Fasting Mimicking Diet

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tonybrigmon 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Curious to your thoughts on this recent research of USC aging researcher Valter Longo, who recently led a study searching for a better way to get the benefits of fasting without quite so much pain.

    Wondering if using their 750 calories per day vs the 5:2 Fast Diet of 600 calories would result in a plus or minus as to health results?

    And how important you feel his recommended % for protein, fat and carbohydrates are.

    Brief summary here: For 25 days out of the month, dieters can eat as they normally would — the good, bad and in-between. Then for day one of the diet, they would eat 1,090 calories: 10 percent protein, 56 percent fat and 34 percent carbohydrates. For days two through five, 725 calories: 9 percent protein, 44 percent fat, 47 percent carbohydrates.

    In the study, which was published in the journal Cell Metabolism and funded by the National Institute on Aging, participants who intermittently fasted for three months had reduced risk factors for an amazing range of issues: aging, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease.

    While the number of study participants was small — only 19 who tried the diet — the results are so promising that the University of Southern California researcher who helped develop the regimen is already talking about trying to get approval from the Food and Drug Administration so that it can be recommended for patients.

    In the study, participants consumed a lot of vegetable soup, kale crackers and chamomile tea.

    Your thoughts? Thank you. Cheers. – Tony Brigmon

    Hi tony and welcome:

    You might check the existing thread on the diet:

    Thank you.

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