12 months of 5:2 and then 5 months of 6:1 (so far)

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12 months of 5:2 and then 5 months of 6:1 (so far)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Merryme 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hello all,

    just to share my experience… I have been away for a long time as I became a father again in November. Samuel is doing all fine! But I have not been away from the diet 🙂

    I just wanted to share my experience, in case that may serve as help for you as well…

    I was on 5:2 for 12 months from November, 2012 to October 2013. Then I went on to 6:1 which I have followed strictly since then, with the only exception being Christmas. I have only checked my weight twice since then but on both occasions weighed in at 72kg (I am 182cm). This is just slightly up from the approximate 71kg I was on when I was still on 5:2 – and most importantly, it does not seem to be a gradual weight increase. It seems I gained just a little when going down to 6:1 and that I managed to stabilise that weight with the 6:1 regime, which is great news of course! I have no idea about my bloods yet and will check that in October or so (after another year). But my absolute experience of 6:1, at least in combination like this with 5:2, is a great way to maintain the weight loss you have achieved.

    hi Tobias and thank you for sharing this with us, inspiring and encouraging 🙂

    congrats on become a dad again and lovely little Samuel is doing great!!

    and of course a big well done on maintening!! 🙂

    Hi Tobias firstly congrats on the arrival of Samuel and secondly well done on maintaining your weight loss. I love to hear from other people that the 6:1 works and I am looking forward to the day I can be on 6:1 and not gain all the weight back!! 🙂

    Hi JFitzy,

    thanks :). I think one of the nice things I realised with 6:1 is that you can add some fasting elements “just for fun” – you have your baseline in the 6:1 regime and then you can do things like skipping individual meals during the week. I cannot say I miss 5:2, to be very honest, but I think that is just me. I could imagine adding another fasting day on individual weeks though, just to surprise my body a bit… As I mentioned, I have no idea whether the impact on my blood is positive with 6:1 but in terms of the weight maintenance, it has definitely worked. I do pay more attention to what I eat on a non-fasting day now, but that is just about staying away from unnecessary cakes, chocolate etc – I definitely enjoy normal eating on the non-fasting days. I could “cheat” more while on 5:2 than I do now, but I do not feel that I am giving up on anything.

    Hi Tobias,

    Congratulations first on becoming a father again! Thank you for posting your experiences with both 5:2 and 6:1. It’s good to hear peoples’ experiences on 6:1 over a longer term. It’s very encouraging.


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