16km! On a fast day even!!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  audrich 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Just cheering myself on 😀 it was a hilly 16km too, and faster than I expected.

    I find it interesting at the moment that I puff a lot more than I used to at the beginning of a long run and by the end I’m breathing fairly normally.
    I’m wondering if there isn’t much glycogen (or whatever it is!!) in my muscles so initially my body tries to use oxygen, then switches over to using fat. Any similar experiences, or thoughts from anyone researched up on such things?

    Hi iwant2Bincontrol

    Can’t answer the second part of your post at all but way to go girl – Respect!

    Aye I think it could have to do with your body switching to fat burning. It’s quite a “wall” you can run into when you run out of glycogen, for some this wall is a hurdle and to others more like a small hole in the road – but most feel it happen.

    Anyway, this is a theory, I’m not a doctor, just a sports enthusiast 😉 All in all great job, 16km is quite a haul!

    I couldn’t even *think* my way round 16km so I salute you, way to go!

    Aud x

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