One week in

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Purple Vegie Eater 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • And I haven’t lost a single gram….very disappointed thought this would be the plan that would finally work, I’ll give it one more week and if nothing happens then it’s back to the drawing board!!!!


    Hi Colin
    Are you weighing yourself every morning and evening? Everybody fluctuates enormously every 24 hours, so you must have lost/gained at least a gram at some point.
    Are you eating below your TDEE on non fast days? (Calculate your TDEE on the homepage here.) You need to eat below this 5 days a week and 1/4 of it on fast days. This really is a simple, effective way of regaining your health. Keep it up. It DOES work 🙂 All the best PVE

    Hi PVE,

    I would think that I am below my TDEE on non fast days I commute to work by bike covering a distance of between 30-40 km each day with average 30 km per hour…so its a pretty good daily workout….I may squeeze in a ride at the weekend of around 50km + but more often I have a break from exercise at the weekends or else I’ll burn out!!

    I’ll admit that I rarely count calories, that said I do restrict intake on non fasting days to ensure I don’t back eat.

    To answer your other question, I only weigh first thing….I weighed at the weekend and I weighed again this morning 114.10 kg on both occasions?


    Hi Colin
    I’d suggest, weigh morning and night and record it. Don’t allow for your cycling in your calorie allowance. That’s just a bonus 🙂
    Have you used the calculator on the homepage here and have you read the Fast Diet book? Both worth doing.
    Set a goal weight and put that in the calculator and put your fitness lower than it is. Then count calories for at least a few days to get a handle on which foods give you the greatest satiation for the lowest cals. 🙂 Purple


    Thanks for the advice….The calculator used was the one on this site, no I haven’t yet read the book.

    To be honest I have never included the calories burned when cycling, as you say this is a bonus.

    Will give your suggestions a try and see what happens.

    Thanks again


    You CAN do it. My husband and I lost 60kg between us over a year and have maintained for a further 18 mths by fasting. He reversed his Type 2 diabetics. It IS doable 🙂 P

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