Hi everyone, I am currently 30 years old, 5’2″,weigh 137.8 lbs! I know my BMI is at 25.1, I am officially overweight! No more in denial, and I need to act fast! I am also on the edge of becoming a type 2 diabetes. Both of my parents are super fit and thin. I feel when I am with my family I do not belong. I got married in May, 2014, and I was 130 lbs by doing crush diet, so my weight jumped to 137.8 lbs after my honey moon. My husband is very fit, and he is starting to be concerned about my weight. I don’t want to be the pig wife who gets dumped by a handsome, fit, Doctor husband. I have everything I ever wanted, and the only thing left for me to do is to LOSE 30 lbs! I used to be size 0, and I want that back!
Today oct 25, 2014 is my first fast day. I had one banana for breakfast. One Apple in mid morning. And some vegetables for lunch. Dinner I made some fish and red bean soup (no sugar version). This puts my daily calorie count to 450 calories. I still have 50 calories left which I will spend on some low fat dairy product.
I just weighed myself and I weigh 135.2 lbs, must be the water weight loss. But it definitely put me in a good mood!
8:15 am
25 Oct 14