I will and I can do this.

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I will and I can do this.

This topic contains 23 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Troyca 9 years ago.

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  • Hi.

    I’m 22 years old and currently 11 stone 6 pounds. Dress size roughly 14/16 (depending on the shop) and I’m 5 foot 4.

    I gained a lot of weight during my final year of sixth form. I now have come to terms with why – I am an emotional eater. My dad was diagnosed with cancer when I started sixth form (I was 16) and found I ate a lot to help control my mood. Other contributing factors include part-time work at a cafe (lots of tempting treats) and my boyfriend passing his driving test (lots of meals out).

    All of this coupled with not being very active saw me gain around 3 stone, coming from a size 8 and 8 stone to size 14 and 11 stone. I manage to lose weight to 9 stone in my gap year through healthy eating and attending gym classes. But saw this weight slowly creep up during my time at University.

    Now having graduated and working full-time at a legal firm, I want to do something about how I look. I’m not happy with my body and it has made me feel very low about myself.

    I completed my first week last week, and lost 1 pound. Very surprised because I had a heavy night of drinking with my best friend when we went to a concert and ate some unhealthy meals. During my fasts, I skipped breakfast and filled up on water and green tea. Usually in the evening I will have a salad with tomatoes, egg, feta and chicken.

    This is my second week now, and am hoping to have lost a little more weight by my birthday (in 8 weeks time).

    I appreciate any tips from people who have been on this.

    Thank you for reading.

    Hi im also pretty new to 5:2 im heading into my 3rd week. I wouldnt be too hard on yourself on putting weight on it happens to most of us in our late teens/early 20s. Im 28 and up until i was about 21 i could eat whatever i wanted and was still skinny. By 23 i was a little chubbier but def not big. I fell pregnant with my son at 23 after his birth i was just shy of 11 stone i lost a stone just by being busy as a mum and have been 10 stone for the last 4 years eating what i wanted. But the last six months my weight has crept up to 11 stone 4 i was shocked so started 5:2 on 5th Jan in 2 weeks i have lost 9lbs so im thrilled. I wouldnt want to give you advice as im new myself but one thing that has helped me incredibly has been the support and inspirational stories on this forum i dont think i could do it without this. Good luck on your journey and weight lose

    Thanks Kirsty 🙂 I’ve been reading a lot of the forums on here and it seems like everyone is truly supportive.

    Read all of the FAQ’s on this page and all the other information, it will help you.
    Do not focus on weight alone. You will change shape as the weeks go by and notice from the way that you clothes fit that you are shrinking. My top tips are to measure all of your vital statistics along with weight, just once a week and try on clothes then too.I keep all mine in a little book. There will be some weeks when the scales seem to be broken and the tape measure doesn’t move, but just keep going, you will be losing fat from somewhere.
    I always choose food that I love of fast days. I really like salmon, I put a portion in a foil parcel, sprinkled with some chilli flakes and cooks for around 18 mins in the oven and have that with vegetables or salad.Soup is very filling and warming in the winter and the calories are easy to find on the tin or make your own-just chuck the veg in a pan with water and boil for 15 mins then blitz to a puree, which you can then portion and freeze.
    I am sure that working full time in a legal firm is going to be both very busy, so take precautions plan meals for the week.It will make it so much easier if you either batch cook and freeze at the weekend or have everything in for the week. It can be tough going into a supermarket on a fast day.
    If you can get some exercise in your day, then that will help with the stress of a busy job. Can you fit more walking in somewhere? Take the stairs rather than the lift etc?
    This isn’t a diet, but a way of life.It is also a marathon and not a sprint.
    There are loads of tips on the forum and plenty of support from all over the world.

    Hi Annette,

    Thanks for your tips!

    I have started on a couch to 5k programme. In my gap year I really got into my running, and would love to keep that up again. Am currently on the 2nd week and really enjoying myself so far! I do have a gym membership, but will cancel it as I just don’t use it. So instead for exercise I’m thinking of walking/running and own weight exercises at home (squats, lunges, push ups etc).

    I’m looking forward to becoming a healthier, happier, and slimmer me!

    Thank you.
    I run a couple of times a week, currently on a treadmill in the warm at a gym.The treadmill is very useful for doing interval training which will improve your stamina and speed, as well as weights which are very good for strengthening core and upper body, which also improves running.
    I also began on a similar programme a couple of years ago and run races, usually at the back, through the year. I have a 10K in a fortnight and I am not looking forward to it in this freezing weather. My son who is 25, started running with me to keep me company, but we now part company at the race start as he is much faster than me.We have run 4 half marathons together, but he is running one on his own in a couple of months to see just how fast he can go without me.
    I look forward to hearing about your progress in the next few weeks.

    I’ve been ill the past week, so haven’t planned any fast days as have just wanted to get better. Didn’t eat much but one meal a day most of the week anyway, so have had some weight loss.

    2 weeks ago was 11 stone 7, jumped on the scales first thing this morning and its reading as 11 stone 1. Even though last week wasn’t a planned ‘fast’ week, not being able to eat much from being ill probably helped.

    This week I’m planning on feeling better fully and going for 3 runs this week. Fast days planned for Tues and Thurs.

    Would love to break the 11 stone mark 🙂

    Second fast of the week done 🙂

    Still feeling unwell, so fasting has been kind of difficult when all I’ve wanted to do is eat lots of soup and drink lots of tea! Didn’t eat until 8pm today, and had cous cous with some roasted veggies.

    Looking forward to a nice weekend! Hopefully will have broken the 11 stone mark on Sunday 🙂

    I broke the 11 stone mark!! Now at 10 stone 13lb 🙂

    Feeling much better too, so will be going on runs again next week.

    Oddly looking forward to my fast tomorrow.. 🙂

    Well done! You must feel amazing! Good luck for this week. Make sure you take care of yourself and just take one day at a time.

    Thanks Helen!

    Today is the first fast day of the week. I’ve not eaten anything all day and drank mainly water. I have a vegetable stir fry for dinner. Today has been an ‘easy’ fast day, I haven’t been thinking about food at all!

    How has your last week been?

    I hope things are continuing to go well for you!!
    I have been ill this week too, am dreading the scale tomorrow morning, but I must power on.
    I think this is around my month mark doing this.

    Hi everyone,

    This week went well! Fasted on Monday and Thursday, eating only a small dinner for each. A favourite fast day of mine is vegetable stir fry, made with courgette noodles.

    I’m going to try out fasting three days next week – Monday, Weds and Friday, to make up for such an appalling week last week!

    Fast day tomorrow. Looking forward to the week ahead!

    Have dreaded the scales this week, will step on them next Sunday…

    First fast of the week done!

    Had 2 black coffees, a chicken noodle cuppa soup for lunch, and a small salad with egg and beetroot for dinner.

    Looking forward to tomorrow!

    2nd Fast of the week done yesterday.

    Had a black coffee, cuppa soup, 2 boiled eggs and beetroot for dinner and a small pancake with the tiniest blob of nutella…

    Will try to do another fast day tomorrow. Work colleagues are going for Friday drinks so not sure if it will be one…

    Have a good week everyone!

    So, its my birthday tomorrow and I’m being treated to a dinner out and drinks.

    I’m going to enjoy myself this week, and kick start the fast again on Monday.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone 🙂

    After a very indulgent birthday weekend, I am so ready to kick start my week with a fast day!

    Will be fasting Monday and Tuesday next week.

    Weather is picking up and so will start my running 5k training plan again tomorrow morning!

    Have a good week everyone!

    A good fast day!

    Ate nothing until 7.30pm, and had a small chicken breast with vegetables, mccain’s oven chips and some gravy. Had a look on myfitnesspal for a rough calorie guide, and came to around 460 calories. Not bad! 🙂 Think it is my new favourite fast dinner!

    Keep going girls you are doing well and it will get easier.
    I’m 2 months in now and i’ve lost 8.5kg thats about 1 stone, 5 pounds.
    I find my fast days now are really easy i get through them without any hunger pangs. I plan the fast days carefully and tend to eat the same every fast day.
    The rest of the week i eat normally but find i do eat a lot less than i used to, simply because i am not that hungry and if i do eat too much i feel bloated. This has shocked me, and pleased me! I’ve always been someone who was ALWAYS hungry before! I do count my cals on non fast days just to see what i am eating, not to stay within a limit. I find i tend to average 1400-1600 cals most days, which is lower than maybe it should be but i’m not starving myself, just eating better. I have the odd day where i’m a bit piggier, and if i’m eating out i don’t worry about calorie counting!
    I’m still eating chocolate, cake, etc, but not binging on it as i did before.

    I ty and do exercise on weekends when i’m off and maybe a small bit in the week, like go on my exercise bike after work. But over the last 2 months i haven’t done that much exercise, so i’m sure with more i could have lost more weight maybe?!
    I just feel so much better. I’ve noticed i have a waist again, i have much more energy, i don’t get out of puff going upstairs and i love walking the dog for hours whereas before i’d get tired quickly and get pains in my side.

    I relaly think this is the eating plan for me, i love how simple it is and i’m going to continue it for life.

    Hi everyone,

    Not posted on here in a while!

    Still on the fasts! Today was a fasting day, consisting of;

    – boiled egg
    – plain popcorn
    – mexican bean burger with salad and a small side of cous cous
    – 2 x black coffee
    – 2 cans of diet coke
    – lots of water

    I’m refusing to look at the scales as it hasn’t been good to me recently, despite fasting twice a week and doing three high intensity interval training workouts a week 🙁 however, I am noticing my clothes getting baggier so I’m going to focus on that and not what the scales say!

    Second fast day of the week is Thursday 🙂 Will eat something similar to today.

    I hope everyone is well.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    So the other day, I decided to try on a pair of jeans that haven’t fitted me for months… and they fitted!!! Even though the scales weren’t showing much weight loss, the jeans obviously show how far I have come 🙂 Really happy!

    I have also bought a tape measure, so will record my measurements at the end of each week to see how what I have lost.

    I’ve also decided to join the gym again, and am going to a body attack class today and some classes during the week. I’ve also booked a gym induction, where I’ll get a personalised plan to do. As I am trying to get more active, I will try to fast 2 days a week, but won’t be disheartened if I can only fit in 1 day of fasting. The fasts now are really easy for me and I’ve noticed when I get hungry, I don’t need to eat everything in sight!

    Can’t believe how long I’ve been doing this. So impressed I have made this into a habit 🙂

    How is everyone doing? I have had a bad week 🙁 Tried fasting Monday and Wednesday, and caved about lunch time. The first week this has happened for a while!!

    My mantra is always ” you can always have that chocolate/wine/pudding tomorrow. Today you are 5:2. “

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