First fast day on Monday, any tips?

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First fast day on Monday, any tips?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  gillian_96 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I’ve tried many diets previously and decided to give this a go. I have read up on it and decided to have Monday and Thursday as my fast days and if it goes well I will add Tuesday too and do 4:3 as I have around 3 stone to lose.
    I understand no diet is a quick fix but does anyone have any tips for a good start? I find I stick at a diet better if I see results quickly. Thanks in advance 🙂

    Hi Gillian, How much you lose will depend on how many calories you are eating at the moment compared with the calories you will be eating when you start this. What I mean is that if you are eating for example 5000 calories a day (just thought of a number) at the moment and reduce this to 500 calories on 2 days and 2000 on 5 days you should certainly see a bigger loss than if you currently eat 2500 calories a day.

    The only thing I would say about a good start is to make sure that the calories you are eating are good ones so that you are getting the nutrients you need. By this I mean eggs, chicken, fish, veg, fruit (watch the sugar), stuff to fill you up for longer. You need to keep hydrated so drink plenty of water or herbal/fruit type teas if you don’t like coffee and tea without milk.

    You may find you lose quicker at the start anyway because some will be water but don’t give up if you don’t. It’s always better to lose slowly as it stays off better but 1lb per week is the average expected loss. I know that doesn’t sound a lot but after 14 weeks you would have lost a stone. Good Luck, hope I’ve helped. Linda

    Thank you Linda, that definitely helped!

    Measure yourself because sometimes the scales don’t shift but the inches do!

    I just finished day one (in the southern hemisphere). It wasn’t too bad. The hunger pains pass quite quickly and water or herbal tea help too. I was surprised how much raw vegetable salad I was able to eat and stay within my 600 calories. Good luck!

    Yep, got all my measurements done. I know sometimes your weight and fat/muscle/water stats don’t show much change but it’s clear in your body shape 🙂

    Thank you shaun, good luck to you too! Sounds like you’re doing well for your first day 🙂

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