Thrombophilia factor V Leiden, blood clotting and risk of DVT

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Thrombophilia factor V Leiden, blood clotting and risk of DVT

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nice pear 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I have recently been told I have Thrombophilia and am heterozygous for factor V Leiden(following a stillbirth due to IUGR and placental thrombosis ). I’m currently not on anticoagulant medication but have an increased risk of DVT. Does anyone know how intermittent fasting could affect my blood clotting process in a positive or negative way?

    Hello, I dont have any knowledge about your medical issues but I saw another thread mentioning warfarin here with advice from a doctor so it might be worth searching for that. I am very sorry to hear that you had a stillbirth and wish you well.

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