3 months in

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  audrich 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • So I’ve been doing this ‘diet’ since September 1st now. Now i’ll be the first to say the results aren’t shocking, but they’re good. i started at 138, which is a lot for my 5’3 frame and now i’m down to 128..10 pounds! this may seem like nothing to most, but i’ve never successfully lost weight before and if i did i gained it back right away. i may not have lost weight every week, but i also never gained it back. at this point i’m going to keep continuing the ‘diet’ indefinitely, but i’m not sure if i’ll lose any more weight, i’d be happy just to maintain this now. ideally i’d be 125 or 120 in another 3 months, but those 5-10 pounds are the hardest to lose, and i haven’t been 120 since high school and my body’s changed a lot since then so i think that might be pushing it. what i have to say is stick with it..it’s worth it!! it gets SO MUCH EASIER! after the first month i barely even realized the fasting days. also, i probably could have lost more weight if i followed it exactly, but the last month i haven’t been limiting to 500 cals on fast days bc of the nature of my work..i’m a nurse and always on my feet and need to have energy so i’ll eat these ‘thinkthin’ bars which have 230 cals and 20grams of protein that keep me AMAZINGLY full…best food for fast days!! but instead of getting packaged burrito thats 270 cals or something i make a small dinner for myself on fast days and try to keep it under what i think is 400cals so i probably eat around 600cals on fast days this past month..so it’s not exact..but the fact that i haven’t been overly strict with calories is what allowed me to stick with this diet longer than any other diet before..3 months doesn’t feel like a ‘diet’ anymore..it really is a lifestyle change!! good luck to everyone!


    Fantastic nomagic! You are doing really well. Please be so proud of yourself. You will find really good advice on these forums. Keep up the good work. Go for your goals – you’ll get there. So proud of You 🙂

    Great news. As some have said before, it is not a race. I believe it is much more important to keep it up.

    Slow but steady is better than fast and wobbly! It’s true that the last pounds are always the hardest, but if you just keep at it I’m sure you’ll get to a healthy weight eventually. And it’s all about health after all 🙂

    Hi nomagic 🙂

    Congrats and well done on your loss so far 😀 10lbs in 3 months is pretty much the expected loss for this Way of Eating.

    I think that 128lbs is a healthy weight (in terms of BMI) for someone of your height, but I can understand you wanting to lose a little bit more 🙂

    If the 600cal on fast days is working for you – and it seems to be – then stick with it. Have you calculated your TDEE – it may be that if you are very active, that you need 2400 cals on a normal day anyway.

    All the best for the next few pounds 🙂

    thanks for all the support everyone! i’m going to check back in at the 6 month mark and am hoping to be down to 125 and keeping it off. Good luck with all of your journeys!


    Looking forward to seeing you again then! By that time I hope to have also reached my goal, so we’ll be happy together 😉

    yes, i hope so too, in fact i know it! This is really easy to stick to once you get into the routine so i don’t see myself stopping any time soon and i hope you find yourself having an easy time with the diet yourself. Best of luck!

    Well done, nomagic!

    Also plodding on, hoping for the best, may we all plod together towards a happier, healthier, leaner life!

    Aud x

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