Hi everyone!
First time poster on my first day of fasting. I’m a 26-year old male, 5ft10in, weighing 14st11lb (around 94kg/207lb). I’ve flirted with ‘getting fit’ many times but, like many people, it only ever seems to be in short-lived spurts. At best, I’ve managed to lose a stone, but then gradually it creeps back up as I go back to my normal way of life.
The 5:2 lifestyle appeals to me on many fronts, but primarily because it’s actually a sustainable way of living and simultaneously restricting calories. As a Muslim, I’m used to fasting ‘proper’ (no food or drink whatsoever), so this method of fasting is not as big a jump for me as it might be for other newbies.
What I’m planning to do is do the 2 days of fasting as prescribed but simply eat it in one meal at the end of the day. So the last time I ate was Sunday 8pm, and I intend to eat my 500 calories in one sitting on Monday at 8pm, before commencing on a normal day on Tuesday 8am, making it the 36-hour fast prescribed.
In order to accelerate my weight loss, I intend to eat more carefully on my non-fast days.
My first target for weight loss is 1.5stone (10kg/22lb) by the end of 2016 and my ideal weight would require 2st11lb loss (18kg/40lb).
I have taken a measurement of my waist and chest so that I can check the progress on a monthly basis, and I intend to weight myself every Monday morning (fast days will be Monday and Thursday).
Appreciate any critiques!
11:55 am
16 May 16