🍂 October Challenge 2023 🎃

This topic contains 208 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 1 year, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 208 total)

  • Day 8 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅

    Thanks all it’s always great to get back to the routine and to the banter.

    A great win over Scotland last night and we look forward to the match next Saturday @merryapple. 😬 I will be over in France for the week leading into the final for work and play so it will be a great IF we do get through… we shall see.

    @merryapple I aim to do 5:2 every week but it doesn’t always happen… so maybe it ends up more as 6:1 but I know what would happen if I went into the week thinking of 6:1…🥴 I am very, very new to maintenance and don’t really see myself here yet as there is still a bit of bobbing going on … My birthday is this week and will be on holidays from Friday with Paris straight after so I’d expect a little increase in the numbers…

    Have a lovely Sunday all! I’m off for an early hike today ☀️ I imagine some of the gang will have sore heads or may not even show up 🇮🇪💚 🏈 🍻

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @merryapple – getting all technical on me on a Sunday morning?! 😅 I thought ‘EtOH’ was a typo, but just discovered it’s the medical abbreviation for ethanol. But you’re right – I don’t want to be one of those people; not anymore. Luckily for me, I didn’t really start drinking until I was in my 40’s (after I quit smoking) so I know that stopping is really just a mind game & that life is just so much better without it. For me anyway; I know that may not apply to everyone. But someone who’s never touched a drop will never be able to understand someone’s struggle with booze. Poor Mr Mac?! Maybe there’s an alternative pill that could work better? I think you said the one you tried just made him worse for a while?

    @stitchincarol – a busy few days for you?! Don’t be a stranger…🤗

    @jaifaim – congrats to Ireland! 🇮🇪 🏈 💪

    A Sunday FD for me, urgh?! But I’m anticipating a lunch date or two this week, so it’s good to get the first FD out of the way. Planning to stay busy & imagining Monday morning PFDS 😇

    Happy S🌞nday y’all!

    Today’s FUFs: Did you know…?

    No word in the English language rhymes with ‘MONTH’.
    The infinity sign is called a ‘lemniscate’.
    ‘TYPEWRITER’ is the longest word you can type using only the letters on one row of the keyboard

    Pocket List – Day 8 🥕

    Day 8-No. VA-FD 800

    We had a lovely dinner at a winery about an hour from home, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains; celebrating DD September birthday. Lovely wine and delicious meal featuring bison tenderloin from a local bison farm.
    So of course, weight is up somewhat this morning, but I know what to do today to help get back on track.
    When it comes to eating, the Corgi is a champion. She went through her surgery last week with no evidence of post-op pain. (but she took her pain pills). The best thing for her is having to take her meds with food. She is a canine vacuum cleaner. And the hickory nuts falling on the patio provide her an endless supply of seasonal snacks.

    @merryapple, poor Mr. Mac must be having some doggy dementia episodes…not uncommon at such an advanced age. Poor you for having to be up all night, too!
    @jaifaim, nice to hear from you again.
    @funshipfreddie, love to hear the bizarre facts!

    Day 8 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 223 lbs. Found out last week that a co-worker became a US Citizen, so I think they’re going to do a little celebration on Monday. Instead of trying to do a 4:3 this week, I will do the traditional 5:2 today and Tuesday. Thursday is a work-related event with catered breakfast and lunch (I’ll probably skip the breakfast). My special focus for NFDs this week is to avoid the Snackmonster while drinking water over other drinks as much as possible.

    Pocket List – Day 8 🥕

    2nd Post – Day 8

    A Sunday Pocket List – well done us! 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 8 🥕

    Day 9, FD, Aus

    I’m enjoying your FUFs, @funshipfreddie, but people really spend more of their lives at red lights than sitting on the toilet?!?!

    What’s NSV @flourbaby? I’ve somehow missed that acronym and my brain can’t unscramble it this morning.

    Oops just realised I typed NFD at the top. This HAS to be a FD. I’ve not had a successful one for ages. You have some good reflections @stitchincarol – so true; we can choose what we eat but can’t force our bodies to lose weight. But one is contingent on the other!

    My wine tour last Friday was a little disappointing. We were to have a lunch at one of the wineries; but about a fortnight ago, the chef and restaurant manager left and the new team were hopeless. It was one of those alternate drop lunches, fish or lamb shanks. I had the latter but everyone’s was underdone – how can you stuff up slow cooked lamb shanks? They were all medium rare and tough as nails. Oh well, it was still better than being in the office!!

    Day 9 FD NZ

    Yes @excelsior12309 I fear poor Mr Mac is not the game wee Westie he once was. When awake he can appear a bit lost and if I drop a treat on the floor, he can smell it but doesn’t search for it in an organised way. Heartbreaking really.
    @funshipfreddie Glad you learned something on a Sunday!
    @jaifaim The big match is coming up!!
    @penz Oh no! That is both annoying and disappointing for your wine tour. Here we go on yet another FD…

    Pocket List

    Have a successful day!

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.5 kg

    @penz – I noticed that too, twice as long at red lights?! Seems improbable. Better to take the train though, just in case 😅 Another fun fact – in South Africa, traffic lights are referred to as ‘robots’.

    @flourbaby – I was flummoxed by NSV too, but, I just Googled it. ‘Non-scale victory’? A new one for our list.

    Today’s FUFs:

    The average person with the average stride living until 80 will walk a distance of around 110,000 miles. Which is the equivalent of walking about 5 times around the Earth, right on the equator.
    Napoleon’s penis was sold to an American urologist for $40,000.
    The Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.
    Bees have 5 eyes

    Sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters 🎯 🥇

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍓

    Day 9, London UK, FD

    Ok, so I’m not quite back into the swing of these challenges ……………….. I completely forgot to post over the NFD weekend and I’m up 1.6lbs!!! Herin lies the lesson, post, post, post DAILY which keeps me mindful, focussed and challenged, and like you @stitchincarol ……………… get OUT of the house, there’s a kitchen full of temptations in there!! I wish I had the resolve to do a weekend FD (@funshipfreddie, I’m looking at you with envy), perhaps after I’ve rebuilt the fasting muscle a bit more!

    @jaifaim, lovely to hear from you and yes, it’s a sad time for me, but I’ve been blessed to have cared for mum💕 for the last couple of years. It’s truly been my privilege 🙏🏽🥰❤

    @funshipfreddie, I completely missed your post about Boo Boo having her own room ………………….. and clearly, her own telly!!! I’m thinking somebody is wrapped around somebodies tiny paw!!!

    @penz, @funshipfreddie, yes NSV – Non scale victory!! When the scales are NOT behaving, I have to boost my resolve somehow!!🤣🤣

    Soup & more soup for todays FD!!! I have a work event on Friday where I’ll try to swerve the carbs…………… and the vino🍷😭

    Did you know ………….
    Mistletoe is a parasitic plant. It lives off the water & nutrients from its host tree!!
    I might be mistaken, but I think ORANGE falls into the rhyme-less category too!!!

    Stay strong everyone, the battle is only a battle until it becomes routine!!!!

    Day 9 – UK – FD800 (1st of 5)

    Been a busy few days since I last posted on Day 3 and no fasting either so far this month……

    Had a lovely long weekend away with my DD an early birthday treat for her – some shopping in Manchester and staying at Salford Quays to catch Neil Gaiman’s The Ocean at the End of the Lane at the Lowry Theatre – absolutely fantastic!!!!

    I had a bit of a wake up call recently after a health review – my total cholesterol levels are way too high – I have no symptoms so not keen to start taking statins – my GP suggested I take a daily dose of psyllium husk powder as the soluble fibre found in it can help lower cholesterol. I am now taking the recommended 3tsp daily and have also added a daily stanol fortified mini yoghurt drink, as I think that it’s hard for diet alone to give me the required level of around 1.5-3g each day and I’m also decreasing my alcohol intake to a maximum of 10units/week.
    My GP suggested a review in 6 months and 🤞and improvement will feature!

    When I first started fasting my cholesterol levels were high and after a year of fasting and losing weight my levels dropped to just above the normal range so definitely back to fasting for me.

    Planning to do a 5 day stint of FD800 to press my RESET button – this should be a good week to do it as I have no social engagements until the weekend…….

    Usual Monday of baking for OH post run snacks – this week it’s blueberry scones and raspberry flapjacks, catching up on some housework, then meeting friends for a coffee this afternoon followed by an evening yoga class……food and drinks already planned and entered in MFP for the day!!!

    @merryapple – didn’t realise that “Kiwis eat the most ice cream per capita per annum in the world” 😮
    @flourbaby – I too have not been brave enough to step on the scales yet this month…..perhaps after my 5 days of FD800??? I like your “Herin lies the lesson, post, post, post DAILY which keeps me mindful, focussed and challenged” reading your posts has inspired me that I CAN DO THIS again!!!!
    @funshipfreddie – I’m enjoying your FUFs and improving my general knowledge too!!

    I too have been enjoying the 🏉 – the pool stage of the 2023 Rugby World Cup is now over and the quarter-final line-up is complete and no Australia in it for the first time!!!!!! To be knocked out so early is terribly disappointing for them and their supporters – a major regroup is required before they host the next World Cup in 2027

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍓

    Day 9 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. A bit of a break today, then back to a FD on Tuesday.

    Day 10 NZ NFD 83.2kg

    Hrrumph. I lost my post…
    No change after a FD. Really?? It might have something to do with my immaculately sprung clean gorgeous kitchen. I made Swedish Ryvitas (Brogards bread) and for dinner had pizza then pudding of Rhubarb, yoghurt and muesli. I know, I know, @funshipFreddy… Yes, you are in my ear! So today’s focus is soup and vegetables…
    @at So many milking cows, such good icecream…
    My total cholesterol was high and I too earned a 6 monthly review, due around Xmas, because I told the GP I was doing 5:2 successfully. Which reminds me I need to eat more salmon! I’ll be interested to hear how you get on. I just read up on psyllium husk powder and will give it a go too. 5:2 has completely slowed down my BMs so it won’t hurt on that front.(Apologies if that’s too much information!)Also it makes you feel full – another bonus!
    @stitchincarol🙌Hi out there!
    I’m 0.1kg or 100gm down from the beginning of the month. I will have to concentrate way more during the second half of Outstanding October to score my monthly kg loss…

    STEELY RESOLVE one and all!

    Day 10 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hi all!
    @at I’m so surprised to hear about your cholesterol as your meals always sound so healthy… I hope you manage to bring the numbers down with diet and don’t have to go on statins. 🤞

    @merryapple – well done on the spring clean!! Isn’t it a great feeling! I did the same here Saturday and it really declutters the home and mind.

    Had to smile at the chat re: NSV – those of us who followed Joe Wicks or others would know the term well and it’s so very important… so much more important than scale changes. I still finding vintage 🤣 clothes in my wardrobes that I can wear now and don’t plan to go back up (other than temporarily) anytime soon.

    @flourbaby 💕 So very true.

    How are you all? I’m good – feeling a little older today 🎂🎈. Cake may be had but otherwise I’ll try keep it lean as I am away in holidays this weekend so preemptive planning…

    Have a great one!!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 10 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. I guess I psychologically set myself up for bad habits yesterday by sandwiching myself between two FDs so quickly. I’ve got to behave better. Enough said; today’s a FD for sure. I’ll change my ways when I have a Wednesday NFD. Egads.

    Pocket list – day 10

    Day 10, London UK, NFD,

    Yesterday’s FD got slightly derailed last night with some Gouda whilst I watched ‘The Reckoning’ with Steve Coogan. I just got angrier and angrier!!! It’s the dramatization about Jimmy Saville.😡🤬😡

    Anyway, rather than try to fast today, I’m putting yesterday behind me (in the huge shadow I’m casting🤣🤣!!!), and having a huge prawn, crab & avocado salad, split over lunch & dinner and calling today a controlled day.

    @jaifaim, we’re missing a @songbirdme to serenade you, I wouldn’t dare, so I’ll just say………….. Happy Birthday!!!🎂🥳🎉 Enjoy Paris & all the treats it has to offer!!!

    @merryapple & @at, I use psyllium husk regularly as it’s a probiotic, to feed my healthy gut bacteria, especially when a few more unhealthy things start to creep into my diet……………………. Sugary carbs!!🤭

    Busy day today, so I ought to get back to work, it IS what I get paid for after-all!!😂

    Keep the faith people!!!

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    My weight has stayed steady for three days, despite eating far too much yesterday, so today’s WF will help me get back down but I’m guessing I’ve again sabotaged my actual weight LOSS this week. We’ll see.

    On top of an already-crazy week, an elderly member of our congregation died in her sleep on Sunday morning, so DH and I have a funeral to add in, which for me means picking up the bread, chips, and sliced meats at two different stores for sandwiches for after the service, typing the folder with the order of service, playing the funeral, and doing Thursday morning’s secretary stuff a day early since I’ll be doing a funeral then and won’t have time later in the day. Gah! As a result, I’m skipping this morning’s session at the conference at the town an hour away, which gives me a bit more time than I expected. The woman who died would feel so bad to have made DH’s and my week so crazy busy, LOL–she was a dear woman, but was in such pain, that it’s a blessing she has passed! And I’ll look on the bright side of my schedule and think about how little opportunity I’ll have to go overboard with food on Wednesday since I’ll be on the run all day long.

    I have to drive my car to Omaha today, and run quite a few errands there, and it makes me VERY nervous to keep thinking of those front left wheel ball bearings; it will be a huge relief to get them fixed tomorrow.

    @merryapple No, not a Mexican Pizza place, but a Mexican/Pizza place. Both. Mexican Food. Pizzas. Although Taco pizzas are a thing now, where you have ground beef with taco seasoning, a taco sauce on the pizza, cheese and then shredded lettuce, cheese, and sour cream on the pizza. But no, they have tacos and enchiladas and burritos, etc. and they have pizzas. Odd, odd, odd.

    Okay, no more chatter for me; have a grand one, everyone.

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Oops?! Neglecting my hosting duties. I don’t know where this morning went. I was all psyched up to do another FD too, & then finished up having lunch with a friend from out of town. And then, um, to the casino. First time I’ve been for months, & it did NOT go well. Will I ever learn? 😞 I was there for barely an hour though 🎰

    @jaifaim – Happy Birthday! 🎈🥳🎉🥂 🎂

    @flourbaby – re rhyming words for ‘orange’, I just found this – “Well, as it turns out there are actually two words that rhyme with the word orange: ‘sporange’, which is apparently a technical word for a spore sac, and ‘Blorenge’, a mountain in Wales”. I can’t believe you didn’t know that..?! 😜 Re The Reckoning – I haven’t heard about that; is it a movie? I saw a documentary about him a couple of years ago. What a scum-bag?! He had the whole nation fooled. Who didn’t love ‘Jim’ll Fix It’ in the 70’s & 80’s?

    @at – 5 x FD800’s?! Go you!! 💪

    Today’s FUFs – Did you know..?

    Reindeer like to eat bananas.
    Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them.
    There are 10 times more stars in the night sky than there are grains of sand in the worlds beaches and deserts.

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍋
    @at FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    I am back!!! Only arrived home yester evening and completely forgot about my promise to keep you all updated on Spanish sunshine, tapas and vino…..though I am sure it is just as well I didn’t!!

    Fabulous relaxing holiday, super warm in Spain, daily swims in the Med, sleeping , lazing, lolling, eating and drinking.

    Jumped on scales this morning and jumped right off again…..hmm a few pounds have found their way.

    Lady day of Holidays today then back to work tomorrow so wil get back in the groove tomorrow.

    Day 10 – UK – FD800 (2nd of 5)

    A successful FD800 yesterday ✅ Today started with a 5 mile walk with my regular walking group – took a lot of willpower to only have a coffee whilst others around me had bacon rolls, scones…..etc but I managed to hold firm 💪

    Food shopping this afternoon, everything now unpacked and enjoying a cup of tea whilst logging on here for accountabiity!

    HIP (High Impact Pilates) class via Zoom, booked for later this afternoon

    All food/drinks and planned evening meal entered in MFP to keep me on track for the day 🤞

    @jaifaim – Happy Birthday 🎶 🎶 to you and let there be 🎂 and 🥂
    @funshipfreddie – thank you for adding me to the pocket list – good to know you have my back during this RESET week of mine
    @daffodil2010 – not one bit jealous of your time in Spain 🤣…….Spanish sunshine, tapas and vino all sounds fabulous!!!

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍋
    @at FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 11 NZ NFD 83.1kg

    How lovely to read all the chatty posts!
    @jaifaim 🎶Happy Birthday to you!!🎂🎶 Although it was y’day our time!
    @daffodil2010 How gorgeous to think of lolling around a Spanish beach eating tapas!
    @funshipfreddie The casino…really??!… I hope you got free drinks but then you don’t drink! Hmm sporange is spor- ange not sp-orange. You sound the e out.
    @flourbaby That salad sounds delicious. Not toooo much dressing I hope!
    @at You sound admirably organised. When I get my shoulder sorted out (steroid injection) I want to try Pilates under instruction. I did my left shoulder in doing TV yoga – never again.
    @northgeorgia It’s all in your mind. You can do this!
    @stitchincarol You sound so busy. I hope it all goes well as planned. Sending strength.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 11 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Found out that while I was on leave there was a huge electrical fault in the office so EVERYONE has to WFH for the foreseeable. Everything electric was fried 😱 I have not yet logged into work but will have to do so in a minute and definitely have “The Fear” right now….what will await me?

    For this reason I felt I needed eggs for breakfast as cannot function if hungry and the work world as turned awry 😀 But it will be controlled.

    Happy birthday @jaifaim

    Right, pulling on the big girl pants, let’s kick some butt so today 😀

    Day 11 – UK – FD800 (3rd of 5)

    Yoga class (90mins) this morning followed by coffee with fellow yogis by the lake – will be changing the habit of having a cheese scone with that coffee!!! I don’t really need or want it 😇

    An afternoon of volunteering then home to catch up – will be baking on my return as I have been given a glut of apples from a friend’s garden – apple and blackberry crumble and an apple cake to take to my Happy Hour Class tomorrow to celebrate our teacher’s birthday!

    Meals/drinks for today entered into MFP once more to keep me on track for that 3rd FD800

    Off to get ready for yoga 🧘‍♀️ class – moon salutations series awaits…..

    Anyone joining me on a FD today??

    Pocket List – Day 10 🎯
    @at FD800

    Day 11 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @daffodil2010 – welcome back!

    @merryapple – I know?! 🤦‍♂️ I spent 30+ years taking money from people, & now I think I can beat the system..duh? 🤪 But at least I didn’t go alone; my friend Val loves to play the pokies & I let her talk me into it.

    @daffodil2010 – oh no?! I hope no nasty surprises await you. But – silver lining – WFH!

    @at – I’m in dire need of a good FD or 3, but not today… 🤔

    Today’s FUFs – Did you know…?

    It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
    A chameleon can move its eyes in two different directions at the same time.
    Our eyes are always the same size from birth.
    The name ‘Wendy’ was made up for the book ‘Peter Pan’.

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Day 11, London UK, FD

    Yesterday’s NFD was very controlled, although that Gouda called my name all evening!! I must get rid of it………….. one tiny cube at a time!!

    @merryapple, I use Greek yoghurt laced with garlic powder, salt & pepper as my go-to dressing, and as it was a controlled NFD, I added avocado, beetroot & lettuce to my salad bowl with gay abandon!!! Very filling & satisfying!

    @stitchincarol, busy, busy, busy………………….. it’ll keep you out of the kitchen though!!!

    Good to see you back @daffodil2010, I’m swerving the scales myself, but I can’t use a lovely Spanish holiday as an excuse😉 My fasting muscle needs a serious workout before I could even consider WFH. Back to a 5 day week should help me stay on track🙏🏽

    Here’s one for you @funshipfreddie ………………The world’s longest walking distance is 14,000 miles. You can walk from Cape Town in South Africa to Magadan in Russia. It requires no flying or sailing – just bridges and open roads.

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫 I’m looking forward to getting over said hump!!!🥱

    Hi, all. It’s Wednesday morning for me; no idea what day that is as I’m on my phone, not my laptop.

    Somehow,I woke myself up a little before 6 and went and got my phone and DH and I called our daughter so we could sing happy birthday to our eldest granddaughter who turns 4 today. DHD was so excited at all the crepe paper streamers everywhere. I managed to go back to sleep for a bit and now am in Lincoln at a restaurant (Cracker Barrel) while my car gets fixed. The various foods on offer for breakfast were very tempting, but when I quit thinking about what my mind, eyes, and mouth would enjoy, and considered how my stomach would feel, it was easy to stick to black coffee. I’ll have to stick to that approach next time I’m tempted.

    My cleaning lady is rescheduled for Friday, so that is giving me the breathing space I need, as the house is far too cluttered for her to easily clean. I’m looking forward to the end of this busy stretch when I also will have a clean and tidy house.

    Okay, back to see if my car is ready.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    2nd Post – Day 11

    Pocket List – Day 11 🎯
    @at FD800

    Day 11 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hi all! I’ve had a super busy day so just checking in now but keen to keep up my daily posting…and even if it’s short and sweet… I’m sure no one minds 🤣🤣 and MFP logging like you @at.
    Oh my gosh @daffodil2010 that is a shock for you to come back to…. Who would have thought??? I hope you had a fabulous holiday and that the benefits of the break stand to you now with the stress of WFH and adapting to working this way…

    Thanks everybody I had a really lovely day yesterday and had had a great weekend so have been nicely spoiled 🎈

    Lovely salad inspiration @flourbaby… I’ll have to see what I have in my fridge tonight.. lots of veggies I think….
    Ok best go see what’s there and get cooking … Take care all.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 12 NZ FD

    I’m struggling with Macintosh – he was up in the night x 4 last night… He’s such a sweet boy but his body clock has got turned upside down. Perhaps I could give the Valium another go? Or send him to the Northern Hemisphere… He’s now had breakfast and is fast asleep looking like butter wouldn’t melt…
    I’m going to a friend’s first book launch early evening. Her father was a famous artist here and it’s a fictionalised novel that features art. Interesting…
    @flourbaby That dressing sounds delicious. I add crushed fresh garlic to yoghurt. Does garlic salt have a different flavour?
    @daffodil2010 I hope you connected to your network from home without a big bang!
    @jaifaim It’s wonderful when any of the 5:2ers hit maintenance and stay connected like @funshipfreddie, you and @songbirdme. You are like our beacons of hope! Most people, it seems, drift away because they have lost heart. That’s why I admire @northgeorgia. He stays connected and that will pay off for him!
    As to me, it’s yet another FD on the slow downward slide…

    Pocket List

    Day 11 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    @merryapple awww thanks! It took me years to get here… 🐢 🐌 but I’m here for the long haul …I think we have found a WOL that works and that’s exactly what it is… so glad to get back after breaks that just seem to come from nowhere – life 🙃
    Thinking of you and Mack. 🐶

    Ok off for pre hols workload… is it worth it? yes but always a pain ….

    Power to the fasters! 💪

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 12 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    OMG what a terrible first day back at work yesterday was……having to WFH for the foreseeable is not so bad, but I never had to WFH during the pandemic so this is going to cause cabin fever very quickly.

    But the first thing I saw when I logged in we’re all these URGENT messages, and Priority lists, and an urgent Teams meeting scheduled for 10 minutes after I started work 😱….absolutely no easing back into it, I had to abandon all business as usual and take ownership of some urgent stuff that had to be done as apparently I was the only one who could do it 😳

    Hey, if I was in the medical profession and worked in the Accident &Emergency Department I would expect this…….but I work in Finance and it seems my company went mad with all the recent problems and now everything is urgent!! Yesterday I felt like a firefighter and it did not do wonders for my blood pressure I can tell ya!!

    Anyhoo, suffice to say there was no fasting yesterday, no binging either, but a chocolate bar and coffee helped give energy, and toast for lunch. Will have healthier food today.

    Wishing you all well. Xxxxxx

    Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @merryapple – Up in the night 4 times?! Those sleepless nights must be getting you down? I’d definitely give him another Valium or 2. But – ‘send him to the Northern Hemisphere’? Is that a euphemism? 😳 💤

    @daffodil2010 – crikey, I feel for you?! It seems so unfair to have to deal with that huge mess after your holiday? You should be given another week off after all this. And it’s all down to an electrical fault? The whole WFH thing is fascinating to me. Seems like people either love or hate it. It sounds wonderful in theory, but being naturally bone idle, it’s just as well I never got the chance, because I’d probably be living under a bridge by now.

    @flourbaby – Cape Town to Russia. Can you imagine? Has anyone ever actually done that? I imagine you’d be mugged before you even reached the SA border 🥴

    Today’s Fun, Useless Facts:-

    A piece of paper can be folded no more than 9 times.
    The flea can jump 350 times its body length.
    The placement of a donkey’s eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet at all times.
    Honey is the only natural food made without destroying any life.

    Pocket List – Day 12 🍌
    @at FD800

    It is of course Day 12 – old age setting in!!!
    Sounds like a very stressful return to work @daffodil2010 such a shame! @funshipfreddie guess what I’m doing now with my A4 sheet 🤣🤣

    It is of course Day 12 – old age setting in!!! Returning to fix that
    Sounds like a very stressful return to work @daffodil2010 such a shame! @funshipfreddie guess what I’m doing now with my A4 sheet 🤣🤣

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    Man, almost missed two days of checking in. Weigh-in: 223 lbs today. Got to run again.

    Day 12 – UK – FD800 (4th of 5)

    Started the day with a 9am Happy Hour Class (aerobics style class) – coffee and a catch up afterwards with the group

    Home to bake – raspberry scones done and a large apple and blackberry crumble prepped

    Quick catch up here with a cup of tea and the smallest of the raspberry scones – no butter or jam needed 😋

    Sun is out and looking fab out there so setting out for walk – probably only about 5 miles as I also have an evening Pilates class.

    After Pilates I’m meeting with friends to see the new Ken Loach film – The Old Oak – The future for the last remaining pub, The Old Oak in a village of the Northeast England, where people are leaving the land as the mines are closed. Houses are cheap and available thus making it an ideal location for the Syrian refugees.

    A busy day should keep me on track of my 4th B2B FD800 – all food/drinks entered in MFP already 🤞

    @daffodil2010 – welcome back – shame to have such a horrible first day back at work after such a lovely holiday!
    @merryapple – I feel for you with your disturbed nights – I’m very grumpy the next day if my sleep is disturbed 😣
    @jaifaim – I’m desperately trying to get back to my maintenance range having struggled this past year – luckily I have not strayed too far, but it seems so much more difficult to lose those extra lbs/kg this time round – I am trying hard to find the right head space!!
    @funshipfreddie – I like the fact “Honey is the only natural food made without destroying any life.”

    Right time to put those walking shoes on and step out the door……🚶‍♀️

    Pocket List – Day 12 🍌
    @at FD800

    Day 12, London, UK, NFD,

    Feeling a little stuffed today!!! Listened to a podcast with Mindy Pelz on fasting mistakes!!! Apparently during the eating feasting time you need to EAT!!! Rather than be controlled as you’re trying to trick your body into releasing fat because it believes there will be more food tomorrow. Well something like that anyway!!! I know this, but it’s sooo counter intuitive!
    Podcast here,

    @merryapple, I use garlic powder which I think may just be dehydrated ground up garlic(?) I’m an avid batch cooker, especially for my mum😥, so tend not to have fresh garlic hanging about, just fresh salad bits, broccoli and mushrooms. On another note, when I do grate garlic I use a small plate with ridges/pimples which my parents bought as a souvenir from Spain many moons ago, it was on the bookshelf for years until I realised what it was actually for!!!🤣🤣 Ingenious!!

    @daffodil2010, I was picturing a large crowd gathered at the office door wringing their hands waiting for you to return and you coming through the door to cheers & whoops in full firefighting gear, carrying your trusty axe!!!! Must be the Gouda fuelling my imagination!!!

    Ok @funshipfreddie, so the stars in the sky/sand thing had my jaw on the ground, now the paper thing!!!! We have some A0 sheets knocking around the office so an entire office of construction professionals will be attempting to disprove the theory on Monday……………….. (I tried with A3 and got to 5-ish!!!)😱😱😱
    I’m sharing the ‘FUFs’ with the office, but I’m thinking of sending the 1000s of questions & clarifications your way!!! Is milk in the honey category?
    We’re guessing the time spent sitting at red lights is going up & up & up based on our commutes ………………. 1 ½ hrs to do 17.5 miles for me!!!

    @at, hats off to you! I don’t know how you manage to do all of that baking and resist temptation!!! I’m envious of your resolve!!!

    Off to prepare for the 2nd 1 ½ hour journey of the day!! Keep the faith folks!

    Day Friday the 13th… NFD NZ 82.2 kg

    I had a good FD y’day and went out to my book launch and had two glasses of wine, came home had a gin and went to bed so I think these numbers are too good to be true! However it is a good motivator after not moving any numbers for two weeks. I had sourdough, asparagus and an egg for breakfast while I made black bean soup.
    @at What lovely baking! Your fitness regime is inspiring. If it ever stops raining I’m going to get out and about more. Our rain is not delicate misty rain, it’s as if someone turned the shower on upstairs…
    @daffodil2010 You made me lol with your ‘but this is finance’. Hope it’s not too stressful for you.
    @flourbaby I have a white ceramic Chinese grater which sounds similar and is used for ginger. Your office sounds fun!
    @funshipfreddie Unfun fact:
    The bees make honey so they have winter food. The hives are robbed of their honey by us. Good bee keepers leave some honey for them, bad ones feed them sugar water… Because of the value of Manuka honey we are seeing monocultural planting to keep the honey pure by businesses like Comvita. Manuka flowers twice a year and they feed the bees sugar water when it’s not flowering which means they’re starving with no other flowering plants to forage on…

    Hope everyone’s Friday goes well despite the date!

    Day 13 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.5

    I’m experiencing mega PFDS today, because I did NOT want to fast yesterday. But I nailed it, cos I’m amazing 😅 😇 I’ve allowed some bad habits to creep back into my diet though, which is why my weight’s been creeping up recently. For some reason I’ve been replacing a couple of dark chocolate squares with a Chunky KitKat every NFD – & sometimes having both – & it’s got to stop 🚫

    @flourbaby – I’m so glad you & your colleagues are enjoying the FUFs! But, um, no idea re the honey though? I think that statement was from a vegan perspective; some vegans will eat honey, but they don’t use any dairy products? Dunno, I just copy/paste! 😜 I just saw this though, & I wish I hadn’t: “Figs are fertilised when small wasps lay eggs inside the fruit. So potentially eating a fig is killing wasp larvae”. 🤮

    @at – ‘.. probably only about 5 miles as I also have an evening Pilates class’. ONLY 5 miles 😅 That’s about 8 kilometres, & probably what I usually clock up in a whole day. Plus Pilates?! 🥴️ One more FD500 for you! 💪

    @merryapple – I think bees should get together & form a union or something. Although, now they’re making meat in laboratories – and diamonds – they’ll probably be able to reproduce honey soon too.

    Five pieces of trivia to help you get through this accursed day 💀

    1. “Paraskevidekatriaphobia” is the official name for a fear of Friday the 13th
    2. Statistically speaking, it’s actually safer than most days
    3. It’s not unlucky for Taylor Swift – “I was born on the 13th. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My first album went gold in 13 weeks. My first No.1 song had a 13-second intro,” Swift told MTV in 2009. “Every time I’ve won an award, I’ve been seated in either the 13th seat, the 13th row, the 13th section or row M, which is the 13th letter.”There’s no getting away from it.
    4. In the Gregorian calendar, there will always be at least one Friday the 13th … so you know when it’s coming
    5. But it is a bad day to be a black cat. Black cats already have a rough life, but they get it especially bad on Friday the 13th. So that was why, starting on October 13, 1939, The New York Times reported that French Lick Springs, Indiana, enacted a law that all black cats in the area would wear bells “as a war measure to alleviate mental strain on the populace” and presumably make the cats easier to avoid 🐈‍⬛

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Pocket List – Day 13 🍏
    @at FD800

    Day 13 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Gosh, did not think much of it being Friday 13th until I saw your post @funshipfreddie!,, 😀

    I never have a fear of it, but I do want today to be over…its been a tough time the last two days so far…and all that I work with seem to be on edge and frustrated and annoyed…..project deadlines, equipment fried, business as usual hassle, and then having to WFH so suddenly (at least I am set up already with monitors and equipment, some of my colleagues just have laptops)….remember none of us had to WFH for the entire Covid and so most not set up. Lot of snappy people on Teams out there.

    This too shall pass.

    Like @flourbaby and @jaifaim I will be trying to fold paper today @funshipfreddie. Loving the FUF’s!

    But oof @merryapple, that’s sobering regarding honey. When I was in Horticulture College there were beehives and they did a study of what composed the honey….the college was in the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin so there were flowering plants from all over the world….but the honey was 99%comprised of local flowering plants that we would often classify as weeds! I loved that. I love watching bees now mooching around the Daisy’s and dandelions when in flower.

    @flourbaby, ha ha Infelt like a firefighter alright. However not allowed back to the office so it was virtual whoops (except not really,,see my post above ). One of my colleagues did go back yesterday to pick up a monitor and keyboard, but she was only allowed at the entrance to the foyer…..she said the smell of burnt plastic was sickening 😨

    We (us minions I mean) will never really know what caused this power surge and electrical fault, but it was catastrophic. I fear I could have to WFH for longer than they say.

    @funshipfreddie I enjoy WFH when it’s on my terms, ie expecting a delivery, having an appointment, car needs service, but to have it foisted……guess that’s how most office workers felt back in 2020 when Covid suddenly arrived.

    Anyhoo, I should get to work now. Oh, and although not fasting, I ate heathy home made food, and lost 2 of those holiday pounds. So yay. Happy Fri-yay!!

    Hi, i am a newbie here & i don’t know much about these challanges can anybody guide me about these challanges shortly it will help me alot to understand this. Thankyou for considering my reply.

    Day 13 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Like @funshipfreddie, I have allowed bad habits to creep back in. And it’s an all out battle! First it was soft drinks. I’m starting to win on that front, although it’s a battle. But from out of nowhere came the chips (crisps), pretzels, and salty crackers. STTTTOOOOPPPP! And none of these foods are in my house; you’d think I’d feel shame eating these at someone else’s home or be more careful when eating out.

    And to put things into perspective, no a chocolate chip cookie or KitKat won’t hurt once every week or two. But when you start snacking on junk everyday (and especially if you noticed you put a dent in the bag of pretzels for example!), then there is a problem. I have to kill the hunger dragon, especially after I’ve had a meal — drink water and wait and wait (or better, do something else!)… it will pass 🙂

    Going to do a ZBC today; next FD will be Sunday.

    @jameswalker222000 Welcome! This is a support forum to help keep you on the 5:2 Way of Life and motivate us to lose weight, or maintain the weight we have lost.

    2nd Post – Day 13

    @jameswalker222000 – welcome to the forum & to the Challenges. Ditto what @northgeorgia said. That’s it, in a nutshell. Everything you need to know is in the first couple of posts on page 1 of this Challenge, including a link to FAQs. The Challenges started about 7 & a half years ago. Everyone is welcome to join at any time. We’re a diverse group of people from all over the globe, either attempting to lose weight – or maintain – by fasting intermittently. Most of us follow 5:2, i.e. we have two days per week when we eat minimally (usually between 500 – 800 calories) and eat regularly but sensibly – in theory – on the other 5 days of the week. Some people choose to drink only water or other calorie-free liquids on their fast days. Some people have just one or two small meals. It’s trial & error, you just need to find what works for you. It also depends on your personal goals. You can post daily or sporadically, and share as much or as little as you’re comfortable with.
    Just start your post with the day’s date – it can vary because we’re in different time zones around the world – and then your location, + whether you’re fasting (FD) or not (NFD) on the day you’re posting.
    We voluntarily take turns hosting the challenges each month, but they pretty much run themselves once someone’s got the ball rolling. There will always be someone here to answer any questions or reply to any concerns you may have. There’s also a spreadsheet you can use to track or plan your fast days &/or put down any other goals you may have for the month.

    Day 13 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hi all, a quick check in as I’m off on holidays very early tomorrow and trying to get everything done before I hit the hay…

    Will be checking in as will have food on tap on the holiday and then back to France for work straight after so will be challenging times… 😂

    Ps couldn’t fold an A4 sheet more than 5 times…🤨

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 14 NZ NFD 82.6 kg

    Macintosh and I were up early to vote at our local skool hall.
    Then we met a friend at a local cafe. We waited for the lights to go red so we could cross over two intersecting roads. On each of the 4 corners there were 2 Westies waiting to cross at that moment… It just might be a sign… of what, who knows…!
    Welcome @jameswalker222000. All I would add is the monthly challenges give us a chance to reset and refocus every month and break up what might be a long journey. It suits us but other forums keep rolling on.
    @jaifaim Have fun and remember 🤐!!
    @daffodil2010 Interesting hearing what your local bees foraged. A Burnt Plastic Meltdown! Just as well you weren’t in the building…
    @funshipfreddie Friday13th was the day of my school graduation ball… a night not to remember! My mother was horrified because I switched boyfriends with another girl…

    We’re going out tonight to watch the election results as they roll in. Sunday morning is the big 🇳🇿vs 🇨🇮 rugby match.
    Big weekend!!!

    Stay strong and have a good weekend!

    Day 14 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @jaifaim – I haven’t tried the paper-folding thing yet, but I found this, “So a standard piece of paper can indeed only be folded seven times. However, if we had an 8.5 x 11 in. sheet of paper that was a quarter as thick as normal, using this equation, we could fold it nine times. If you take a roll of toilet paper and roll it out into one long line you can fold it even more”. Bon voyage! ✈️

    @northgeorgia – pretzels? I’ve never understood the appeal. Maybe I just haven’t tried the right ones, but to me they taste like salty cardboard. Peanuts are my addiction. I’m contemplating another FD on Sunday too 🤔

    @daffodil2010 – well done for shifting those holiday lbs already. I hope you’re sorted work-wise & can enjoy the weekend. 🇮🇪 Ireland v New Zealand 🇳🇿 tonight? I reckon it’s gonna be a humdinger 🏈

    @merryapple – Sounds like you had a blast at your graduation ball 🤣 Enjoy the rugby!

    Today’s FUFs: Did you know…?

    Playing dance music can help ward off mosquitoes.
    Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside-down
    The largest scrambled eggs ever made weighed nearly 3.5 tons.
    Antarctica is the largest unclaimed territory on earth.

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    Day 14 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Well no weight lost since last week, but no weight gained either. Tomorrow will be a FD, and I’ll continue my NFD resolve to shun the empty stuff and eat the tasty nutritional things.

    Day 15 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Well done All Blacks! 🏈 Commiserations to the Emerald Isle 😞 South Africa against France tonight 😳

    Very quiet today; I hope everyone’s having a good weekend.

    Today’s Fun, Useless Facts:-

    The average American produces 4.5 pounds of trash per day.
    Almonds are members of the peach family.
    The footprints made on the moon will be there for 100 million years.
    A Greek-Canadian man invented the “Hawaiian” pizza.

    A fast day today for the men. Lets get this done, @northgeorgia – because we’re worth it. Thank you L’Oréal 🤪

    Happy S🌞nday y’all!

    Pocket List – Day 15 🥚

    Day 15 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. Oh, that’s ugly. The highest weigh-in on a Sunday in over two years. It’s going to be a tough week — my brother went on an impromptu trip with his immediate family until Wednesday, and I had planned to fast today and tomorrow — but it means I’ll be spending more time with mom. Tomorrow will be easy at work, but today will be a bit tough. Taking her out for a seafood fry-up at 7:00 in the evening probably didn’t help my carb leap overnight. I knew better…

    OK, got to stay encouraged and remember how close I was getting back to the 210 threshold back in March. I can do this. I have to stop the non-sense.

    Pocket List – Day 15 🥚

    Day 15 – USA/Tn

    Not much to report, except that I am now 145 after almost 2 months instead of 147. I am walking more, and drinking less beer, and noticing that my belly fat has been dissipating. The other exercises I meant to do have fallen by the wayside, as I’ve been called into work more due to a co-workers chronic illness. Slow and steady wins the race! Hoping to lose more before Christmas!

    Day16 – Croatia – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hi all, well done @metatauta on the drop and to the Sunday fasters… 💪
    No fasting here… all food provided but as I’m avoiding gluten at least I’m not tempted by the delicious breads and pastries. Sad though…Tomorrow we are off to Montenegro for the rest of the week so that will be lovely and very interesting.
    It will be fun to see how I’m going when I get back but then have France so another challenge..
    It is such a shame we won’t be in the final on the 28th… Both Ireland and France out… 🥲

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

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