I’m curious to know whether people feel it is easier to make your two fasting days consecutive or not.
I’ve been making Monday and Wednesday my fast days but today (a Tuesday) I didn’t feel particularly hungry so turned today into what was by far the easiest fast day to get through. I’m amazed that after having a quarter of my recommended calorie intake yesterday I barely felt hungry and had a meal this evening more for the sake of it. I have generally been getting along with the regime but am interested to mix up the fast/eat periods.
This is just one data point so hardly statistically significant. So I’m curious about you – have you found it easier to do consecutive days or split them up? More importantly, are you feeling like you’re getting the same results if you’re fasting on consecutive days (given that two days in a row is technically a 60-hour fast period, as opposed to 1 x 36 hour fast periods).
8:22 am
10 Feb 15