Accidently lost 8 pounds first week and a half

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Accidently lost 8 pounds first week and a half

This topic contains 14 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  simcoeluv 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I have never really had to diet before, but I know all the basic science and numbers behind it – I did a course where they taught it all, and was a bit of a gym bunny for a while.

    anyway, I broke my knee, horrifically, had to have some operations and couldn’t walk for 7 months, I put on three or so stone.

    So I was told about this diet, I have also been taking cider vinegar, but that was a regular thing anyway.
    More recently I bought some skinny sprinkles which just stop me snacking on fast days.

    I was shocked at my loss. Everyone is telling me it is dangerous.

    wow well done!

    So it is okay then? I was worried because everyone kept saying I shouldn’t loose more than two.

    I think its normal to lose a lot the first week. I think a lot of people have lost the same. 🙂

    That’s what I said! People make me so paranoid! Thankyou. 🙂

    Hi! Did you see some visible changes size wise? I did my first fasting day yesterday and I’m really eager to see results. I need to drop around 15 lbs. Can you really eat “normally” on non fast days, I still don’t believe it. And congrats on those initial pounds! keep up the good work! Im jealous!!!

    In my waist and stomach, quite a lot!
    Not so much my thighs and bum, which is where I am more worried about (jeans don’t fit)

    I was a little shocked at how fast my waist made a reappearance.

    Well done, l lost a lot the first week as well and l have always said the first weeks loss is mainly water and it is the subsequent weeks that you lose the fat

    I have also found that heavier people do loose more at the start of any diet they do. I am doing my first week at the moment, today was my first fasting day and i am really looking forward to seeing the results at the end of this week. I would say that if you was to loose this amount of weight every week then yes, you should be concerned. but first maybe second week dont worry. Your body will slow down with the weight loss as time goes on. Must say congratulations though. Well done.

    Hi! are you guys combining the 5:2 with exercise? I’m through my second week and I feel there hasn’t been much improvement, I’ve lost some belly fat but pants are just as tight… I’m not really motivated now, I plan everything for my fasting days but I’m just not seeing the results. How many pounds are your goal?

    Linonchis – Just think about how long it has taken you to put on the extra 15lbs. Did you suddenly wake up one day and think “heck, my pants have shrunk!”. Probably not…

    Seriously though, please don’t feel downhearted if you haven’t seen instant results. In reality, 15lbs is not a huge amount to lose, and a lot of people find it harder to shift smaller amounts than those who have a great deal to lose.

    1-2lb a week is average, and a good goal to aim for. But even half a pound a week is still half a pound closer to your goal!
    The 5:2 diet should be seen as a lifestyle change, not a quick way to lose weight. If you need any motivation, just have a read through some of the success stories on this forum. So many people have been in the same boat as you, perhaps feeling a little dejected at the beginning. But with perseverance and a great deal of support from fellow forum users, many have reached their goals, or are well on the way to doing so.

    I’m aiming for a 15-20lb loss overall. I slowly put the weight on over the course of a year, so I’m not expecting it to disappear overnight. I lost 6lbs at my first weigh in, and my pants still make me feel like I’m wearing a boa constrictor round my waist!
    But I am already feeling the benefits of this diet.

    Stick at it Linochis! Slow and steady wins the race!

    P.S. – Try to stay off the scales! I weighed myself the first week, and I won’t be doing it again until next month. Your weight may naturally fluctuate throughout the month, regardless of what you eat. Weighing less frequently gives a truer picture of your actual weight loss.

    And yes, you can exercise on your fast days! You might even find that you have more energy.

    But please, don’t over do it. Try some gentle exercise at first, maybe just go for a brisk walk to see how you feel. Some people feel great, others might feel a little shaky or tired. No two people are alike!

    I like to go for a nice long walk on my fast days. Makes me feel good, and takes my mind of food! 🙂

    Thanks for the boost Clickbeetle85! I will definately stay on it, I have done ALL OTHER DIETS in the world, but I just can’t stick to them. I have an old pair of jeans that I haven’t worn for a year, I hope I can use them when I go home for Christmas next year!!
    Keep up the good work and thank you for telling me to get off the scales!! I HATE THEM!!! I’m tall and have a large complexion so I haven’t been under 70kg since I was 13, so the numbers kill my self esteem!

    I’ll keep posted any weak moments!

    I started 5:2 just over a week ago and lost 5.5lbs in the first week. I know from previous experience that I lose quite a bit in week 1 (my body is thinking ‘where has all the blessed food gone?!’. I will be interested to see how it looks in week 2. I usually do a couple of 5k runs at the weekends but I’ve been suffering from some cold virus for just over a week so that’s out the window until I get over it completely (hopefully by this weekend). I find on fast days, I’m fine until I get home in the evenings and then I seem to end up eating a few chocolates. I will definitely have to stop doing that – I only seem to think that I shouldn’t have one AFTER I’ve just eaten it 🙂 Doh!

    Hi Linonchis and welcome:

    The average weight loss on 5:2 over time is about a pound a week. Some that start lose nothing for a couple of weeks, some report quite a bit of loss, but it all averages out to about a pound a week after the first two or three months.

    You say you have lost some belly fat, so it sounds like you are losing weight. You can’t dictate where the weight you lose comes from – every body is different.

    Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

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