.It was very difficult for me to maintain my portion control and I am afraid that now I will eat more, bigger portions and maybe more unhealthy during normal days.

    Since you have been on 5:2 for a bit now, what would you advise me to do.
    To have one day a week when I let my cravings to posses me and eat what I want (I mean just ice-cream or few cookies).

    Today is my fasting day. Having lots of veg and some strawberries in my meal plan.
    Do you have a lot of proteins during your fasting days or you mostly concentrating on veg and fruit ?

    With regards to how much water I drink, I probably have 3-4 L on my fasting days. I was very bad with water before. I usually had maybe 250ml during the day or nothing. I learned to drink more on 30days challenge plus the heat undeliverable so I had to stay hydrated. 🙂



    Well, on my fast days I will have 3/4 vege and 1/4 protein. I try to stay away from fruit myself on these days just because I know that it make me want sweet things. I will say that the only advise I have is will power especially when it involves cravings. My family were eating lollies yesterday (which was fast day) and I had to focus on my goals. Having a safe environment helps too. Again, I can’t stop saying tea is a big help. I have normal herbal teas, lemon and ginger, green tea,etc… but then I also have my sweet teas, super berry, strawbeery and lime, strawberry pavalova etc…. I think because of the variety I have (tea wise) I feel like I am getting that flavour that I want and crave.
    In regards to feast days, I do feel a change in my mind set around food. At the moment, I haven’t changed my eating habits alot but I think I will start planning my lunches for uni to be low calorie meals that are full of nutrition. My partner wants to start losing weight too so I will be making meals for both of us. By doing this, I hope to make up for the lack of eating (nutrition wise) for fast days but also allow for those cheat meals without them hurting my overall caloric intake.
    Today is the day after fast day and I woke up craving food in my stomach. It was 5:30am in the morning so I didn’t want to start eating yet. I had a pot (1L) of Lemon ginger tea and now I feel like a could wait a while longer. I love having pots of tea in the morning, it’s easy water intake and it helps me prepare for my day mentally.

    I would say if you need the cheat have the cheat day. Have it the day before your fast day. The day after fast day, if you are hungry eat lots but it good food. Vegetables, fruit, lots of water, lean protein. Large sizes but low calorie. Balance the cheat day out with really good clean eating days that way you feel that you are working on those key habits of learning to eat in moderation.

    If you want to lose more weight, switch to the 4:3 diet. I am trying that this week, just to see if I can do it.
    If you feel hungry or have cravings, drink first. No calorie drinks only. Have about a litre and see how you feel. Like I did for breakfast. I usually do this for breakfast.

    You can do this!

    Hi ShariB01

    I usually wake up feeling great, not hungry, which is great as I don’t eat much. I am getting very hungry after work and this is really upsetting me as I have dinner after 7pm and I eat bigger portion because I am starving.

    I really try to drink a lot of water but it doesn’t work, maybe within time it will.

    Today for lunch I cooked pasta for my bf ( he is doing 5:2 with me and he wanted something yummy today after fasting day). I just stuffed myself, to the point that I have horrible stomach ache and I am feeling sick. I don’t remember when was the last time I felt like today. Is horrible. I feel so bad ;( and angry at the same time.

    I am not sure why !?!
    Seriously I must have mental problems.
    I know that in couple of days I will adjust to eating and I will change the portion sizes but now I just don’t understand my body why am I so crazy about the food.

    Thinking of doing 4:3 next week.
    I know that my bf might not want to do 3 days fasting but I will try.
    At the end of the day I have to lose 40kg he 5kg hahh.

    Did you measure yourself this week ?

    Have a lovely day.


    Hi Fatmeania,

    I think your mental issues stem from the relationship you have with food. Will power would be harder for you than your bf and probably me too. I have to lose about 20kgs. I have some unhealthy feelings towards food myself but I have been shifting towards a healthier way of eating for some time.

    I think that this will take some time for you to get used to. It took me about two weeks to be comfortable with this lifestyle but again, I have a reasonable relationship with food. I had burgers and chips and didn’t feel guilty at all because I know that today is fast day and I am going to have my large roast vege salad at lunch, my soup for dinner and tea all day.

    Headaches, mood swings, illness are a natural part of the process. I think you need to give yourself a little space to make mistakes but always start again. If you ever feel like giving in, remember that if I hold off today, I can get results.

    I am not going to deny that it is hard work but changing the mind will help you to change your body.

    Stick it out, everyone makes mistakes and consider this as a long term journey. An analogy might be giving birth, it’s hard, sometimes long, and really painful but in the end it was totally worth it when they started speaking, started crawling, started walking, and it didn’t happen over night, in a week, or in a year, it took time. They were learning, they made mistakes, but kept trying, they got there in the end all by themselves.

    I suppose that we are much the same, we can’t expect instant results, we have to learn, we have to make mistakes, but we will get there in the end provided we keep trying.

    Hi shariB,

    Just re-read your last post, and I couldn’t agree more. The thing I really enjoy about this process is that it does not feel like I am depriving myself. I also have issues with the relationship I have with food and god knows I’m an emotional eater!

    5:2 has given me a completely different perspective on how I interact with food, what it is for and how it benefits me. I just keep thinking that if I can keep trying and sticking to this, it can be something I adopt for life and in about a year or so, I will hopefully be at the weight I had always dreamed of. It feels a bit like shedding layers of skin, only the skin are years of upset, anxiety and unhappiness.

    I think this process will also do wonders for my self esteem as there will be nothing holding me back from doing what I want. It is a slow process like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon, the metamorphosis is a gradual process that can’t be rushed.

    Thanks for your insight and encouragement 🙂

    Hi guys

    Have checked my weight and since I started doing 5:2 I put 1.7kg. I had my cravings and I are pasta but I think in 2 weeks plus 4 fasting days is quite a lot.

    Feeling down now and very low in my positive thinking about the diet and myself.

    Need motivation. Can’t find it anywhere 🙁

    Have a good evening.

    Hi Fatmeania,

    Weight can fluctuate for many reasons and if it is going to upset you the best thing to do is stay away from the scales. Way yourself after 8 weeks or 12 weeks.

    Motivation: Have you made a mood board that you can refer to. Write notes around the house to motivate you, write it on post it notes and put it on the food you eat.
    eg: apple (Awesome choice) pasta (You don’t need this). When you go shopping, shop for this diet, have a note on your list that tells you to stay away from the foods you don’t need.

    Try anything you can to motivate yourself.

    Hi Fatmenia,

    Try and stay positive, I know how disappointing it can be when you see the scales fluctuate and goodness know I can make myself crazy over a pound or two but ShariB is right, perhaps its not helpful to you weigh yourself until some time has passed. You also may find it helpful to try and keep the end goal in mind and remind yourself that this is a lifestyle change which will take time to adjust to.

    Don’t give up, be kind to yourself if you get it wrong. There is so much time to get it right!

    You can do it!! The forum is here to support you so reach out and keep going.

    Have a good week 🙂

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