Zumba, HIT ?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Babbledrop 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi

    I’ve just done my first 2 day fast and lost 2lbs. I’m wondering if Zumba comes under the HIT exercise umbrella ? I’m 63 and have done Zumba classes years ago, love it but I’m a bit older now and not so flexible 🙂. I’ve started doing it at home with DVD’s and would love to hear it is HIT, but even not I’ll still keep with it.

    Depends. Are you able to sustain the exercise for longer than 30 seconds? If you can then its not HIT. HIT is MAXIMUM effort for 20-30 seconds. At the end of it you should be in severe physical discomfort, unable to continue, and needing a recovery period at reduced intensity.

    Do Zumba by all means but it is unlikely to be HIT.

    Ah, right it’s not HIT then. You do quite high intensity movement for about 2/3 mins with breaks where you move more slowly. Never mind I thought I’d found my perfect HIT exercise 😀

    Focus on proper diet. Exercise is icing on the cake but its not THE cake.


    Exercise is great for everyone who is able as it gets/keeps us fit and flexible.
    Is it HIIT or not? NO. HIIT is a quick way of improving cardio-vascular health and iS great for the time poor but it is not essential. If you have time for a Zumba class 2 or 3 times a week you’ll reap similar benefits in the long term.

    I don’t do HIIT but I go to the gym and use the exercise bike and rowing machine for cardio-vascular fitness with occasional stints on the cross trainer and treadmill and my fitness is the best it has been in my adult life. (I’m the same age as you) My blood pressure has reduced, my stamina is much improved and my resting heart rate has decreased significantly.
    If you enjoy Zumba then continue with it as the enjoyment is good motivation as it lifts the spirit and for me the feeling I get after working out is worth as much as the health benefits 🙂

    Hi Amazon

    I have plenty of time to do exercise as I’m retired but it’s not the time aspect it’s the motivation I need and unless I’m enjoying the exercises I’ll give up. I have some very serious health problems and getting fitter wouldn’t to me any harm. I’ll keep going with the Zumba as I love it. Maybe as I get a bit fitter I can start with some HIT exercise as well.

    HIIT isn’t a magic bullet and other exercise has similar effects but it takes longer for benefits to occur.
    Walking (at a pace that raises your breathing rate if possible)or going for a swim are both great ways to exercise. Swimming is especially beneficial as it doesn’t put strain on the joints.

    If you can manage it a brisk walking pace burns the most fat as a ratio of fat glycogen glucose. You are burning all three at any time, only the ratio changes depending on your physical state and the exercise you are doing.

    I think you have said it yourself. If you enjoy Zumba, do Zumba. Better to do something you enjoy and will keep doing. Add in hit if you want to! Good luck and keep dancing!

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