11 months progress.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jonah 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I started in September 2012. I fast two days a week, only having breakfast on fast days. I am a 65 year old retired male. I have also started a half hour exercise regime every day on an exercise bike. By August 2013 I have

    – reduced weight from 93.8Kg to 78.6Kg
    – reduced waist from 110cm to 92cm
    – reduced waist to hip ratio from over 100% to 93%
    – reduced blood pressure from 150/100 to 118/79

    I keep a daily log of weigh, waist, hips, chest, neck and blood pressure.
    I have started to document my experiences on my blog at martinlf.blogspot.com

    hi martinlf you seem to be on a mission, are you retired? our stats are brilliant. well done to you for making this a way of life keep going I need your inspiration….Gini

    hi Martinif, you have achieved great results, do you find weighing your self each day shows some days a gain, which sometimes happens to me and then I feel really fed up, but usually it settles back down eventually, also do you have all your 500/600 cals for breakfast. Well done on your loss

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