Anorexia & Bulimia past history….

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Anorexia & Bulimia past history….

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Couscous 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi, I am new to the forum, I was recently watched the documentary, been to my GP who tells me many of her patients are on the diet and doing well. I have clients of my own telling me about it, and mostly I am keen to improve my inner health if I lose weight well that’s a bonus but not my primary reason for starting.
    I am 44 years old and have had two major eating disorder incidents in my life both triggered by severe stress the first at 17 lasted for about 7 years and the second at 36 and went for around 3 years before I got back to a healthy weight and stopped disordered eating and dreadful behaviours. At my lowest I would have been 44 kgs – I am 162 cm and now I weigh after 3 kids and 9 years of breastfeeding 65 kg! I think I’d be comfortable to get to around 58. I exercise a lot, walk about 45 minutes a day and try to do 6 yoga classes a week and swim laps twice a week about 3 km each session. My exercise keeps me reasonably toned but the daily chocolate I scoff from again stress, just keeps my weight the same it never budges. I just did an intensive 2 weeks of yoga sometimes 2 hot yoga classes a day no change in weight!
    I do live a very stressful life – I have a son with a severe behavioural disorder and a teenager so I’m sure many can relate to the pressures of a teen, I run my own business at home (massage) yes ironic, so busy life BUT I really want to try this I don’t like to call diet but way of life for eating and I am wondering if any others with a past history of ED’s and emotional eating managed ok? I am still awaiting the book from UK book depository but very keen to start fasting Monday – I hesitate to call it fasting having been anorexic fasting to me is nothing to eat for days and days, I know I can do that part but wonder if anyone else has some experience. BTW my GP didn’t seem to think it would tip me into disordered eating again. Any helpful advice greatly appreciated.

    Hi Imarni, well done for posting and joining the forum. To me your post shouts out about the stress in your life. I can sympathise as I suffer from it as well. I would simply say that you should consider approaching your stress from a different direction. Instead of the chocolate, (I have a weakness for it) consider meditation to help calm your mind and your life. You seem to need some “ME” time, some quiet calm in your hectic stressful life. Given your description of your family and personal efforts you are living your life at a 100 miles an hour. Remember, “Inner Health” is not just about the physical but also about the “Good Mental Health” we all need. Give yourself a well deserved pat on the back but find some time for calm.
    I wish you well, good luck with your life.

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