
This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Buttonboots 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • A little bit about myself.

    I am 32. Last weigh in 3 weeks ago I was 104kgs and 5 foot 7 inches.

    I am in the obese with a BMI of 35

    My story:

    Since the age of 16, I have always been a “healthy” child. Weighing in at around 80 at the age of 26. Over the years, and 2 children later, I have slowly watched my weight climb and climb. Making excuses, “I am a full time working mother of 2 with no time to exercise”, “eating a snack here and there doesn’t count” “I will start looking at myself tomorrow”

    I look at photos of myself and cringe, avoiding being in them whenever possible.

    I understand that losing weight will be a slow process, as I let the kgs pile up over the years, they are not going to disappear overnight.

    I am scared that I will fail again – but am willing to give this 100%. I have never dieted before. So far I am looking to fast on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I don’t plan to calorie count on my days off, but I am going to stick to no snacks, smaller meal portions, avoiding sugar.

    At this stage I am too scared to step on the scales, so am hoping to gauge any weight loss by the looseness of clothes.

    This is fast day number 2 for me.

    Hi Scared,
    Welcome here. I am doing 5:2 without worrying about scales and judging weight loss by clothes works well. It is pretty hard to fail at 5:2 because if a fast day goes bad, it is over and done and you just use it for ideas to make the next one better. You are making a new habit of this way of eating, so give it time to get nicely fitting into your life.
    Enjoy fast day number two!
    Be kind to yourself, keep at it, and before you know it you will have to find a new username!

    Thank you for the kind words Cinque.

    Hi Scared!

    How are you doing?

    Just wanted to send you a little reassurance.

    I have been 5-2ing for some time now…my heaviest weight is unknown (my bathroom scales didn’t work for people over 20 stone….I DO know that the chemist scale weighed me in at 22 stone-ish at one point. Clothes didn’t have numbers for sizes…just a row of ‘xs followed by an L!….XXXXXL(5XL) was the largest the catalogues did, so that was what I squeezed my bulk into! (There was an ‘outsize’ shop in town…but to my shame I was too big even for them!)

    Dieting was always tough…especially as disability means I do zero exercise.

    5:2 was a revelation to me…and can be for you too! I am now around the 14 stone mark. Yes, it has been slow….but it has also been steady!….this way of eating REALLY works!

    I can buy ‘proper’ clothes now…albeit in large sizes (but sizes with numbers on them!!!)….I wear jeans!

    So you are scared of failure?…No need! You eat sensibly for 5 days…and this means no forbidden foods – so no failures on those days!….Maybe you are scared of eatig too much on a non-fast day?…No problem, you just keep a record of what you eat- if you go way over target one day then you can simply shrug and do better the next day -at the VERY worst you will be one day longer at getting to your target weight! Or, if you feel you want to, just fit a 3rd fasting day into your week that one week – cancel out the minor blip!….Scared of overeating on a fast day?- the key is PLANNING – 500 cals actually gives you more food than you might think! Keep a supply of minimum calorie diet-savers in the kitchen at all times. …my faves at the moment are Miso Soup and Sugar Free Jelly (both have less than 10 cals and are really useful when you need a savoury or sweet ‘something’ on a fast day)

    3 fast days a week is tough going on a regular basis….don’t be too hard on yourself if you decide to go for two days….and 3 consecutive fast days? WOW! you may be ‘scared’ but you are brave!

    You CAN do this…make the plan work for you. Fit it into your lifestyle. The results may be slow in coming….but they WILL come.

    You’ve made a good decision in trying 5:2…and in finding your way onto this forum…lots of lovely people here!

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