1st fast day- hard. Second- easy. The difference?

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1st fast day- hard. Second- easy. The difference?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PaulSinead 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • My last post told how I struggled badly with the first fast day, headaches etc. I changed a few things for today and haven’t struggled at all. Firstly, I fed myself well the night before. Instead of breakfast – loooong fast- then dinner, I ate nothing until midday. The short time between that and dinner at 6 ish made for a much easier day. As I get into the swing of fasting I will try to follow the more traditional schedules but I’m greatly encouraged that I can expect to continue 5:2 without the pain.

    No need to follow the ‘traditional’ schedule (whatever that is – I haven’t read the book but I assume you’ve got it from there). If holding off ’til midday is working for you, just do that. Quite a lot of people go all day and have all of their 500 or 600 calories in one go at tea/dinner time and some people don’t have anything at all, all day. It’s up to you to find what works for you.

    Thanks TracyJ. Reading through the forum tells me you’re dead right. It’s not ‘how’ that’s important, it’s the 600 calories!

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