cancer – chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

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cancer – chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  manderle 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi I am new to this site. I have chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) which has recently been diagnosed. It is untreatable. It can develop very slowly or speed up or turn into something worse. I have read that fasting helps chemotherapy work better, but is there any possibility that it could also slow down the progress of my disease? If there is any possiblility of this,would it be best to do 5:2 or another combination? I have no symptoms – it is in its very early stage.

    Hi Manderle.

    Sorry to hear you’ve recently been diagnosed with CLL. I’m a nurse and have worked in haematological oncology before, but don’t really feel that I or probably anybody else on this forum can answer this question properly.

    Do you have regular appointments with your oncologist? That’s probably who you should ask. You were probably allocated a clinical nurse specialist when you were diagnosed, they might be able to answer or find out for you. The clinical nurse specialists are usually very approachable.

    I hope you get an answer. Good luck.

    Hi maderle I have the same condition and have had it for 15 years–with no symptoms apart from my Doc telling me every blood test that my white blood cell count is high, I have hypothyroidism and it seems to be a condition that comes with it. My Doc assures me I will die with it not of it–I find that most comforting! Something I have had in the past is recurring upper respiratory tract infections–so have got all the battle ships out now–been to a great herbalist and getting on top of low immunity. Something I do is really watch my diet, making sure I have plenty of green leafies, brazil nuts, seeds and kefir. Quit alcohol when I started 5:2. Since August have lost 5kgs—that’s why I am double happy–especially since the thyroid can sabotage the best of efforts. In my unprofessional opinion i think any fat we can get rid of around our organs the better

    All the very best

    Thanks for that, mrchris. I guess no one really knows, but if it helps chemo work better by inhibiting the healthy cells so just the cancer cells can be targeted, then the implication is that it does not affect cancer cells. However if my CLL is slow acting then maybe…
    I will ask doctor at next appointment and in the meantime it will be interesting to see if the blood count is different when next taken.
    Thanks for your concern

    hi double happy
    If you have been on the fast diet for a long time it doesnt sound like it has reduced your white blood cell count.. I hope it does mine. We will see. Unlikely I know. I dont yet know how fast my CLL is developing. I hesitate to go on the CLL website at this stage in my illness as I will come across people who are not doing well and that will make me anxious.
    However I hope the diet does me good in other ways.. though I don’t need to lose weight and if I do my face will get thin… not flattering.

    I also read about a lady who was to undergo Chemo deciding to put herself on a fast prior to treatment. No doctor would commit themselves to saying it would help, which is why she took control and fasted before her first session. She found the side effects of chemotherapy were much reduced. For some reason she didnt fast for the second session and was quite ill, but did fast for the third with few side effects.
    I am sure I read it in the Fast Diet book – will check and get back to you.

    Yes that’s where I read it, in the fast diet book… it did say she should have done it under medical supervision.. she fasted for over 7 days, but no doctor would have agreed to it so she did it anyway. Dont think I would do that but if I had to have treatment then I might fast almost completely for a couple of days.
    Wonder if anyone else has tried it? Would be good to have feedback on this.

    Hi Manderle I have been doing 5:2 for 3 months so not very long, that’s an interesting point to see in maybe 3 more months if the count has changed.
    You mentioned in your first post chemo—did you mean that that is your pathway because you also said CLL is untreatable (which is my Doc’s opinion?

    I agree it is good not to go onto a site–well for me i am trusting how I feel and my Doc’s advice. I have learnt to be the sort of person that if there isnt a solution I move on to things I can solve–makes life more fun.–one of those things being to drop the extra 13kgs I was carrying. And on Dr Libby Weaver’s advice to use a rebounder, well the upmarket one a lymphasizer, every day for 10-20 minutes. I throw in a 10 minute meditation and 3 daily gratitudes–I figure its about the quality of my life each day.
    all the best

    Hi double happy
    I guess we shouldnt be discussing this on this site if it doesnt refer to the fast diet. Actually I am quite slim and have in 2 weeks lost 3 pounds which I think will be too much for me very soon so I may reduce to once a week though not sure it would have the same health benefits which for me is the only reason I do it.
    I know CLL not treatable but they do give chemo, they told me, but only to relieve symptoms I think. I havent asked any more. Dont know about rebounders or Libby Weaver, will look online. I too meditate.
    Good luck.

    Hi double happy
    HAve you looked at Nigel Warings comments under the thread of weight maintenance?. He reports good news about cancer by the 5:2 diet. obviously some of the threads overlap.

    I have now discovered that a rebounder must be US speak for a trampoline!

    Hi Manderle will check Nigel out. that sounds like great news.
    A rebounder is a mini trampoline for indoors, but the type that is most effective and safest is one called a lympersizer–it has a softer cushion and more springs. I tried a rebounder and found it jarred my joints. There’s heaps on google utube.
    Yesterday started to do do the HIT exercises bouncing.

    I think its ok we are on this forum–anyone who doesnt want to read our posts doesnt need to. And one of our keys is seeing if our bloods are different after doing 5:2 Congratualtions on your weight loss and knowing when to turn to maintenence. For me about 3kgs to go–but dont feel thats insurmountable.

    Nolan I’m thinking you are a scam–if you are go away–though I would like to use stronger language. If you are not accept my apology–but I don’t see your poing

    I have also posted this under ‘maintenance’.
    I have been on the diet now since beginning of Jan and have lost about as much weight as I dare.. was not overweight to start with but doing this for health reasons. Seems weight continues to go down and I am just about ok. I have osteoporosis so dont want to get thinner. I find the way of fasting is almost addictive. Dont want to stop!
    I was amazed to find when I recently had a blood pressure check… have been on medication for this for about 30 years and it is well under control… that my bp had dropped considerably.. in fact if it continues I might need to take less medication..that is phenomenal as I didnt really believe it would be affected. In a few days I will get the results of a cholesterol check and feel that will probably have got lower too.
    But the blood cancer… not sure it will have made any difference. Depending on results I might cut it down to one day a week. We’ll see.
    I am interested in Nigel Waring’s results. How’s it going Nigel?

    Hi Manderle,
    I have CML, which is also incurable, but controlled by oral chemo drugs. I’ve been intrigued by the possibility of fasting to improve my well being but I thought the diet was supposed to increase the amount of white blood cells, in order to kill cancer. That doesn’t sound useful to us if our problem is over productive white cells.

    I haven’t checked with my oncologist yet, so haven’t considered starting, but am interested to know how you get on. do you take a daily pill too? How does it affect you when you take it on an empty stomach?

    Hi pidgeroo
    I no longer use this site so will unsubscribe at some point.The Fast Diet is brilliant for losing weight but my cholesterol stayed exactly the same. I have an acidity problem at the moment so cut down on fats and large meals and the weight is falling off me, more than I want. I certainly dont need to lose weight, I need to put on a few pounds now.
    It didnt help with my CLL either and maybe you are right about the white blood cells.I think blood cancers are a whole different ball game. I haven’t needed any treatment for my CLL yet, but it has affected my immune system so I need to keep as fit as possible and not lose more weight!
    I wish you every good luck with your illness, may it remain in remission.

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