Have a cold sore, should I fast tomorrow?

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Have a cold sore, should I fast tomorrow?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Little-lotus 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi there,
    I woke up this morning with a cold sore and am planning on fasting tomorrow.
    Should I postpone tomorrow’s fast and wait till cold sore gone or will fasting help it go quicker?

    I don’t get cold sores very often. But i notice they do come up when i’m run down. This suggests that eating nutritiously and getting enough rest and avoiding alcohol, cigarettes etc is a good idea.

    Little Lotus, I’m guessing fasting won’t make much of a difference. If anything I’d think a few days off of eating processed starches and sugars would be good. I get cold sores a few times a year, usually when I’m stressed (dealing with my unstable mother is a HUGE trigger) or have hormone issues. They’re such a pain in the you-know-what.
    If you want to shorten duration, I’ve used two things that seem to help a bit (cut it down to a few days vs a whole week) Oregano Oil, which supposedly has some strong anti-viral properties. This stuff stings like heck when you put it on (and it tastes horrible!!), but a few drops applied right when you start noticing the cold sore help. I apply it twice a day for the first two or three days. The brand I’m using now is P73 Oreganol but before that I just some little gel caplets that I’d pierce and squeeze on to the sore. I’ve also used ozonated sunflower oil. This stuff is pretty cool and has a lot of uses for different skin ailments (it’s like magic on my daughters eczema). I don’t know your location so I don’t know if you’d even have access to these supplements (they’re easy to purchase online in the US).
    good luck…I seriously feel your pain. 🙂

    Put some zovirax on it and carry on with life as normal! It won’t make any difference having a coldsore or not.

    Thanks for your messages guys.
    I decided not to fast which I think was the best thing as I was feeling run down and needed to catch up on sleep. I find fasting keeps me awake more anyway so I had plenty of carbs! I may well have put on a lb or two but I feel better and am going to start fasting again today.

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