Hello Everybody!!!! I’m new to the 5:2 diet…. the first day fasting i didn’t make it…. as SOON as i ate i was hungry beyond being able to handle it, and went off the fast at the end of the evening 🙁
This is my second fast day, and i’m going to try to see if i can go ALL DAY without eating, which i think might actually be easier for me…. does anybody else here do things that way?
i’ve got a lot of weight to lose, so no danger there.
i may be either hypoglycemic or almost type 2 diabetes, either way my blood sugar is wonky, and got an intuition to take a supplement i have had in a cupboard for a year that i don’t use…. it’s called ‘glycine’ and i obeyed and put some in my tea and actually felt a bit better
but of course i was too curious not to google why i was supposed to use this supplement and i found the most AMAZING article… as i am insulin resistant and carry ALL of my excess weight in my abdomen, and have a lot of body pain… so thought i would share in case any of y’all are in the same boat
anyway, any advice on my new journey, and esp any body out there who fasts all day?
nice to meet everyone btw 🙂
12:12 am
28 May 15