I’ve always struggled loosing weight as I’ve got the metabolism of a snail.. Generally eat healthy day to day, drink 3-4 cups of green tea and plenty of water daily and since being on my diet: I have exercised daily and take the stairs (up & down) at work.
I’ve started a new office job in the last 8 months from a retail job so gone from being on my feet doing over 10,000 steps a day to sat on my arse all day and so this is where the fast diet came into place, having put 10 pound on since last July.
I’m finding the diet soo easy and generally like it – (something that has never been said about a diet before!!)
HOWEVER! I’m finding that I’m putting weight on after my non fast days and it’s making me feel guilty eating over 500 calories cause I feel like my fast days are going to waste!
Because I find the 500 days so easy, I’ve been doing 4:3 – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and getting my week over and done with.
On my first week I started 11st7 and by Thursday I was 11st1 and was over the moon!
I then weighed myself on the Monday after, and I’d put 3lb on!!
My second week, I went from 11st4 and by Thursday I was 10st13 – again, over the moon!
But after a girls night of a few vodkas & flavoured sparking water, slimming world curry and the odd nibbles; I woke up this morning (already feeling guilty because I’ve got a BBQ today), so out of curiosity I weighed myself and I’d put on 4lb!!! (In a day!!!)
So I’m just hoping somebody could advise me of where I could be going wrong or what I could be doing so I don’t give up hope or even start doing a 7:7 week of fasting!!
9:22 am
8 Jul 17