Getting pregnant and 5:2

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kits 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I have a 3 year old son and am now trying for baby number 2. Sadly I suffered a MC earlier this year and piled on the weight. I have been on 5:2 for just a week and am already feeling much better for it.
    I’m being tested for auto immune issues as I have had other MC and although I want to be in peak physical condition for another pregnancy I’m worried that 5:2 may have the opposite effect in this situation.
    I remember from the book it said the body switched from focusing on reproduction to repair. Repair is obviously great but is it a problem that for 2 days I’ll not be in reproduction mode, so to speak?
    Advice on this would be great.
    Also what about 5:2 once pregnant?
    Has anyone found it easier to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy because of it?

    I can only comment with what I know in regards to dieting in GENERAL whilst trying to conceive, but I was told by several medical practitioners that it’s fine to diet whilst you are.
    Their main concern was that I not drop below 1300 calories per day and that I have a full and healthy diet, which I was still able to lose weight on at my age and height.

    I do not suspect that most people would recommend a diet that involves fasting once you’re actually pregnant though. Your body needs the energy to help nurture that little life inside of you!
    So long story short, without being a medical practitioner or medically trained at all… Maintaining weight when you’re overweight already during pregnancy is ok, but gaining is not and neither is serious calorie restriction (which would be a fast day on 5:2).
    So while you’re TTC, 5:2 should be fine. But obviously as soon as you’re aware that you’re pregnant have a chat with your doctor and discuss options for maintaining your current weight. You may find that you’ll lose a bit in early pregnancy due to morning sickness anyway lol.
    Good luck!

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