One week at a time experiments – 10 lbs from goal and a little stuck!

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One week at a time experiments – 10 lbs from goal and a little stuck!

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  • I have been stuck at 140ish lbs for about 5 months now, after losing about 45 lbs last year. I am happy to have maintained, though I still have cravings and occasional binges, and I seem to think about food all the time. Well, a lot of the time anyways!

    So, after starting and stopping, and hemming and hawwing, I decided to try something different. Starting this past Monday, I started getting up off my lazy butt and am doing Couch-to-5K (again- do it nearly every year but stopped exercising while losing weight so I wouldn’t throw myself off with inflammation and water gain,etc). Now, I think I have let it get too far out of control and allowed my blood sugar/insulin resistance to just go overboard, and that is feeding my cravings.

    As for eating, I am going to continue with my 16:8 or thereabouts schedule most days. That schedule just works for me in a lot of ways any how. What really throws me is late in the day after getting off work. I head for the fridge and it’s all over.

    Peanut butter is a huge craving of mine, so I just forbid myself to buy it now. For one week. I am Low Carb, Intermittent Faster, so I sometimes forget to go to the store to get something to completely satisfy me. Or I get bored easily. And I go right back to things that will put the weight back on. Then I will gain back the couple of lbs I just lost.

    Ok, so, for this week only, I am 1. running 2 days, off 1 days, etc.
    2. no peanut butter at all
    3. no refined carbs except 1 small roll at dinner
    4. change after work snack to apple with cream cheese
    5. change lunch to few slices of turkey lunchmeat, 1 slice cheese, 1 apple weights when possible (I am a chronic pain patient so this isn’t always easy!)

    I will report back in a few days and again at the end of the week my results. If they are good , I will continue, if not, I will try something else. Something has to be wrong inside chemically, something I can change, just like I did last year.

    Also, I have been reading about exercise helping to lower insulin levels, and to aid in releasing fat stores (I don’t believe in the calorie burning value of it – it is such a small amount of what we burn every day!) Very interesting science!

    Beginning of day 3: results so far:

    Start weight 142.8
    Current. 141.8

    Today is normal eating day…3 good meals, with good carbs and even whole wheat bread, lots of good fats, protein,etc.

    Tomorrow and Friday, back to 3 mile morning runs, 16:8 and no carbs.

    Sounds good to me so far. Id be reading the label on the peanut jar real close. Are you craving fats and protein or are there hidden sugars in the brand of peanut you buy and that’s what youre craving? I know that after a hard bike ride I crave cheese which makes sense to me as Im wanting protein.

    I was getting natural peanut butter so thought it was good for me`…high fat, high protein, low carb..what the heck? Then did some research and it turns out that peanuts raise something called lectin, which does the following:

    Lectin and leptin resistance

    Lectin may cause leptin resistance, affecting its functions (signal have high levels of leptin and several effects gathering to protect from lipid overload), as indicated by studies on effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms on the function of leptin and the leptin receptor.[18] Such leptin resistance may translate into diseases, notably it could be responsible for obesity in humans who have high levels of leptin.

    Interesting what you find out when you look far enough!

    So far this week, my cravings are a lot less. So is it mental? I don’t know. It seems like my cravings are SO strong they can’t possibly be anything but hormonal! But I crave carbs a lot…biscuits, bread, etc. I am getting my feast day in after 2 really good fast days, which I think is how I was doing it last year, so we’ll see how it goes! Looks good so far! Thanks for your input!

    I almost exclusively eat almonds and walnuts when eating nuts. Peanuts are a sometimes snack. The longer you can abstain from simple carbs the better. Your liver will be forced to ramp up its fat processing ability. It has no other option but to do so if your refined carb intake is low. It will take a few months to break the cycle so hang in there. Try and get most of your carbs from veg (and some fruit). I have big bowls of chopped up veg (raw) with a splash of low sugar dressing and apple cider vinegar. Its actually very tasty and very filling. Just throw in any of your favourite veggies.

    Hi fit, my story is very similar to yours. Last 10 lbs to lose and stuck for last 3 months. I think my stall is a result of 2 injuries where I broke ribs and avulsed abdominal muscles. Pain has prevented me from exercising while I mend. I was previously very active walking,swimming and doing aerobic classes and all that stopped suddenly with my first injury. Almost healed from that episode and then another fall 3 days ago and I am back to square one again. I know this will all mend in afew weeks, but I had planned to be at goal weight some weeks ago and feeling frustrated. Also finding my digestion/regularity seems messed up since it is so painful to contract the ab muscles.
    I am able to follow my fast days but then overindulge on nfd.
    You have inspired me to get a plan going and stick to it. I can comfortably walk for 20 minutes (no arm swinging) so will as of today, add 2 x 20 min walk sessions to my routine. In the past I found exercise acts as an appetite suppressant plus an incentive to not overeat and use up all the calories burned through exercise.
    I use a fitbit to track cal in/out.

    I am in the last 12 lb range myself. I am trying to get from 142 to 130 and 5’1″. This past week, I did hiit cardio 4x, 2 days of weights plus added a 60 min brisk walk one day. All that while doing 5:2 and when I got on the scale, only lost 1/2 pound. I was a little disappointed but telling myself it was all lost fat (whether or not true, that is what I choose to believe). I eat very “normal” on the 5 days and don’t restrict because then I’d feel like I’m on any other diet where I feel a victim of the diet itself and get resentful. I will keep going. Today is supposed to be my scheduled day off exercise but we have an event tonight (food, drinking, dessert) so I am going to try a yoga dvd & rev’ up calorie burn for that. I am hoping that the last 12 lb will come off faster than 2 per month but I guess we’ll see. The good news is, to the untrained eye, I probably look like I am at goal and only I know the difference. So I am going to keep a positive attitude and keep pushing forward.

    Hi nigelori and welcome:

    Your weight loss sounds about right. I estimate your TDEE to be around 1700. If you do two 500 cal. days a week, you cut around 1200×2 cal. out of your diet, or around 11 ounces a week. That comes out to around 2 to 3 pounds a month. You just have to be patient! Or eat less if you want to hurry things up. Your exercise, while health promoting, does not do much to help your weight loss along.

    Here are some tips. The TDEE post explains how the numbers work, and the exercise post explains why exercise does not speed up weight loss very much:

    Good Luck!

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