Recipes – Vegan, Raw, Vegetarian or any combination…Support Buddies wanted…

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Recipes – Vegan, Raw, Vegetarian or any combination…Support Buddies wanted…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  friolero 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi all…Is anyone interested in “recipe sharing” for Vegetarian, Vegan or Raw lifestyle….I stated 5:2 10 days ago with BMI 27.3 and so far I have lost a little weight and gained some back, no idea why my weight has gone up the past couple of days, even after 500cal on Monday, so I am looking forward to tomorrow low cal day and weigh in on Friday morning…current BMI 26.8…I am hoping to find some “like minded” fellow 5:2 buddies to share recipes and ideas of what you have found has worked for you on your journey to better health and weight loss…I have been a strict vegetarian for around 25 years…my weight has always fluctuated, especially for over indulging on too many carbs and dairy based foods whilst on holidays, sometimes not much else on the menu to choose from..!!..I am aiming to incorporate more Vegan and Raw recipes into my daily food choices…so here goes my first recipe post…new discovery Mango, Avocado Zucchini Noodle Salad…from fullyraw dot com…I do hope the links are allowed on the forum…

    Looking forward to this 5:2 lifestyle and a HEALTHY 2015…

    Hi Nicolew,

    Thanks for sharing the mango noodle recipe. It looks good. 🙂 I am also a strict vegetarian (vegan) and avoid wheat because I have a bad reaction to it. I did 5:2 this past summer, lost weight and was happy w/ a BMI of 22.1. I stopped 5:2 and gained some of the weight back over the winter. I’m coming back to 5:2 because it is the only thing I’ve had success with that feels sustainable in the long term. I like everything about it. Anyhow, I currently have about 10 pounds I’d like to lose and am moving in the right direction now that I’m back to 5:2 fasting.

    I usually eat simply on fast days. I really like Organic Food Bar products, in particular the “Fiber Chocolate Delight” is filling and only 200 calories. I’ll have a bar in the late afternoon and then apple slices in the evening before bed. That seems to work for me. I still drink coffee in the morning, but on fast days I’ll also sip on herbal tea w/ stevia to stay warm and keep from feeling hungry.

    I’ll share my favorite green soup recipe- you can use it on fast days or any day. It’s not raw, but it’s vegan and super healthy 🙂 :

    I don’t like onions or garlic (I know I’m crazy) so I leave them out. I also have substituted green peas for split peas with success.

    Best wishes to you!

    Hey guys I’ve also recently transitioned to veganism, so will definitely be looking at these recipes.
    I’m also looking to start 5.2 again and think I’m going to base my fast days around soups; tofu and vegetables 🙂

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