In what can only be called the opposite of HIT, I am training for a half marathon in July. I used to run a lot. I was averaging about 18 km for my long runs on the weekend before I got an office job and well, hello 12 kg extra, goodbye running habit. So over the last year I have been half-heartedly getting back into my running and have competed, half heartedly in a couple of 10km fun runs. But I feel like it’s time for me to get back into running properly.
Has/is anyone doing distance running whilst also doing 5:2? Any advice? I will be applying my old 3 shorter runs during the week, 1 long on the weekend and then some strength training a couple of days a week to make sure my hips and back are up to the task. I was thinking strength training would be easier on fast days?
Thanks fellow fasters!
12:24 am
14 Feb 15