10 days in to the diet and my wine habit is disappearing !

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10 days in to the diet and my wine habit is disappearing !

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  • I’m only into my second week, so early days yet but I’ve been surprised how easily I cut my wine consumption. I’ve had many attempts over the years to cut back but never seem to to stick to the new resolution for more than a day or 2 before the wine sucks me back in. Since 10 days of 5.2 with pure water fasts on the 3 fast days so far I’ve cut wine consumption by more than a half. And I can’t see it being too challenging to go lower. That “more more more” crave just seems to have gone!
    I lost 2 kilos in the first week which blew me away. The fast days plus a lot less wine really worked.
    I’m not particularly overweight at 188cm and 85 (now 83) kilos but would like to chase away the slow creep up the scales over the last 20 years. I’m quite active kitesurfing when there is wind, and running when not but this is the first time I have been able to effectively cut both wine and weight.
    I’m impressed!

    Hi westozzybloke, done the same for my other half. Didn’t drink much myself. He’s lost 6 k in 3 weeks. My first weigh in is this week so hope I’ve done as well. Congratulations and keep at it.

    Hi Toms, thanks for the good vibes. So has your other half also found he is less drawn to the drink? To be honest, I’m a bit stunned at this affect. I’m impressed he has kept up the 2 Kilos a week loss for 3 weeks…
    I’ve never done a proper diet before as am only a little overweight, but also none of my attempts at cutting back have resulted in weight loss. But I’ve only ever cut back food and not the wine I suspect.

    Good luck with the weigh in!

    Hi West, he realises he’s actually only thirsty, not gagging for booze. Still drinks but as you a lot less. He has about a stone to lose, (we still deal in lbs and ounces!) but I have a couple of stones. Will post again end of week. Can’t wait! You’ve done fantastically well. Think blokes find it easier to lose than women really.

    Hi West. Hope you’re still going strong. Have lost 6.4 lbs since I started. Great isn’t it?

    Wow! Thats seriously impressive….
    Am looking forward to next weighin on the weekend. Feel like I’ve a lost a bit this week. Have done plenty of sport and 2 days water only. And still drinking half the volume of wine compared to a couple of weeks ago.

    Are you doing the 500cals on fast days? Im finding it simpler to just stick to water and the occasional cup of tea or black coffee.

    Hi. Yes doing 500, not finding it a problem fasting, it’s the eating days I struggle with. Strange eh? Glad to hear you’re doing we’ll, please post after your weigh in. Just to say, have just turned 60 and thought I’d really struggle with the change. Yeah!

    81.6 k …. So that’s 3.4 kilos in 2 weeks. Unreal. 7 and a half pounds in the old money. Partied with friends last night and over did it on the wine and beer front, but generally am still running at about half pre 52 wine consumption levels which I think is the most important outcome.
    Great to hear its working well for you Toms, what do you struggle with on the eating days? I just eat normal diet and don’t think about calories or anything.

    Sorry for delay answering, been on hols fab weather kept largely to healthy food (yawn) but ok. Yeah, it’s as though once I say not eating, then I won’t and if I can I will. Obviously that’s why am overweight to begin with. Other half didn’t put an ounce on! Typical. Seems to be going well for you, though. Think you still have to have the possibility of a blowout once in a while, otherwise, what’s the point. Keep going! Really, the booze factor is a big thing I think.

    Hi toms, it great you can go on holiday and not worry about what you eat, knowing you can shake it off when u are back in routine.
    I’ve been working away from home for a couple of weeks, so am looking forward to being home this weekend and jumping on the scales. Feel like I’ve a lost a bit, but who knows. I’ve been enjoying reading Marks Daily Apple which is all about incorporating primal style into diet and exercise. It’s a bit over the top Californian but has some really interesting concepts.

    Am still 81.6 after a good 2 weeks of 52. Have been doing a fair bit of strength training so might have added some muscle. Also some blow outs on the wine with Father’s Day and a birthday. So whilst a bit dissapointing probably not a bad result.

    Hi West, just get back on the plan. There’s nothing that can’t be put right, and as you say you may have gained muscle. I don’t do any special excercise, have an allotment and it’s that time of year for digging, digging and more digging. Dug so much I should be down where you are soon!

    Hi Toms, what’s an alottment? A garden?
    A tunnel to Australia? Haha..

    Lost a kilo in the last week.
    How’s your husband going with the wine? I found initially my wine consumption plummeted, but it has snuck back up quite a bit and taking some self discipline to be moderate. Am still drinking around half my pre IF volumes which I’m pleased about. And maybe saviouring it a little more rather than just quaffing.

    Hi West, just logged in! Well done on your loss, OH boozing still reduced but think now it’s as much about will power as anything else, though he says it doesn’t bother him. Recycling bin nowhere near as full as it used to be! If he can stay off, anyone can, cos it becomes habit more then anything else. Get weighed Thursday, but wearing clothes not worn for a couple of years, dead chuffed. Allotment is a piece of land rented from the local council for a peppercorn rent, ie £54.00 per year. Grow veggies and flowers. Love being outside. By the way if you’re sick of just talking to me, start another topic in another section and others will probably join in. Enjoy our natter though. Keep it up as your doing so well.

    Well done!
    Alottment sounds like a fantastic deal… Presume you must live in an apartment, or only have a small garden.

    It’s an open forum, so if anyone else wants to post on wine and IF they are more than welcome. Am not really out to make lots of friends… It’s interesting, and helpful to compare experiences, which you did for me with your OH. So all good!

    Hi West, didn’t mean any offence with my comment, so apologies if any taken. My first time on a forum. Joined for the support as I so want this to work for me. Feels like my last chance. Post after my weigh in this week. Happy fasting.

    No offence taken!

    Good luck with the weigh in, and I don’t think there is such a thing as a last chance. Fall of the horse, you just get back on.

    Hi, West. Just weighed today. Lost a further 4.5lbs this month. Another 3lbs and a stone is gone. Hope you are doing well this week. OH hasn’t had a drink this week! Must check he’s ok!

    Wooh! That is good stuff.

    I think you should go and pour your man a large glass of red wine tell him to totally enjoy it!

    I have cut back the wine, but still drink quite a lot by some people’s standards ( eg my wife) but I like my work and personal social life and drinking is part of that. The balance is I do lots of activities and eat carefully.

    Great that if is working for you. Have you had a look at the marks daily apple website? It takes 52 to a broader level and I think is interesting. Dr Michael refers to it quite a lot.

    Will check out the website you mentioned. About the drink, never been a big drinker since having the kids but did before then. Tends to make me sick now, get migraine you see. Have the odd glass of wine with a meal some weekends, but not all. Sound a right bore! OH has surprised me, he used to drink quite a lot. No doubt take it up again when he’s lost enough weight. Your way is the right way, eating healthily to offset it. Keep up the food work West. Post your next loss.

    Hey there WestOzzyBloke from a sheila in Tassie. I’ve had the same revelation about wine! I’ve always been very short on will power so diets were never going to work for me, but somehow 5:2 was easy, and then I noticed that I could avoid wanting that glass of red if I wasn’t eating. Food and wine just go together for me. There was a huge amount of habit in that 6pm moment when I walk into the kitchen to start the evening meal and automatically pour the first of several glasses. I found two alcohol free days a week was really good for me. I’ve lost about 8kg over about four months and I’m sure I’m drinking perhaps half the amount overall, and eating and drinking less even on non-fast days. I feel more virtuous about less boozing than about the weight loss. All good here.

    Hi all, Red wine is the devils brew, White is better. Red colours your eyes while white passes unnoticed. Red is heavier while white floats your boat. Red gets your attention while white is ignored. Red is the vinegar of life while white smooths your path.
    Red and white are both colour blind. Both are sweet and sour and flow down smoothly. Red or White both politically correct (in small doses). Red or White, I dont care. Red or White temptations there. Red or White I dont care. Red or White I dont care, Red or White I dont care….. Hic……Hic……Hic……Hic……..
    and so on and so on.
    Good Luck to all out there.

    Hi tasisie roba!
    Great to hear its worked so well for you. I still drink a fair bit of wine, but as you say, probably half what I did pre if. I enjoy wine before and with dinner, but don’t booze on afterwards like I used to. The old adage of 1 glass is too many and 100 not enough was me for sure. I don’t seem to have that compulsion for “just 1 more” any more.
    I’ve dropped 6 kilos in 7 weeks and am now within 1 or 2 kilos of my ideal weight.

    And as for you couscous, I reckon you have definetly had 1 to many and should go to bed haha!

    I’ve got a theory that the 5:2 thing could be applied to a whole lot of bad habit things. I give myself two days off every week from worrying about money. Hey presto, all my money worries seem less urgent. Two days a week I don’t sit down at this stupid computer. I give myself two days a week when I don’t read the papers or watch the news – that doesn’t work. Tony Abbott is still PM.

    Hi Westozzybloke and good morning. I was enjoying the posts last night and the many comments on this posting about the success many are having despite their enjoyment of wine etc. I was actually filling up on carbonated water which I use to replace my love of wine so yes, I was “bubbling a bit”.
    Actually over here in England there is a debate going on about the effects of 24 hr drinking, the issue of cheap booze in supermarkets and the “hidden” problem of the “middle classes” drinking wine at home. So we are surrounded by the issue of alcohol and its negative !!!!! effects.
    I agree with you about having a glass if I want and have regulated my drinking habits, a bit. RoBa, re your 5:2 comment. I have actually done that in my life. I am now getting my state pension but incorporated the 5:2 lifestyle into my working life by only working two days a week. I actually do a job I enjoy so it gets me out of the house and keeps me active both mentally and physically.
    Good luck to you all down there.

    Hey there Wine Drinkers. I’m celebrating 10kg off today – so about two thirds of what I ought to be losing eventually. The question is how to celebrate? My answer is to buy one really good bottle and make it last a couple of days, whereas the old me would have just gone to the cask and knocked back a litre of rough red. I’m such a refined girly these days.

    My other tip – I’ve taken to sitting in the garden with a slimline tonic in a long and elegant glass, lots of ice and lemon (from my tree, of course), and sipping slowly. I can pretend to myself that there is a big shot of gin or vodka in there. So much of my bad wine habit was just the being in the kitchen cooking all the time, I don’t think I really needed the alcohol.

    So do you think 5:2 works, at least in part, because it gives us back a sense of control?

    Hi all, I started this in Oct but failed after a few weeks because I still drank the wine, I blame it on habit too and the stresses of daily life and me being made redundant 🙁 so new year new me. Gonna do 5:2 and try to cut out wine during week nights. I hope you’re all still doing well !

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