
This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  3wishes 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I have been lurking for a while on the forum and decided to introduce myself. I am 55, American, and female – married with one son in college. I began putting on weight in puberty and it continued to climb. To reach a normal body weight I will have to lose 120 pounds.

    I started the 5:2 in August after hearing about it on the radio. Something clicked and I checked out the book from the library and started as soon as I could. I have now lost 24 lbs which is a steady rate over 3 months. I have never had a diet that has worked before that I feel that I can continue for the rest of my life.
    At the same time I joined an on-line diet sponsored by a local health company that is free to join and PAYS YOU MONEY for losing weight. They send out daily emails with diet and exercise suggestions. One of their maxims, of course, is never let yourself get hungry. I laugh and collect the money. I find the fasting method to be exactly as advertised in the book.

    One of my favorite games is to think about what I would wish for if I found a genie in a bottle who would grant me 3 wishes. My first wish has always been to lose weight. Of course, knowing how evil genies can be – you have to couch this wish in terms where nothing evil can happen to you as a consequence of the wish. So my first wish has evolved to be:

    I wish that I and all my friends and family can healthily achieve and maintain a healthy body weight for the rest of our long, happy, healthy, and mentally sharp lives with an easy method that allows us to enjoy food and eating.

    So…. Dr. Mosley – Genie in the bottle? What do you think?

    Ok – now I can start working on that second wish……

    Hi 3wishes and welcome 🙂

    Definitely genie in a bottle!

    What a lovely game to play, and what a great start you have had to 5:2 – sounds like you have a very healthy approach to this Way of Eating 😀 😀 – and you are well on your way to your goal 🙂

    And how wonderful to not be sucked in by the local health company but be benefiting by their plan! 🙂

    It seems to be a common feeling for many on this WOE that it is the first time we have an eating regime that we can maintain for life.

    Best wishes as you continue your journey 🙂
    PS I am the same age as you, female, live in Australia, married, with 2 sons, one at uni, other just finished school. There are lots of us at this stage in life – have you checked out the Ladies of a certain age topic?

    3wishes, also welcome.

    Had to laugh- good wish! Here’s to hoping the other two are just as great!

    Hello and welcome! 24lb so far is great and at a good pace as well I think. If the weight’s been creeping on since puberty it only makes sense that it doesn’t all melt away in a few months right?

    Thanks for the kind welcome, everyone. I am happy that so many here are generous with their encouragement. I feel sorry for those where the 5:2 lifestyle isn’t working as well as for others. I think that, like all things, there is a bell curve of effectiveness – where on one end of the bell curve are the extremely successful and at the other end of the bell curve are the ones where the fast isn’t working at all. I am grateful that this is working for myself. I look forward to fasting days because it makes me feel so good. I have even talked my husband into joining me this next week. We’ll see how well that works. (smile)

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