Day 2 for me and I love the plan so far. I was surprised to struggle the day after my first fast. I wasn’t hungry but I wasn’t sure how to eat. I’m accustomed to trying to be moderate EACH day. I’m 5′ 2″ and weighed 132 when I started.(66years old) In the past few years I have tried to be conscious of keeping carbs to a minimum and have been pretty successful in maintaining my weight that way. It seems that part of the success of the 5:2 plan is that one dos not have to be constantly vigilant and in deprivation mode. So, I found it difficult to know how much to consume on feast days. I have read the book and now feel like I need some guidance in how not to be a constant dieter-but at the same time continuing to eat in a healthy way.
3:30 pm
2 Jan 14