I've stopped losing weight

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I've stopped losing weight

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  fatrabbit 7 years ago.

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  • I’ve been strictly sticking to a 4:3 diet, 500 cals for 4 days and eating normal on the other days still within 2000cals, I’ve been loosing weight up until about a month or so now….. any tips to start losing again?

    Hi Amethyst14. You could consider Michaels “The 8 – Week blood sugar Diet”. Try it for a few days or a week to see if it kick starts your metabolism back into gear.
    Good Luck.

    Hi Amethyst14. The other thing you could try is the 16:8 protocol on your NFDs. That is, leaving a window of 16 hours with no food, and then eat your daily cals within an 8hour window. I travelled for 9 weeks last year, and was keen not to spoil my weight loss to date. I had no scales and no real means of counting calories and came home only 1 lb heavier using this method.
    Good luck!


    Have you recalculated your TDEE based on your new weight? As we lose weight I’m afraid we inevitably need less food to maintain our new lower weight. If you are still eating the same calories as pre-weight loss then it may simply be that you are eating too much on non-fast days.

    I find it’s easier to lose weight if I reduce/ cut out added sugar and refined carbohydrates. Perhaps you also need to look at the types of food you are eating on non-fast days?

    I haven’t no, I will try that though thankyou!

    Yeah, I do tend to go a bit crazy on non fast days!

    Amethyst14 – you are only eating around 9500 calories a week, or an average of about 1350 a day. Unless you are pretty small you are probably losing some fat, but it doesn’t always show well on scales. I tend to lose fast and then slowly climb or hold at a level often for more than a month. It isn’t abnormal.

    Change eating patterns can help as others suggested. Changing what you eat can often make a difference. For example cutting sugar can often make a difference. When I started avoiding added sugar I lost about 8kg in four months even though the replacement foods often had more calories. For example I eat a lot of nuts, probably over 500 calories worth a day. (Maybe more like a 1000 calories on NFDs. I don’t eat on FDs) It turns out I’m very sensitive to sugar and if I eat very much refined sugar I start adding fat around my middle.

    Things like exercise too can make weight loss confusing. If you build some lean body mass, that tends to be very heavy and actually is very wet too. Fat tends to be lighter and dryer.

    I’m typically making small changes to my diet every month. For example right now I’m experimenting with adding a little cinnamon into my coffee along with smaller amount of milled flax seed which is harder to get in Japan. I’m thinking I could add the cinnamon to coffee on fast days if I like it and it is supposed to help with fat loss. I’m sure in a week or two I’ll be trying something else. However you probably would like to have a much more regular weight loss than I have! It has taken me over four years to lose 26kg. (~60 lbs.)


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