Research has shown that the fast diet has a beneficial effect on insulin sensititiy. In the video series, Dr. Mosley talked about how it in part goes back to our evolution from hunter gathering, e.g., when we fast the body starts to prepare for famine in part by improving insulin sensitivity. I suspect that the positive changes in insulin sensitivity as a result of HIT can be traced to what we used to refer to “Fight or Flight” responses of the body to physical stress. HIT is a high level of physical stress not unlike the running for our lives we did in prehistoric times. The body senses that the world is harsh out there and it needs to be ready to either defend ourselves or run and run fast . Either requires being able to quickly crank up our metabolism, pour energy into our muscles, and burn it rapidly. It may very well be that HIT pushes us back to our stone age selves.
4:04 am
4 Jun 13