I’m about to start the fast diet but can I get something off my chest (weight off already?). What’s with the use of pounds, stone, inches etc – I thought the UK was metric so WTF? Michael in his excellent book starts well with kgs with lbs in brackets but by the time he gets to his tables of personal before and after measures regresses to the old imperial measures with no metrics at all.
I’m the first to admit that losing two pouunds sounds like a lot more than 0.8 kg but would people either give the offical metric measures or at least convert for us who live in a metric world (which is most of it apart from a big recalcitant one that shall remain nameless).
Phew! Now I feel a lot better and think I just might be able to start on my diet journey (in kgs only but will convert to lbs for those unable to).
2:42 am
20 Oct 13