Not losing weight on the 4.3 diet after 15 weeks of doing it

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Not losing weight on the 4.3 diet after 15 weeks of doing it

This topic contains 1 reply, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 7 years ago.

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  • I used the 4.3 diet with my first pregnancy and it seemed to of worked very well and lost all my weight with it, but second time around it just isn’t working the only thing I’ve changed is lifting heavy weights and doing butt exercises, I still do the same amount of cardio, I seem to lose a pound every month and then my weight just goes up and down, I’ve been doing the diet for around 15 weeks and not seen much weight loss on the scale, I have seen inches being lost off my waist and clothes are looser, I go away in 4 weeks and no where near where I wanted to be. Should I Stop the diet and try something new?

    Perhaps your gain in muscle is off-setting your loss of fat. Muscle weighs more, as I’m sure you know.
    I’m on the 5:2 diet and it has worked very well for me. Not familiar with the 4:3, but I guess you have 3 Fast Days and 4 Slow Days.
    Since you are years older than last time you did the diet, maybe your body’s response to food has changed. I find these days that beer makes the weight stay on; so does rice. Have you tried eating a “Fast Dinner” on the off days? Sometimes we do that and it helps keep the weight down.
    Try finding out what foods really ‘stick to your ribs’ [or your hips] and eat less of them.

    Where do I find this magical potion called mummy magic tea? If I drank double the amount would I lose 12 pounds per week instead of just the 6 like you’ve lost?

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