Fasting with medical conditions

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  simcoeluv 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I am a cancer patient, taking Thyroxine as chemo stopped my thyroid working, have put on loads of weight and am starting this diet to try and get the body beautiful – lol.

    Surgery – ovarian cancer – meant I am going through surgical menopause – am very interested to know if anyone else has a similar medical history and is doing well with the diet.

    Thank you in advance

    I do not have a similar medical history but would like to wish you the best of luck with both, your recovery and this new way of life!

    I am recovering from BC last year and now on AI’s(aromatase inhibitors)I am 60 but the AI are to deplete eostrogen have recently undertaken a vlcd – as weight management/loss has become problem, now have just 9lbs to BMI25. think this may suit as a lifestyle change and way to manage loss and management.I empathise with you not entirely sure how/should I do this -it seems as if it could help with the side effects of medication.

    I need some help with an issue.
    My husband is a type 2 diabetic on metformin and Levomir insulin 30 units once a day.
    I personally don’t think the insulin is doing “jack” for his condition as his blood sugars have not dropped, and stay steady at around 9. He is not insulin deficient, but insulin resistant.

    My question is this – if we wean him off insulin with the doctor’s consent,would the 5:2 help to stabilise his blood sugar at normal levels – i.e. below 6.5? He takes a cocktail of drugs for \unstable angina, arthritis etc, and I need to help him clean up his body. He cant fast on insulin, so is it worth a try getting off it as it doesn’t seem to make a lot of difference to his blood glucose.Could one of the author doctors comment here please?Many thanks for any help you can offer.

    Hi Lala and welcome:

    IF is being used to totally reverse Type 2 and there are several threads that have much information. Here is one:

    Start by looking for Dr. Fung’s videos. Here is one of about 8 to get you started:

    Good Luck!

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