yes! it worked for me

This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Tobias Karlsson 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • This is the first time I have done anything like this, but looking at the forum occasionally there seems to be some doubt from people as to the validity of the 5:2 diet.
    This is my own story.
    Before the television programme was broadcast I was diagnosed as clinically obese, high-ish blood pressure and cholesterol and well down the road to type 2 diabetes.
    I started the 5:2 diet after viewing the broadcast in August last year.
    I stepped on the scales this morning at 12stone 1 pound, loss of 5stone 3pounds. My last blood test at the doctor was normal for everything. Told that there was nothing to worry about (they were amazed at the difference) an come back in 6months.

    The weight loss has given me more energy and vitality and feel fitter and healthier today than I did 20years ago.

    So many thanks to Michael and team it has all been worthwhile.

    Hi Fatboyslim! Congratulations to you! Your’s is a really positive story that will keep us motivated. I’m sure your family and friends are so proud of you! 5:2 seems like a really healthy way to lose weight – pleny of fruit and veg and not cutting out any food groups and still enjoying the occasional treat.
    I’m a relative newbie – in the middle of my 8th fast day and I usually hit the forums for inspiration when I’m feeling hungry and your story has really gave me the boost I needed. Thanks!
    Have you been combining it with exercise? What are your plans now – will you go onto 6:1? Claire

    Yes I started running again the day Before Xmas last year. I have done marathons in the distant past, but started with a modest 1 1/2 miles and slowly over about 6 months extended it to 4 miles which I did this morning and finished up with a dip in the sea. (it’s ok nobody seems to believe me)
    I still have fasting days but only when I feel like it. The weight has been pretty constant for about 2 months
    So Clair keep going, it’s worth it

    Well done fat boy slim! your story has inspired me loads too! I’m working from home today on my 2nd fast day (week 1)and am reading the forums again to stop temptation from opening the fridge or cupboards. These stories make me believe I can do it too! How much running did you do and how often?

    Well done. You are very inspring!


    I run 4 to 5 times a week now but it is weather dependant. Living in the NE of Scotland the weather is fast approaching winter so the frequency will diminish. I was never one for the gym so I run at the beach, lots to look at so the distance is covered before you know it.
    Thanks for your response

    Hi fatboyslim,

    Nice story indeed! I am a runner myself and I was concerned that it would not be healthy to be on this diet while running quite a lot (like 30km a week in relatively tough tempo). Well, I can only conclude that I had no problem at all and my running is better than ever (no wonder with almost 10% less body mass to carry around! The body is incredibly adaptable. I typically had a long distance exercise on Mondays, fasted on Tuesdays, ran interval on Wednesdays, fasted on Thursdays and then ran on Friday. The weekend was all about the family and pleasure and nothing about fasting or running 🙂

    So I did worry that this regime would break down my body, but I had no negative experience whatsoever. I think I just compensated for whatever I needed on my feast days. I went to 6:1 two weeks ago and am trying this out now. The running scheme stays the same 🙂

    Must be beautiful to run at the beach…

    Hi Tobias,
    It was really good to read your post. I am also a runner trying to get back into it properly and get faster. I realised yesterday that I hadn’t been going as often as I would like. I am ok with that in the short term just getting used to the fasting, as I previously have just exercised more and more to compensate for eating (my first triathlon was a half ironman, which I found out about and was able to enter six weeks before as I had been exercising so much). I want to be in control of my eating so my running can just be for fun, fitness and getting faster, and it is great to read you are doing both!
    Cheers 🙂

    Hi iwant2bincontrol

    Well done on a half triathlon, I have never tried anything like that.
    I am missing out running today as the weather is bad – heavy rain and high winds.

    Hi Tobias
    Well done and keep up the good work.
    Running at the beach gives me open spaces, no traffic and plenty of interest – boat movement, dolphins, seals and seabirds.

    I will have a rest today as I have run for 4 consecutive days and need a break


    “Running at the beach gives me open spaces, no traffic and plenty of interest – boat movement, dolphins, seals and seabirds.”

    Great course to run on.


    Hi Iwant2Bincontrol,

    Sorry I only have time to visit the forum irregularly. I am so impressed that you do triathlon. I am a terribly poor swimmer 🙂 and those distances are just a bit too long for me. So I stick to long-distance running only!

    I know that it is a bit off topic, but I can really say that running intervals and having a high-speed training per week have done miracles also to my long-distance running. I always thought I had a good excuse in that I am getting older :). With hindsight, I now know that I just did not train hard enough and well enough… I got stuck with my long-distance running as I did not push my body sufficiently. I want to stress that this is not about “coughing your lungs out after every training” but training more efficiently, surprising your body, and varying the speed and length of the trainings. I have become much quicker also on the long distances on this regime although I am not putting in more kilometers. I know that Michael Mosley once compared diet with exercise – that you need to stress your cells the same way you stress your muscles. I tend to agree with this… it is interesting how things come together in the end.

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