My experience – astonishing for first few months. Then it stalled. Before the diet, I was already consuming fewer calories than some experts recommend for my size, and this diet was lower still, but I kept to it. Six weeks into the stall, so a total of six months into the diet, I gave up, as I was just too hungry to carry on. I returned to my usual diet (which for over 20 years has been broadly Mediterranean, lots of F&V) but now with much less sugar. But despite still eating too little, I’ve put on all the weight I lost, plus an extra eight pounds. My calorific intake cannot explain this weight gain. I simply have not consumed enough calories in the four months since stopping to have gained anything like the 26lbs (TWENTY-SIX POUNDS GAINED IN FOUR MONTHS) increase since the Fast Diet stalled. This has been the fastest weight gain of my life.
What a waste of time, money, effort, and hope to find that this diet is just like all the others. Six months in, the effect is reversed, and the resultant metabolic damage makes weight gain more likely. There is a talk by a neurologist on that explains why no diet, even this one, can work.
All diets, this too, are missing something fundamental. Avoid all dieting and especially fads like this. I challenge this site to publish this post in full.
2:01 pm
2 Mar 14