can fasting make you ill

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mummybear12 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I’ve been reading some not very good things about fasting and the effects it can have on women causing infertility and in some cases diabetes something too do with the differnce between men and woman and that fasting is more suited too men. I already have pcos so could already have risk of diabetes plus my chlolestrol is already high plus I’m infertile already plus an under active thyroid. I’ve tried 5.2 and didn’t like it so much so I’m trying 18-6 16-8 is it worth carrying on or should I just carry on my slimming club. Advice appreciated

    The info I was reading

    I have PCOS as well… I have not had any changes to my condition, neither negative nor positive, due to fasting. It is just affecting my weight/fat loss. I was also a little ill the first two days, but now have adjusted and don’t even feel hungry throughout my fasting period (which is dinner to dinner.)

    Hi thank you for reply may i ask if you are over weight with pcos? my bmi was pretty high recently so have about six stone too lose :-(. I like the control this fasting stuff is giving me but i don’t want too do it at the cost of other health problems

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