11st5, Aged 28…. Starting a new leaf to healthiness

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11st5, Aged 28…. Starting a new leaf to healthiness

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  09Katie 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • All my life I’ve tried and tried to lose weight and only gone up. So I’m scrapping the short term weight loss and concentrating on long term health benefits.

    I’m 5ft3, 11 stone 5, aged 28 and ready to go 🙂

    Today is day 1 of the fast… So far so good!

    You sound similar to me in many ways! Similar age, height and circumstance. I’ve been carrying around the pizza/chocolate/redbull uni weight for ages. Then I had a baby, put on 3 stone, lost that and got pregnant again and put on another 2.5 stone, lost that and plateaued for 6 months. Now I’m here, back to square one and trying to shift those last 20ish pounds! I’m convinced short people don’t lose weight as quickly 😉

    I’ve been doing 5:2 for 3 weeks and down 5lbs. Today I tried the 16:8 approach whereby you only eat in an 8 hour window each day. Seems to have curbed my appetite and no energy slump mid-afternoon. I think this method of intermittent fasting complements 5:2 diet nicely.

    Oh thank you for telling me about 16:8 I’d seen someone mention it elsewhere and wondered.

    Your weight loss has really encouraged me, so thank you for replying! And I totally agree you have to work so much harder when you’re short! Do you use myfitnesspal? I’m hoping that will help me, I’ve been using it for a while, but recently recovering from an operation but now I’m on the mend I’m running out of excuses not to make it work 🙂

    All the best in your journey – keep in touch

    Yes I find myfitnesspal to be the best tool for keeping count. Technically you’re not supposed to count calories on non-fast days, but I tend to overeat by nibbling if I don’t.

    I’m glad you’re feeling ok about everything! It certainly doesn’t help if you’re dreading the fast days. It does get better. Fasting isn’t as bad as I anticipated! Protein helps a lot. Skipping breakfast for the first time was daunting for me, but was easier than I thought it would be and allowed bigger meals later.

    Do you have support? My husband is fasting with me. If only he’d bypassed Thorntons the other day! I might have eaten a few…

    No support, my boyfriends a skinny rake, last time I tried fasting, he’d ask me what I’d like for lunch for work and I’d say ‘nothing’ and I’d find a kit kat chunky in my bag ha! Least I know he’s not bothered by my extra pounds!

    Today I had some yogurt with strawberries for lunch and for tea I had pasta, tuna & peas…. Now considering going to bed to make tomorrow come around quicker 😉

    27 and hit the same realisation last October after a life of being overweight (briefly went above 30 BMI in the winter 2013 :S) . Now back on a long term strategy of fasting to finish the job. Best of luck, fasting is a skill and a test of willpower at the beginning. Don’t be afraid to fail but learn from it and don’t push too hard on the exercise front to start with.

    Sounds like my ex! Lol. It’s amazing how little men really care about weight on their women though. A lot of seemingly insensitive behaviour is just men being men. My standard gift for any occasion is always chocolates because hubby knows I like them, even when I’m dieting! I hope he does try to be nice while you’re fasting though. I’m always around if you need a pick-me-up 🙂

    Thank you I appreciate it -I’m almost certain I’ll be in touch 🙂

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