I’m still just starting my 5:2 journey and WOL, but I know that eventually I will get to my goal weight and will move into maintenance – and yes I’ve read a lot of the threads on Weight Maintenance so I feel rather well prepared for it – but my question is more about moving from a 5:2 WOL to not fasting at all due to a pregnancy?
A little back story to help – my goal is to lose weight and be securely in my BMI “normal” zone before attempting to get pregnant with baby #2. With baby #1 I was right on the normal/overweight line, enough so that it really made my pregnancy diet (and allowed weight gain) to be very strict and I ended up developing gestational diabetes. This time I want to get well into the normal zone so that I won’t have to be a strict and I can hopefully have a healthier pregnancy (and no GD). However I know that getting pregnant may take some time so I also know that once I reach my goal weight I will be in maintenance mode until I do eventually get that Big Fat Positive.
I guess my question is have any of you gone from using 5:2 to being pregnant (or having to stop fasting for any other reason) and how did that go for you? I am about 2 weeks in and I am really loving this WOL and this fits so much better with my lifestyle. I’m just wondering about the adjustment to go from fasting (which I was able to fall into really easily) to not fasting after your body has adjusted to a 5:2 lifestyle after several months?
11:11 pm
23 Aug 17