Reflux Relief

This topic contains 15 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  WendyWoof 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi All

    I’ve been taking medication (Losec) for reflux for several years.

    I usually take 20 mg a day but occasionally have to take an additional 10 mg is the symptoms are bad.

    One doctor told me these tablets are OK to take long term but another told me the opposite so I am keen to come off them if I can.

    I’ve read on the forums that many people experience a great reduction in their reflux symptoms when doing 5:2. This gives me great hope.

    I would love to hear from other reflux / heart burn sufferers as to whether you’ve found the eating plan helps this condition.


    Hi Susan,

    One concern about the long term use of Omeprazole (Losec) is that it may increase levels of gastrin, a hormone which may have an effect on cancer growth although this may be of no clinical significance.

    A 2001 study showed that taking Omeprazole on alternate days was sufficient to control gastric reflux and also significantly reduced the levels of gastrin compared to taking the drug every day;

    Effect of long-term, continuous versus alternate-day omeprazole therapy on serum gastrin in patients treated for reflux esophagitis. Ligumsky M, Lysy J, Siguencia G, Friedlander Y. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2001 Jul;33(1):32-5. –

    A recent article details current concerns and is well worth a read;

    Reported Side Effects and Complications of Long-term Proton Pump Inhibitor Use. David A. Johnson, Edward C. Oldfield IV. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013;11(5):458-464. –

    Numerous posters on this forum have reported that their reflux disorder has improved following their adoption of the 5:2 diet.

    It should be remembered that non medicating if it is needed brings its own risks;

    Acid Reflux and Esophageal Cancer. Tracy Miller.

    It may well be worth trying to cut down your Losec to alternate days when you’ve been on the diet for a couple of weeks. If you have no adverse effects, consider reducing your dose further.

    I hope that fasting helps you with your reflux disorder and wish you the best of luck.


    Hi Sarah

    Thanks for the reply.

    I am very wary of cutting my dose as the heartburn is hideous but on the other hand I am very eager to get off these pills – I don’t like taking any medications if I don’t need to.

    I will read the articles you have linked to when I get a chance (currently at work 😉 ).

    Yesterday – my first fast day – I felt really good tummy wise and no sign of any heart burn so no need to top up my medication. Yay!


    Hi Susan, welcome! I can only share my personal experience. after starting 5:2 3 weeks ago, I have had virtually NO reflux. I was needing to stay upright for at least 8 hrs after eating, and then still had reflux. Not sure why it’s better, but the only thing I have changed is 5:2. I can even eat tomato sauce!

    I hope you have good results too. maybe check with your doctor after you have done a couple of weeks. good luck!

    Thanks for the replies.

    I have to say that after reading the articles that Sarah sent me I feel somewhat petrified. Stay on the medication and have an increased risk of cancer, come off the medication and have an increased risk of cancer if my heartburn continues… sigh. Might ask the Dr for an examination to check my throat for any signs of the dreaded C.

    BUT still very encouraged to read of people’s positive experiences regarding heartburn / reflux after starting 5:2.


    Hi Susan, I can certainly understand your worry. If you are still having reflux on medication, you can probably tell if the 5:2 helps. maybe give it a couple of weeks and see if you need the extra medication. If not, check with your doctor to see about decreasing it. take it slow and perhaps have the doctor check for any damage. good luck with the diet and keep us posted on how you are doing.

    By the third week, I noticed no reflux at all. I like the idea of taking the omeprazole alternate days or as needed. (10mg daily for 3 yrs). If I missed a day, I suffered at night. I seem to only need it now on days I drink alcohol in the evening. I fast Mon & Thurs, so a glass of wine on Friday may keep me up at night. A friday pill may be all I need. I am already high risk for cancer – have had it twice already. Didn’t know long term use could increase chances of cancer. Thanks for the info. Will talk with my doctor at my next check up.

    Hi Susan,

    I have been taking 20 mg and then 10 mg Omeprazole for 3 or 4 years for reflux and GERD. I have been on the 5.2. for about 11 weeks now and have lost 1 stone, I also lost 6 lb the few weeks before I moved over to this diet. So 1 stone 6 lbs overall.

    I stopped taking the tablets 5 weeks ago to give it a try, normally when I have done this in the past I get quite ill after about 6 days.

    I have only taken just 5 tablets over the 5 week period when I knew I was going out to drink more than a couple of drinks and family occasions having buffet type food.

    I have heard such bad reports on these drugs I really would like to stop them, so I feel if taking just one when really needed is better but hopefully trying to stop all together.

    Don’t forget to lay on your left side, if the heartburn is bad, it helps!

    So good luck, maybe you can try later into the diet.

    Just wanted to weigh in here on this subject. A great benefit I have noticed since starting this 5:2 eating pattern is that I do not need to take the Prevacid any more…my brother had been on Prevacid for years and when he had a heart attack last fall they could not do the surgery until they got his blood count up…his doctor said he was anemic because the Prevacid did not let his body absorb iron from his diet. Just another reason to try and get off these PPI drugs.

    Hi Everybody,

    I have been taking 10 mg Omeprazole tablets for reflux/ GERD Every day for 4 years, I have been on the 5.2 for 5 months and have totally stopped all my tablets. There are so many bad reports of these sort of tablets I am over the moon at stopping them.


    Symba7, hi. I too have taken the same strength Omeprazole for longer than 4 years. Am a bit bothered about stopping as I get oesophagitis when I don’t take them which can be really uncomfortable and even painful. Haven’t tried to do without them since starting 5:2. Maybe try it after Christmas.

    Symba7, do not usually read about side effects on meds, because I immediately have them. However, after reading your comments re Omeprazole just looked up adverse effects online. Indeed I have quite several of them! I really should try to do without them. Will have a chat with my GP. Did you have a lot of side effects? And did your GP advise you to stop? I just know mine will try to dissuade me from stopping them.

    Hi Everyone,

    Acid reflux and consequently GERD can be very frustrating and debilitating conditions, do I know that! I’ve to live with it for more than 7 months with doctors telling me that I was to basically live on tofu and proton pump inhibitors (which only aggravated my digestion) until I found a solution.

    If you care to know more about my story please or email me:

    I’ll be happy to share with you how I’ve learned to overcome this awful condition!



    I was put on omeprazole when I had my gallbladder out, so I don’t think I would be able to come off them.

    Hi, I have been on 5:2 for a month but have felt my reflux get worse. I think it has to do with the fact that I go without eating for so many hours. HAs anybody else felt this? I take Nexium and have for a year and a half but it is not helping right now.

    Hi Andre,
    This also happened to me, but after a bit of research I discovered that it was more to do with what I was eating, rather than that I was not eating. I had upped my intake of black coffee, tea, and diet coke on fast days quite considerably. If you google Alkaline diet, you will see that these drinks are major causes of acid production and increase the episodes of reflux.
    I have almost completely cut these out now (just one cup of tea a day, and one cup of coffee a week – no coke at all) and I drink pleanty of water and herbal tea. I also follow a more alkaline diet, with a hugely increased intake of salad and vegetables and pulses. My symptoms have completely disappeared, and I also have a lot more energy!
    You can read more about it here
    Good luck.

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