Is Dizziness a common side effect when embarking on the 5:2 diet.

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Is Dizziness a common side effect when embarking on the 5:2 diet.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jassy b 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi All

    I completed my second fast yesterday. The first day was surprisingly easy and I didn’t have any major side effects, just slight hunger. Yesterday I did my second fast and had a slight headache towards the end of the day. I was in bed early, around 10pm and when I got up I felt very dizzy and quickly got back into bed again. I tried to get up again around 10 minutes later and the same thing happened. I don’t know if this is anything to worry about and whether I should expect dizziness when I fast. I already suffer from dizzy spells and have been prescribed Betahistine and advised to take 8 mg three times a day. I manage on one tablet a day and haven’t had a dizzy spell for a while. I want to carry on with the diet but don’t want to put myself at risk ie when I am driving. Incidentally the dizzy spells on the fast day were different to the dizzy spells I have had in the past and I also occasionally suffer from low blood pressure. Have others experienced dizzy spells when starting the 5:2 diet and if so over what period of time?

    jassy b, dizzy spells are not a common complaint while fasting. Dizziness on standing up from lying down is often caused by postural hypotension — the reflexes that normally raise your blood pressure to compensate for the effects of gravity are not working as quickly as they should — but why you would have this when fasting I do not know. The usual recommendation for it is to sit on the side of the bed for a few minutes and then stand up slowly. It would also be a good idea to make sure that your water and salt intake are adequate. The good news is that this kind of dizziness is very unlikely to suddenly strike you while you are staying in a sitting position, for example when you are driving. Hope this helps.

    Thanks Franfit.
    You’ve been most helpful. I will increase my water and salt intake and keep you posted about my progress.

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