5:2 and the pill

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Metchick 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi not sure I’ve posted this in the right place – first time on the forum!! About to start 5:2 but noticed the advice about medications and fasting. Does anyone know if the contraceptive pill is affected by the 5:2 regime? I would normally take my pill in the morning, but on a fast day would most likely fast from the evening before, and not eat until the following evening. So would be taking the pill without any food for some time afterwards. Nothing in pill leaflet about needing to take with food and drink, so I’m thinking it’s probably ok but would be nice to know for sure!

    Hi Mummyoftwo. I’m not medically trained but I cannot see any reason why the pill should be taken with food. I am aware however that effectiveness is reduced if you have vomiting which makes logical sense! I am taking the POP every morning and didn’t give it a second thought on fast days (although I have only just started 5:2). Hope that helps!

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