1st water fast

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  • Was kinda scared today when I started out. After a successful month on 5:2 I decided to try a water fast for my next fast day. But I was concerned it might be too difficult. But i had no hunger pangs at all. I even went to 2 grocery stores to find a special tea. No cravings. Definatly in ketosis-metallic taste near molars. Had more cravings on 440 cal fast. My body must sense all the stored fat so my body doesn’t need to ask for food. Good!

    is the water fast part of the fast diet ? or is it a whole different idea ? are you hoping for fast weight loss ? Why I am asking is that on this site there are few people looking for fast weight loss and could be quite vulnerable to the idea of a water fast which to my knowledge needs a few safety measures around it. I’m not sure if water fasting is part of the ethos of the fast diet. I’m not saying water fasting is wrong or unhealthy, just wanting to clarify if it is a whole different paradigm


    Good to hear your water fast went OK. I never ate any food on my Fast days, as I found I was less hungry at bedtime than if I had eaten something. As it got colder though I went for hot drinks rather than just water. I’ve seen posts from other people who fast this way so you are not alone. But don’t go any longer than dinner before fast day to breakfast the day after without eating, that sort of fasting should be medically supervised

    Hi Double Happy
    Just to let you know I reported the posts of that suss poster about diabetes and JJ has deleted it, which means the whole topic has gone.
    I have also been meaning to respond to your post about water only, as I understand it (and I can’t check the book at the moment because I have lent it – again!) Michael developed the 500/600 calories thing because it is more palatable (that is not a joke) than a total fast. I do a total, water only fast from after dinner Sunday until lunch Tuesday and it’s not hard (I even cook my husband’s dinner Monday night and have water while he eats and has wine). Then Tuesday & Wednesday go from after dinner to dinner the next night. I don’t eat breakfast during the week as I go to the gym & do an hour cardio (crosstrainer & bike) Monday to Friday. When I started the gym in June I could manage 10 minutes!
    I really find the water only is much easier than limiting calories (which I tried at first) as there is no temptation and taste stimulation. Had fast weight loss at the beginning (9kg in 12 weeks) but settled, now 21kg after 52 weeks, which I see as sustainable for life.

    ps Double Happy
    Also 63 with same history of diets – but in Hobart

    I am doing this whole thing because of both reasons weigh loss AND health-. Everyone in my family has gotten high blood pressure before my age (44). And I do need to get rid of some excess flab 🙂
    I’m just trying different things to see what works best 4 me.
    Of course this morning–day after water fast(ok I had some 0 Carb broth too) I felt horrible. Nauseous mainly,but also weak. I wasn’t hungry the day b4 water fast so I only had bfast, 515 Cal. And I had a fast day the day b4 that 322 cal. Looking back it looks like I overdid it. Feeling better now. I had something to eat but trying not to ‘over do it’ (break fast properly) since it looks like I inadvertently did a 3 day fast-Whoops I didn’t mean to do that. I just wasn’t hungry n thought I should take advantage of that 🙂 tomorrow is my next scheduled fast (4:3) but Im going to skip it till next one 3 days. My body got too beat up with ‘ketosis sickness’ I dont do nausea well.
    Thanks double happy, barbarita n vicki 4 ur responses. They have made me aware that I prob over did it this time 😛
    Vicki great work!

    I would be careful with what you are doing. If you eat too often under your BMR it will be harmful for your body. It needs the minimum calories of your BMR to function properly.

    I don’t see a problem doing a water fast instead of the 500/600 calories on a fast day as long as it is followed by a feed day with a calorie intake of up to your TDEE. If you do not eat enough calories your body will think it is in a famine situation and it will cling to your stored fat.


    Thanks Steph. I think I know what happened and why I felt ill. Because I have done a 21 day juice fast in the past and never felt ill. l did something silly…I made tea with wild pink jasmine flowers. Evidently they can mimic the feeling of being poisoned. I’ll never do that again! Live and learn.

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